ECT God does NOT grant eternal life

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
I believe that the idea of "Fallen angels" mating with human beings is absurd. The "Fallen angels" were created entities that served God in Heaven. There's nothing in the Bible that suggests they had the equipment to reproduce in Heaven or on earth. Therefore, it's up to speculation.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Obviously, there were some "very tall" men around back then. There're guys around today that are over seven foot tall and a few were even over eight feet tall. Are these the "Giants" of today, perhaps? The one's today didn't come from a union between fallen angels and humans.

Cross Reference

New member
Explain how would that even be news, much less something leading to wiping the Earth clean, were it solely humans involved.

If you truly want to know:

God is a Father Man is a type of His leadership in the house. The Adamic "sons of God" alone received the schooling in the ways of God. Men received from God the same leadership responsibilities. NOT WOMEN. Women were to be "help mates" [Eve], NOT LEADERS. The type extends straight down to todays God-Church, Man-Woman, Father-Mother, arrangement. Both equal but with different functions with the woman held to be in submission to the man. With this: "Husbands LOVE your wives [as your own flesh] as Christ loves the Church. Women OBEY your husband as [as in the Lord] the Church [mother] is OBEY God [Kingdom Authority]. No usurping allowed!

In the Hebrew way, girls, women, were never taught the ways of God; spiritual matters. Only the men were and they were held responsible for adhering to the "law" of God.

It is a proven fact that the law of the flesh is more powerful than the law of God with man either in or out of covenant relationship with Him. Having said that: "*When the ideal becomes an ordeal they start looking for a new deal". That is why "abiding in Christ" is so important for us in the NT.. His JOY remains when obedience happens. The OT crowd could not experience much of that.

In time with the girls being so beautiful, did the law of man's flesh 'kick in' and win out over the law of God, by its desire for sexual relations with them. The young men [sons of God] caved and within a generation or two did the society break down with ways of the 'spiritaully empty headed women' ruling it. Sound familiar? Who is running for president and how did she make it this far except for he church which has lost it way, AND she will win??

[*David Edwards]

I am open for correction in this. I don't want to be misunderstood in any way.


New member
Part of the process will not be deciding whether they are saved or not.

We will decide their fate based on what they say and do in their judgment period.

After all Jesus' blood reconciled them to the Father.


New member
And just how do we know that?

Matthew 22:30 "For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven."

How are the angels in heaven?

Jesus said we will be like the angels in heaven, neither male nor female.

Angels were not meant to reproduce themselves. There is no record of anyone being the son of an angel.


New member
Reconciled who?

Everyone in heaven and on earth was reconciled to the Father by Jesus' blood.

Colossians 1:19-20 "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of His cross."

The Father made peace.


I agree that fallen angels cannot be saved but we are not told why

Angels have a 'perfect will' in which, once they make a decision, they do not back out of it. It has much to do with the fact that they've seen the height of truth and witnessed the beatific vision. Therefore, there is nothing left to consider other than remaining for eternity or turning away forever.

Cross Reference

New member
Angels have a 'perfect will' in which, once they make a decision, they do not back out of it. It has much to do with the fact that they've seen the height of truth and witnessed the beatific vision. Therefore, there is nothing left to consider other than remaining for eternity or turning away forever.

Interestlingly enough, the same pattern; same issue of dealing with allegiance was with Jesus but on a much grander scale of adverse consequences had He failed. Who could have reversed His making a wrong choice when in His hour of temptation in the wilderness?

Cross Reference

New member
Everyone in heaven and on earth was reconciled to the Father by Jesus' blood.

Colossians 1:19-20 "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven having made peace through the blood of His cross."

The Father made peace.

Everyone?? Angels as well?


New member
So why not agree to use the correct vernacular?

No one cares "how you define it". Words mean things and in order to have a productive conversation where you don't appear to be contradicting yourself or where you cause needless confusion, the defining of terms is necessary. It established common ground upon which the discussion can proceed.

Insisting on saying in one sentence that "God told Adam he would surely die if he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil - it was spiritual death when he did...." and then in the very next sentence saying about the exact same person, "Adam's spirit never died." is either self-contradictory or intentionally confusing and/or misleading.

What possible motive could you have for wanting to insist on doing that? I don't get it.

Spiritual death is not the spirit of man dying. Two different things. Spiritual death refers to no eternal life in Christ aka dying in one's sins.


New member
Angels have a 'perfect will' in which, once they make a decision, they do not back out of it. It has much to do with the fact that they've seen the height of truth and witnessed the beatific vision. Therefore, there is nothing left to consider other than remaining for eternity or turning away forever.

2 Peter 2:4 "For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment"

Jude 1:6 "And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day."

1 Corinthians 6:3 "Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life?"

1 Peter 1:12 "To them it was revealed that not to themselves but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven — things which angels desire to look into."

Since angels are created, not born, there is no reason to think they have DNA.


New member
This is a fine attitude toward things that actually cannot be understood due to a lack of information but we are never asked to leave our minds at the door of the church and to simply believe something blindly. God is the God of Light. Indeed, He is Logos (Logic), the Light of the world (John 1). Any doctrine that is irrational is false and ungodly by definition.

Resting in Him,

There are many mysteries that are hidden from us. We are not told everything for a reason. It is not necessary to know what is to come after this age in minute detail. Man has always had an opinion about things that are hidden, but no one has ever figured it out.


Angels are by gender males, but they have no 'sex'. They aren't human either- all descriptions of angels are actually nothing like the Hellenized images of them, which is traditionally a man in a robe, unsurprisingly Greek looking with a harp.


Angels are described as being anything from a chimera to wheels with a hundred eyes. They cannot birth children or impregnate a human.


Not biblical.

Yeah it is. Why do you think Micheal, Gabriel, and Raphael are male names? It's always been historically known that angels are male by gender. Jesus is a male, the prophets are male, the apostles are male, Adam came first, etc. etc.

God does not deal in femininity. Even He is referred to as 'He'.

The historical churches from Greece to Rome will tell you the same exact thing.
Sorry :wave: