ECT God does NOT grant eternal life

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New member
No one. That is simply what death is like in the next life for those who have paid their way to participate in the experience experience. Those who cursed God in this life and will continue to in the next because He won't be there to pressume upon.
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Our spirit belongs to God, "Who gave it". Ergo, all souls belong to Him while they remain united with the body. When our body dies, mans spirit returns to Him.
But not in the sense we are discussing they don't. The soul that dies in separation from God returns to God for judgment and for nothing else. We do not return to God as if we somehow came out of God's being and then return to it upon death. Spiritual death is not a separation from God in terms of location but in terms of relationship.

Conditionally, yes.
What does that mean, "conditionally"?

That certainly is a condition, isn't it? However, it is spoken by Jesus to imply intimacy with God and Himself.
I cannot figure out what in the world you could mean. Jesus is praying to the Father and talking about His (Jesus') authority to give eternal life "to all flesh" and then states what eternal life is. What do you mean by "condition"?

Yes meaning the intensity of the power of the law of Paul's flesh, increased.
No, meaning that there was a time when he was spiritually alive and then when the law came, sin revived and he died! It means precisely what it says.

Spiritual warfare had begun. You should understand that if you are a Christian.
All one has to do is read it to understand it. It isn't written in code. It is the law that kills us (spiritually). "For without the law, I would not have known sin. (Rom 7)" and "Where there is no law, sin in not imputed.(Rom. 5)" and "The letter (Law) kills but the spirit give life. (Rom. 7 & 2 Corinthians 3)". It is a major theme throughout Paul's ministry.

Yes. For since by man, without God indwelling him, came death, by man also, with the indwelling of God, came the resurrection of the dead.
Ok, so then how is that not granting eternal life? How is that not life from death?

Certainly the resulting evidence of one who is born again and on his agape road journey, seeking to know God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent, . . . . to Father's House..
Resting in Him by the power of His Resurrection,

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New member
But not in the sense we are discussing they don't. The soul that dies in separation from God returns to God for judgment and for nothing else. We do not return to God as if we somehow came out of God's being and then return to it upon death. Spiritual death is not a separation from God in terms of location but in terms of relationship. Clete

Lets start here to set this straight before moving on. You might want to do a rewrite in your thinking.

1. I did not mention anywhere of our physical death being a "spiritual" one.

However, when it does die: ". . . the 'dust' returns to the earth from it came with[B ]the spirit returning to God who gave it[/B]. Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV)

. . . a. Man's soul and body are held together by the "Breath of Life" that is of God which we ore commonly call the "spirit of man” or our “human spirit", our human spirit being loan from God for as long as his body remains alive, intact with his “mind, will and emotions”, his soul, that which makes man, eternal:

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul". Genesis 2:7 (KJV)

Mans 'being' consists of body and soul and spirit. Separate them and he stops being a living being.

The source of life in Adam was his obedience to God. When Adam transgressed, God departed his "being" because He could not abide sin in His presence. Notice it was God Who departed Adam and not the other way around. That fact gives us understanding as to why we misunderstand when told man became spiritually dead. This also explains Cain and Abel. Adam wasn't and they weren't. Their body, soul, and spirits were left intact and this is what could only be the case until actual physical death could happen. Jesus addresses this by using Himself to explain it."And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost". Luke 23:46 (KJV) He died. His body went into the grave and His soul descended into Sheol but, for only three days. His sinless life made that possible: "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption." Psalm 16:10 (KJV) Death had no hold on Him as it also has no hold on innocence.

To sum up we have these words of Jesus:

". . . . I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were [physically] dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. .. . . " John 11:25-26 (KJV) His soul, [mind, will and emotions] and spirit are in His keeping: And . . "if the Spirit of him [God’s, "breath of life"] that raised up Jesus from the grave dwells in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwells in you." Romans 8:11 (KJV)

For the new born from above, it is the same Spirit and for which Paul has these words: "Have this mind in yourselves, which is yours by Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped", Philippians 2:5-6 (CRV). This is also why Jesus could say this because His human spirit was in such complete with union with the Spirit of God: "The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that their [souls] may be one even as we are one [soul]",John 17:22 (ESV). No death in that even when the body decays, the soul departs unto God because of reconciliation and his human spirit is of the "source of life" making the two, one to await the resurrection of the body.. It cannot be otherwise.

Hence, the soul, that which a person is, cannot return to God without being reconciled to Him; without the peace made in man’s behalf by Jesus Christ, is “fully” received to his soul.. . . with the stamp of God on it.

[emphasis mine]
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New member
"The letter (Law) kills but the spirit give life. (Rom. 7 & 2 Corinthians 3)". It is a major theme throughout Paul's ministry.

Dying to sin is a good thing, it means we are able to become a new creation.

God intends for us to die to sin.


New member
If sin is the transgression of the law, and the law is the will of God, and Jesus was God, it would be impossible for Jesus to sin...

God is not tempted by sin, Jesus was tempted but he resisted sin and insists that we do the same.


New member
God is not tempted by sin, Jesus was tempted but he resisted sin and insists that we do the same.

God is not successfully tempted by sin. Jesus was not successfully tempted by sin. Hypothetically, if you said "God, I'll give you five dollars if you will sin right now" you are "tempting" him to sin. It won't be a successful attempt, mind you. But neither was it successful when Satan tempted Jesus.

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New member
God is not successfully tempted by sin. Jesus was not successfully tempted by sin. Hypothetically, if you said "God, I'll give you five dollars if you will sin right now" you are "tempting" him to sin. It won't be a successful attempt, mind you. But neither was it successful when Satan tempted Jesus.

Baloney! Get off on the right foot in your thinking. God CANNOT be tempted . . Period! Satan would never try. Start from there for the correct perspective in understandng all else Jesus Christ.