GOP investigation finds no Michigan vote fraud, deems many claims ‘ludicrous’


Well-known member
Cyber Ninjas completed their investigation. Can you guess who won?

There have been multiple other audits as well, all confirming the official results of the 2020 election.

July 21 (Reuters) - Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting equipment of a rural county that participated in an audit of the 2020 election requested by a Republican state lawmaker and staunch ally of former President Donald Trump.

Democrats were angered that one county allowed its voting machines to be audited. Why angry that a county allowed its voting machines to be examined? Because democrats do not allow such audits because they are hiding something they do not want the public to see.

The Washington Post reports a number of Republican-leaning counties were contacted in the wake of the election to voluntarily turn over their election equipment for an audit, but Fulton County appears to be the only one that agreed to the request.
Pennsylvania Acting Secretary of State Veronica Degraffenreid informed the county on Tuesday that because Fulton County granted Wake TSI access to their machines, the Pennsylvania government and Dominion cannot “verify that the impacted components of Fulton County’s leased voting system are safe to use in future elections.”
Fulton County let Wake TSI—a company that has “no knowledge or expertise in election technology”—access its voting materials “in a manner that was not transparent or bipartisan” and the county’s “certified system has been compromised” as a result, Degraffenreid wrote in a letter to Fulton County officials.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Democrats were angered that one county allowed its voting machines to be audited. Why angry that a county allowed its voting machines to be examined?
Because once the voting machines are tampered with, they can no longer be used in future elections because they have been compromised. That means that taxpayers must now foot the bill for new voting machines, which are expensive.

Because democrats do not allow such audits because they are hiding something they do not want the public to see.
What did the public see as a result of this particular audit? Nothing?

Were the official results of any election overturned as a result of this audit, yes or no?


Well-known member
Because once the voting machines are tampered with, they can no longer be used in future elections because they have been compromised. That means that taxpayers must now foot the bill for new voting machines, which are expensive.

What did the public see as a result of this particular audit? Nothing?

Were the official results of any election overturned as a result of this audit, yes or no?
I see. Democrats tamper with voting machines before and during elections but if investigators get their hands on those machines and find corruption the democrats claim the investigators were the ones who corrupted the machines by investigating them.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I see. Democrats tamper with voting machines before and during elections but if investigators get their hands on those machines and find corruption the democrats claim the investigators were the ones who corrupted the machines by investigating them.
Did investigators find any corruption in these voting machines, or is this just you spouting more lies and innuendo?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Cyber Ninjas completed their investigation. Can you guess who won?

There have been multiple other audits as well, all confirming the official results of the 2020 election.
But what about all of those bamboo ballots? The voter machine tampering? Chicanery involving votes from the deceased? Lindell's irrefutable proof of election meddling? Sidney Powell's kraken etc?

All come to nought?!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Okay, that's a rhetorical question, right?
I certainly cannot expect an admission from @marke that he is in fact spouting lies and innuendo, but conversely he cannot claim that investigators have in fact found any corruption in the voting machines they have examined, which means lies and innuendo are the only other option. He knows he's a fraud just as much as we do, and now we watch him squirm like a worm hanging from a fisherman's hook.


Well-known member
But what about all of those bamboo ballots? The voter machine tampering? Chicanery involving votes from the deceased? Lindell's irrefutable proof of election meddling? Sidney Powell's kraken etc?

All come to nought?!
Thousands of votes were cast in the name of dead people and democrats made light of the fact.


Well-known member
I certainly cannot expect an admission from @marke that he is in fact spouting lies and innuendo, but conversely he cannot claim that investigators have in fact found any corruption in the voting machines they have examined, which means lies and innuendo are the only other option. He knows he's a fraud just as much as we do, and now we watch him squirm like a worm hanging from a fisherman's hook.
Voting machines have demonstrated flaws for decades, yet gullible Americans do not rise up and demand those flaws be fixed before using the machines to count votes.

• Broward County, Florida, January 2004: 134 electronic ballots were blank in a one-race election held on DRE voting machines in which the margin of victory was 12 votes. Florida law required a manual recount of the ballots, but that recount was impossible because there were no physical ballots to recount.

