ECT God's grace: Can God arbitrarilly give it to anyone?

Cross Reference

New member
Read it until it fell apart. Listened to it and read it online. It is useful doctrine. Before you start bringing up names I can assure you I have read most reformation works. After my conversion, I volunteered for 3 years in a reformed bookshop and had access to everything. When I make important decisions they are never spur of the moment. Especially when those decisions might affect the wondrous peace I know.

As the world is fond of saying, "been there done that".

The access to the reformed books gave me instant recognition when I heard preachers reading sermons verbatim under the pretence it was their work. I never forget a sermon read or heard and it has caused problems of some preachers. I also know the difference between and experienced sermon and an essay. This why I get annoyed when AMR starts cutting and pasting his 'stuff' because he thinks it's new to me. I don't just recognise Scripture I recognise doctrine and from whence it came.

I was once asked by a reformed preacher why I didn't visit anymore. I asked him if he'd ever eaten vomit and he recoiled in disgust. I said, now you know how I feel when I hear regurgitated teaching. I like my doctrine fresh.

So what are your thoughts on this passage:

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. . . . . . For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; . . . ." 1 Corinthians 13:9-10; 13:12-13 (KJV)


New member
So what are your thoughts on this passage:

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. . . . . . For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; . . . ." 1 Corinthians 13:9-10; 13:12-13 (KJV)

To understand what the mind of the Holy Spirit was conveying through Paul in this epistle, as all the epistles. It is vital to understand the historical viewpoint of Corinth and what their spiritual needs were at the time and how that differed from, lets say Ephesus.

Lets just say I am aware and that I doubt very much that you are. Because if you were you'd be posting in the hope of showing how knowledgeable you are. So, be my guest.

Eagles Wings

New member
I don't have a problem. I have the cure to all problems.

ML_J was an object of worship and he did nothing to discourage it. He passed this stinking reality on to many others who stand in pulpits to be admired by weak-kneed women and blind men. Who were made to tremble under the teaching of the law and felt the indignation from on high. They called these tears, "such a blessing" when indeed it was a taste of such wrath that was to come.

Thankfully the Almighty showed his true colours when ML-J was shown to be a Charismatic Pentecostal. Like many before him and indeed after him are men who pay lip-service to doctrine while the sheep require the scriptures are paid full doctrinal value.

He had a use in the will of Elohim as did Graham and that use was showing many people the wide gate.

Okay, thanks, Truster.

Cross Reference

New member
To understand what the mind of the Holy Spirit was conveying through Paul in this epistle, as all the epistles. It is vital to understand the historical viewpoint of Corinth and what their spiritual needs were at the time and how that differed from, lets say Ephesus.

Lets just say I am aware and that I doubt very much that you are. Because if you were you'd be posting in the hope of showing how knowledgeable you are. So, be my guest.

I believe that is just a means by which to excuse yourself to avoid giving your opinion knowing I will no doubt have one opposing it. So why not just post it up and get on with it?

OMT: A history lesson re any church having difficulties is unnecessary seeing as how the writer's admonishions are are still in vogue and over a much broader plane in this present day. So how 'bout it, gotta an opinion?


New member
I believe that is just a means by which to excuse yourself to avoid giving your opinion knowing I will no doubt have one opposing it. So why not just post it up and get on with it?

OMT: A history lesson re any church having difficulties is unnecessary seeing as how the writer's admonishions are are still in vogue and over a much broader plane in this present day. So how 'bout it, gotta an opinion?

I don't give opinions so you would simply be opposing the truth as you always do.


New member
Do they, now? So God can give grace to the unrighteous, you say? Can God give His grace to the defiant if He wants to? . . administer Grace to those without faith???

"And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28 (ESV)

So which is it you believe Mary would receive: grace or mercy? Why?

I answered your first three questions. Yes, God can do whatever He wants.

As for your quote from Luke, and the following question:
The ESV is a very poor transcription of Scripture. The verse your provide, from a historico-critical analysis and transcription, reads "And he came to her and said 'Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you." (Luke 1:28, RSV), or "And the angel being come in, said unto her; Hail full of grace, the LLord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1:28, DRV)

So, did Mary receive grace or mercy? Grace. Mary was "full of grace" by God.

God's attributes, such as Love, Mercy, Justice, Truth, etc. are all eternal and True. They are all fully whole and true, at the same instant. So, God, is always merciful while being just. Thus, any grace given by God, is Just, Mercy, Love, Truth, etc. Why? Because He is God, always and evermore. Eternal.
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New member
I answered your first three questions. Yes, God can do whatever He wants.

As for your quote from Luke, and the following question:
The ESV is a very poor transcription of Scripture. The verse your provide, from a historico-critical analysis and transcription, reads "And he came to her and said 'Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you." (Luke 1:28, RSV), or "And the angel being come in, said unto her; Hail full of grace, the LLord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." (Luke 1:28, DRV)

So, did Mary receive grace or mercy? Grace. Mary was "full of grace" by God.

God's attributes, such as Love, Mercy, Justice, Truth, etc. are all eternal and True. They are all fully whole and true, at the same instant. So, God, is always merciful while being just. Thus, any grace given by God, is Just, Mercy, Love, Truth, etc. Why? Because He is God, always and evermore. Eternal.

I hope you don't mind my adding that the Almighty has both communicable and incommunicable attributes that he reveals and bestows at His will and for His own good pleasure. He does nothing that requires applause from mankind. The Eternal Almighty is not a performing entertainer.

Cross Reference

New member
I don't give opinions so you would simply be opposing the truth as you always do.

You give nothing because all you possess is error ridden opinion. You have not proved one thing you so piously and conceititly espouse with regards to "knowing " the scriptures but instead are full of $%. Sad part is the you believe is just "Jesus and you" doing your thing.. It ain't Jesus and you, Bub, but someone else and you.
However, that is just my 'opinion', of course. Somethings I like to wrong about but you don't help that very much.

Cross Reference

New member
His good pleasure is His glory. This is sometimes conveyed in translation as His honour.

Typical traditional Calvinistic PAP. Point is you don't know and whats more, don't care. Everything is about you, isn't it? You probably think you are going be a ruler and reigner with Jesus, right? I have news for you, Bub. So can't you do any better than that oh lover of God? I'll ask again: What is God's pleasure for saving you or anyone?


New member
Typical traditional Calvinistic PAP. Point is you don't know and whats more, don't care. Everything is about you, isn't it? You probably think you are going be a ruler and reigner with Jesus, right? I have news for you, Bub. So can't you do any better than that oh lover of God? I'll ask again: What is God's pleasure for saving you or anyone?

I actually despise Calvinists more than you could possibly imagine. The doctrine can be found in Genesis and Romans, but only if you are familiar with the Bible.


New member
Do they, now? So God can give grace to the unrighteous, you say? Can God give His grace to the defiant if He wants to? . . administer Grace to those without faith???

"And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28 (ESV)

So which is it you believe Mary would receive: grace or mercy? Why?

And just what is His "good" pleasure, swamee?

Anything and everything that God wills/does, etc.