God's will

God's Truth

New member
Gospel equals good news. There are many gospels in the Bible. The gospel of your salvation is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. Trust the Lord believing IT as all sufficient to save you and be saved!

There is only one way to be saved.

The good news is NOT, "No one has to obey God anymore". Lol


New member
And both, you GM and Jamie are wrong because Satan does not exist but only as a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man.

As a Jew, you believe that all evil originates with God and that "satan" is there only to "test you" and try to draw you away from Judaism... right?

God's Truth

New member
The Jews USED to have to make themselves righteous by geting circumcised and offering animals.

That is the righteous works that no longer save---NOT---no longer obey God!

Wow. Who would EVER get that not obeying was the way to obey? Who would ever get that all the scripture from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible about obeying would be wiped out by a different gospel from Paul?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Jews USED to have to make themselves righteous by geting circumcised and offering animals.

That is the righteous works that no longer save---NOT---no longer obey God!

Wow. Who would EVER get that not obeying was the way to obey? Who would ever get that all the scripture from the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible about obeying would be wiped out by a different gospel from Paul?

You know something? You don't KNOW anything.


Adam had to and didn't. That does not mean we no longer have to obey.

Even Cain and Abel HAD TO obey after their father sinned.

Eve Noah, Job, Abraham, AND JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF had to obey God.
When you fell, you fell downwards like skydiving.
Go ahead and tell everyone you fall up while falling.

Go fly away to Hogwarts School


A.W. Pink

In what does the sinner’s freedom consist? This question is naturally suggested by what we have just said above. The sinner is “free” in the sense of being unforced FROM OUTSIDE. God never FORCES the sinner to sin. But the sinner is not “free” to do EITHER good or evil, because an evil heart within is ever inclining him toward sin.

Let us illustrate what we have in mind. I hold in my hand a book. I release it; what happens? It falls. In which direction? Downwards; always downwards. WHY? Because, answering the law of gravity, its own weight sinks it. Suppose I desire that book to occupy a position three feet higher; then what? I must lift it; a POWER OUTSIDE OF THAT BOOK MUST RAISE IT. SUCH is the relationship which fallen man sustains toward God.

While divine power upholds him, he is preserved from plunging still deeper into sin; let that power be withdrawn, and he falls — his own weight (of sin) drags him down. God does not push him down, any more than I did that book. Let all divine restraint be removed, and every man is capable of becoming, would become, a Cain, a Pharaoh, a Judas. How then is the sinner to move heavenwards? By an act of his own will? Not so. A POWER OUTSIDE OF HIMSELF MUST GRASP HOLD OF HIM AND LIFT HIM EVERY INCH OF THE WAY.

The sinner is free, but free in ONE DIRECTION ONLY — free to fall, free to sin. As the Word expresses it: “For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were FREE FROM righteousness” Rom. 6:20. The sinner is free to do as he pleases, always as he pleases (except as he is restrained by God), BUT HIS PLEASURE IS TO SIN!

God's Truth

New member
When you fell, you fell downwards like skydiving.
Go ahead and tell everyone you fall up while falling.

Go fly away to Hogwarts School


A.W. Pink

In what does the sinner’s freedom consist? This question is naturally suggested by what we have just said above. The sinner is “free” in the sense of being unforced FROM OUTSIDE. God never FORCES the sinner to sin. But the sinner is not “free” to do EITHER good or evil, because an evil heart within is ever inclining him toward sin.

Let us illustrate what we have in mind. I hold in my hand a book. I release it; what happens? It falls. In which direction? Downwards; always downwards. WHY? Because, answering the law of gravity, its own weight sinks it. Suppose I desire that book to occupy a position three feet higher; then what? I must lift it; a POWER OUTSIDE OF THAT BOOK MUST RAISE IT. SUCH is the relationship which fallen man sustains toward God.

While divine power upholds him, he is preserved from plunging still deeper into sin; let that power be withdrawn, and he falls — his own weight (of sin) drags him down. God does not push him down, any more than I did that book. Let all divine restraint be removed, and every man is capable of becoming, would become, a Cain, a Pharaoh, a Judas. How then is the sinner to move heavenwards? By an act of his own will? Not so. A POWER OUTSIDE OF HIMSELF MUST GRASP HOLD OF HIM AND LIFT HIM EVERY INCH OF THE WAY.

The sinner is free, but free in ONE DIRECTION ONLY — free to fall, free to sin. As the Word expresses it: “For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were FREE FROM righteousness” Rom. 6:20. The sinner is free to do as he pleases, always as he pleases (except as he is restrained by God), BUT HIS PLEASURE IS TO SIN!

I read what you said, but not what you posted from another man.

Jesus tells us how to be saved.

We have to obey Jesus to be saved.

Jesus does not save us before that.

Jesus is the Way.

you do not get into the way without doing what the way says.


I read what you said, but not what you posted from another man.

Jesus tells us how to be saved.

We have to obey Jesus to be saved.

Jesus does not save us before that.

Jesus is the Way.

you do not get into the way without doing what the way says.

Roman 6:20 looks good to me

Ben Masada

New member
As a Jew, you believe that all evil originates with God and that "satan" is there only to "test you" and try to draw you away from Judaism... right?

All evil originates with man. If you read Ecclesiastes 7:29, the Lord created man straight but man went after many evil inventions.

Ben Masada

New member
We're in the but now where the righteousness of God without the law is manifested!

Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Believe (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and be saved!

Really! So, why would Jesus himself teach righteousness WITH the Law? When he said to listen to "Moses" aka the Law, this is righteousness through the Law, if I must remind you. (Luke 16:29-31)