Gary K

New member

GOP investigation finds no Michigan vote fraud, deems many claims ‘ludicrous’

Michigan Senate Republicans investigated a host of claims into the 2020 and found no evidence of widespread fraud, ‘ballot dumps,’ dead people voting or other claims spread by former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

LANSING —A months-long Republican investigation into Michigan’s 2020 election uncovered no evidence of widespread fraud and concluded Wednesday with a recommendation the attorney general investigate those who made false claims for "personal gain."

The 35-page report prepared by Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, dives deep to debunk conspiracy theories perpetuated by former President Donald Trump and some of his supporters in the wake of the Michigan election, which Democratic President Joe Biden won by 154,188 votes.

While the Senate Oversight Committee investigation revealed some “glaring issues” and vulnerabilities the Legislature should fix, “there is no evidence presented at this time to prove either significant acts of fraud or that an organized, wide-scale effort to commit fraudulent activity was perpetrated in order to subvert the will of Michigan voters,” McBroom wrote.

"Our clear finding is that citizens should be confident the results represent the true results of the ballots cast by the people of Michigan," the report concluded. “The committee strongly recommends citizens use a critical eye and ear toward those who have pushed demonstrably false theories for their own personal gain.”

The report, which was released Wednesday, concludes there is no proof of dead voters or “fractional voting,” no evidence of a fraudulent “ballot dump” in Detroit and no proof any Michigan precincts had more than 100 percent voter turnout. (The report follows Bridge Michigan articles that debunked many of the same allegations months ago.)
And people deny the existence of the uniparty swamp?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I certainly cannot expect an admission from @marke that he is in fact spouting lies and innuendo, but conversely he cannot claim that investigators have in fact found any corruption in the voting machines they have examined, which means lies and innuendo are the only other option. He knows he's a fraud just as much as we do, and now we watch him squirm like a worm hanging from a fisherman's hook.
The sad thing is, he's so utterly invested in this fraud conspiracy nonsense that he's probably convinced himself that it's true no matter what. A bit like the emperor's new clothes. He'll know there's nothing to any of the allegations but he also can't bring himself to admit it.


like marbles on glass
Wisconsin's audit is complete:

Wisconsin audit finds 2020 election was secure

A nonpartisan audit of the results of the 2020 presidential race in Wisconsin found that the state’s voting machines correctly tabulated the votes cast in the crucial swing state, marking another dismissal of claims by former President Trump and his allies of widespread irregularities.

The report released by the Legislative Audit Bureau did not find any important errors made by the machines. And while a slate of recommendations were made by the elections panel, lawmakers involved in the process said the review underscored the security of the November race.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wisconsin's audit is complete:

Wisconsin audit finds 2020 election was secure

A nonpartisan audit of the results of the 2020 presidential race in Wisconsin found that the state’s voting machines correctly tabulated the votes cast in the crucial swing state, marking another dismissal of claims by former President Trump and his allies of widespread irregularities.

The report released by the Legislative Audit Bureau did not find any important errors made by the machines. And while a slate of recommendations were made by the elections panel, lawmakers involved in the process said the review underscored the security of the November race.
Still won't convince the MAGA! brigade...


like marbles on glass
Still won't convince the MAGA! brigade...

I know. I was reading something earlier today that helps explain why.

Absolute authority: Truth can only be known by those with the right theology (and politics)
I wrote about this more extensively in my post on Presuppositionalism. Believers in Absolute Authority have to have a way of determining who the authority is, after all. And this is done by looking at whether the potential authority already believes the “right” things - theologically or politically.
As one might expect, this leads to circular reasoning. Truth is what the authority says, and we believe the authority because he says what we already believe.
This is why, just to give an example, public health experts are disbelieved regarding Covid-19, but crackpot charlatans pushing fake cures are believed. The first are perceived as being “liberals” or “atheists” or otherwise outside of the theological orthodoxy. (And also, they disagreed with the Orange Messiah.) Whereas the charlatans speak the same theological and political language.


Well-known member
Evidence? Prove it.
Let's start with this from New York City.

An absentee ballot was also mailed from a Gertrude Nizzere, also a registered Democrat, who was born on Feb. 7, 1919, and would be 101 today.
The BOE said someone identifying as Gertrude Nizzere, with an address of Shore Road in Brooklyn, requested an absentee ballot in September.
Records show the Nizzere ballot was mailed on Oct. 9 and it was received by the BOE on Oct.13, which declared the ballot valid on Oct. 25.
But after further review, the agency on Oct. 30 declared the Nizzere ballot “Invalid” because a search found the voter was “Deceased,” its records show.
The Staten Island Republican Party, which is closely scrutinizing absentee ballots, flagged the two records to The Post and is referring the matter to the police and Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon’s office.


