A half-hour.Originally posted by godrulz
How long is it?
Yes. It's an mp3. You can either click the link and play it in your browser, or Control+Click and save it to your hard drive first.Will it work on a Mac?
A half-hour.Originally posted by godrulz
How long is it?
Yes. It's an mp3. You can either click the link and play it in your browser, or Control+Click and save it to your hard drive first.Will it work on a Mac?
Listen to the show...Originally posted by ShadowMaid
I'd like to know... does he believe you're not accountable for anything until you turn 20?
It depends on the water.Originally posted by godrulz
Blood is thicker than water.
Yea... I think it was mistakenly deleted.Originally posted by Poly
Hey Knight, didn't Lion touch on this subject a little at one time here on TOL? I did a search for it but couldn't find anything. I thought maybe it got pruned.