Google's self righteous nazis

The Berean

Well-known member
I live and work in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley companies like Google and Facebook bloviate constantly about "diversity" 24/7 but when it comes down to it there really don't do anything about it. Let's just be honest here. In general White and Asian male geeks are simply more attracted to engineering and tech jobs than other groups. This is obvious and should be non-controversial. Can women and minorities be engineers and coders? Sure, I've met my fair share of quality female and minority engineers. But there will never be 50/50 male/female engineers in Silicon Valley. NEVER. And I ask, "Who cares?"

Also, what exactly is "diversity"? Is it just about ethnicity and gender? Let's say five friends grew up in Los Altos, CA which is a very affluent city in Silicon Valley. Lets say these five friends are a white male, a white female immigrant from Russia, a black female, an Indian male, and a Latino female. They all graduated from the same high school. They all majored in software engineering at Stanford University. They all get hired by Google. Now Google gets to brag about their "diversity" hiring. But how diverse are these five friends really? They all grew up together, went to the same high school, and had the same major at Stanford. They likely share similar social and political views. Are these five people really diverse at all?

I work in the aerospace industry. I'm also Latino and there are hardly any Latinos in the aerospace industry. I could whine about the lack of Latinos in the aerospace industry. But, that would be pointless. Until more Latinos actively pursue a career in aerospace there will always be a small talent pool of Latinos who study aerospace/mechanical engineering that aerospace companies can hire from.
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New member
I live and work in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley companies like Google and Facebook bloviate constantly about "diversity" 24/7 but when it comes down to it there really don't do anything about it. Lets just be honest here. In general White and Asian male geeks are simply more attracted to engineering and tech jobs in general than other groups. This is obvious and should be non-controversial. Can women and minorities be engineers and coders? Sure, I've met my fair share of quality female and minority engineers. But there will never be 50/50 male/female engineers in Silicon Valley. NEVER. And I ask, "Who cares?"

Also, what exactly is "diversity"? Is it just about ethnicity and gender? Lets say five friends grew up in Los Altos, CA which is a very affluent city in Silicon Valley. Lets say these five friends are a white male, a white female immigrant from Russia, a black female, an Indian male, and a Latino female. They all graduated from the same high school. They all majored in software engineering at Stanford University. They all get hired by Google. Now Google gets to brag about their "diversity" hiring. But how diverse are these fiver friends? They all grew up together, went to the same high school, and had the same major at Stanford. They likely share similar social and political views. Are these five people diverse at all?

I work in the aerospace industry. I'm also Latino and there are hardly any Latino's in the aerospace industry. I could whine about the lack of Latino's in the aerospace industry. But, that would be pointless. Until more Latino's actively pursue a career in aerospace there will always be a small talent pool of Latinos who study aerospace/mechanical engineering that aerospace companies can hire from.


New member
I'd be interested to read a response to these two posts, especially the first.

Also, the employees did not make a "mistake" (as Barbarian claimed) in communicating his concerns using a company resource. If I understand correctly, he was using a forum in which employees are encouraged to openly discuss issues they have with policy and procedure.


New member
Google's self righteous nazis

Once again conservatives find themselves on the wrong side of a human rights issue!

Apparently Google already had a bad reputation for its treatment of women, and this comment reaffirmed many of their complaints.

There appears to be some attempts to change the corporate culture - given that women constitute 50% of the labor pool and 50% of potential customers!

Employers have expectations that employees will not deliberately subject them to public embarrassment!
In what way did his email treat women badly? Please elaborate.

The Barbarian

Please show where in his email where he said that.

Possible non-bias causes of the gender gap in tech
On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren’t just
socially constructed because:
● They’re universal across human cultures
● They often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone
● Biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify
and act like males
● The underlying traits are highly heritable
● They’re exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective

The mistake he made was not in posting an opinion; it was in making a scientific claim that is refuted by all the available evidence.


Well-known member
Possible non-bias causes of the gender gap in tech
On average, men and women biologically differ in many ways. These differences aren’t just
socially constructed because:
● They’re universal across human cultures
● They often have clear biological causes and links to prenatal testosterone
● Biological males that were castrated at birth and raised as females often still identify
and act like males
● The underlying traits are highly heritable
● They’re exactly what we would predict from an evolutionary psychology perspective

The mistake he made was not in posting an opinion; it was in making a scientific claim that is refuted by all the available evidence.

Which point above is refuted by "all available evidence" ?