Poll workers check voters in at Monsignor John D. Burke Memorial Gym on Staten Island.

Staten Island leads New York state in early voting turnout

A close outcome is expected between first-term Democratic Rep. Max Rose and Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis for the 11th Congressional District seat covering Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, including Rekhow and Nizzere’s addresses.
“People should be on the alert for dead people voting. There are people using the names of dead voters to cast ballots,” said Staten Island GOP chairman Brendan Lantry.
“I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Lantry. “We’re requesting that the NYPD and the Staten Island District Attorney’s Office investigate.”
Republicans discovered that Nizzere died on July 4, 2016, and is buried in Calverton cemetery.
Filling out a ballot in a dead person’s name is fraud and has resulted in prosecutions elsewhere, including recently on Long Island, where a voter was accused of forging his dead mom’s name on an absentee ballot.
The Board of Elections said it was looking into the matter. The absentee ballots don’t get counted until six days after Election Day in New York.
President Trump has raised concerns about mail-in balloting, including after the city BOE was forced to resend nearly 100,000 absentee ballots to Brooklyn voters after a vendor provided the wrong return envelopes with other people’s names.

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
When it doesn't confirm their delusions, they'll simply dismiss it out of hand as they do the rest of reality and just move on to the next fraudulent fraud claim.

The good news is that over 70% of the country sees right through them, so if they ever hope to win friends and influence people they are going to have to put forth some very hard evidence. Not going to happen of course, because there simply isn't any and even they know it.


Well-known member
Let's start with this from New York City.

An absentee ballot was also mailed from a Gertrude Nizzere, also a registered Democrat, who was born on Feb. 7, 1919, and would be 101 today.
The BOE said someone identifying as Gertrude Nizzere, with an address of Shore Road in Brooklyn, requested an absentee ballot in September.
Records show the Nizzere ballot was mailed on Oct. 9 and it was received by the BOE on Oct.13, which declared the ballot valid on Oct. 25.
But after further review, the agency on Oct. 30 declared the Nizzere ballot “Invalid” because a search found the voter was “Deceased,” its records show.
The Staten Island Republican Party, which is closely scrutinizing absentee ballots, flagged the two records to The Post and is referring the matter to the police and Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon’s office.


Poll workers check voters in at Monsignor John D. Burke Memorial Gym on Staten Island.

Staten Island leads New York state in early voting turnout

A close outcome is expected between first-term Democratic Rep. Max Rose and Republican Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis for the 11th Congressional District seat covering Staten Island and southern Brooklyn, including Rekhow and Nizzere’s addresses.
“People should be on the alert for dead people voting. There are people using the names of dead voters to cast ballots,” said Staten Island GOP chairman Brendan Lantry.
“I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Lantry. “We’re requesting that the NYPD and the Staten Island District Attorney’s Office investigate.”
Republicans discovered that Nizzere died on July 4, 2016, and is buried in Calverton cemetery.
Filling out a ballot in a dead person’s name is fraud and has resulted in prosecutions elsewhere, including recently on Long Island, where a voter was accused of forging his dead mom’s name on an absentee ballot.
The Board of Elections said it was looking into the matter. The absentee ballots don’t get counted until six days after Election Day in New York.
President Trump has raised concerns about mail-in balloting, including after the city BOE was forced to resend nearly 100,000 absentee ballots to Brooklyn voters after a vendor provided the wrong return envelopes with other people’s names.

How many illegitimate votes were cast in dead people's names? Nobody knows, which means we do not know if Trump won the election or not.


Well-known member
How many illegitimate votes were cast in dead people's names? Nobody knows, which means we do not know if Trump won the election or not.
Democrats have a history of resisting voting securities and they falsely claim that blacks will be unfairly disadvantaged by having to comply with measures designed to cut down on the possibility of voter fraud. They are actively seeking to pass legislation in Congress that will make state laws designed to ensure voting integrity are overruled by national laws doing away with voting security.

When states or the federal government do away with voting securities then there is no way to verify that every vote is legitimately cast by a legitimate voter. That means that no matter who supposedly wins an election, they cannot prove they won fairly and without fraud.