Explain how would that even be news, much less something leading to wiping the Earth clean, were it solely humans involved.
If you truly want to know:
God is a Father Man is a type of His leadership in the house. The Adamic "sons of God" alone received the schooling in the ways of God. Men received from God the same leadership responsibilities. NOT WOMEN. Women were to be "help mates" [Eve], NOT LEADERS. The type extends straight down to todays God-Church, Man-Woman, Father-Mother, arrangement. Both equal but with different functions with the woman held to be in submission to the man. With this: "Husbands LOVE your wives [as your own flesh] as Christ loves the Church. Women OBEY your husband as [as in the Lord] the Church [mother] is OBEY God [Kingdom Authority]. No usurping allowed!
In the Hebrew way, girls, women, were never taught the ways of God; spiritual matters. Only the men were and they were held responsible for adhering to the "law" of God.
It is a proven fact that the law of the flesh is more powerful than the law of God with man either in or out of covenant relationship with Him. Having said that: "*When the ideal becomes an ordeal they start looking for a new deal". That is why "abiding in Christ" is so important for us in the NT.. His JOY remains when obedience happens. The OT crowd could not experience much of that.
In time with the girls being so beautiful, did the law of man's flesh 'kick in' and win out over the law of God, by its desire for sexual relations with them. The young men [sons of God] caved and within a generation or two did the society break down with ways of the 'spiritaully empty headed women' ruling it. Sound familiar? Who is running for president and how did she make it this far except for he church which has lost it way, AND she will win??
[*David Edwards]
I am open for correction in this. I don't want to be misunderstood in any way.