God's Obsession !


New member
Matthew 12:32 (NIV2011)
Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

Right. They won't be forgiven until they die.

Someone said death is the penalty for sin.

"The soul who sins shall die." (Ezekiel 18:20)

God's Truth

New member
God's ultimate goal in salvation is the praise of His glory. Read Ephesians Ch 1-3.
I am only saying what is clearly written and easily understood.

Just wondering why you want to keep talking about the obvious and accepted?

I am more concerned about you not understanding that God is love and love is all.


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Hall of Fame
You are quick to condemn someone as phoney! All you hear today from Christians, and the world has caught on to this, is love, love, love. There is far more to God than love, love, love! All God's attributes together!

Your title is in bad taste. How can anyone imagine God to have a mental illness.


New member
Please explain what you are trying to say. It does not make sense or apply to what I wrote.

The word obsessed is not fitting. It is not used in scripture and has a sense of not being in control by the very nature of OCD being a disorder. Not a wise choice of a word to describe The Holy One.


New member
God's whole being and doing is focussed on His glory. The purpose of the plan of salvation is the glory of God. Let us understand and teach the New Testament plan of salvation demonstrating this overarching truth.

"Devotion" would have been more accurate as well as fitting.

Devoted or devotement literally means set apart for destruction. That which is dedicated to destruction.

He is devoted to the destruction of His enemies. Those that oppose Holiness in any way.

Yah Veh Elohim is devoted to his own honor and infinitely pure.


New member
"Devotion" would have been more accurate as well as fitting.

Devoted or devotement literally means set apart for destruction. That which is dedicated to destruction.

He is devoted to the destruction of His enemies. Those that oppose Holiness in any way.

Yah Veh Elohim is devoted to his own honor and infinitely pure.

Or even: "Elohim is morally immaculate and supremely dedicated to his own glory".