Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So someone that engages in a sexual perversion is a pervert, but those who support that perversion aren't
Not necessarily, no. I mean, sure if they understand that its an abomination and perverted and they support it anyway then, sure, they could likely be considered a pervert but that doesn't describe most poeople in America. Most people think that we're just being bigots and they don't like bigots and don't want anyone to think that they're a bigot and no one has ever bothered to explain to them how homos pose any harm to them or to anyone and so why would they care what someone does in the privacy of their own bedroom.
I'm not arguing for homos, I'm telling you that this is how most people think about the issue. They are decieved and dreadfully wrong but that doesn't make them a pervert.
Now onto question #2:
Can perverts and those who support them be trusted? Can abortionists, i.e. can people who can't even get something as simple as the sanctity of life right be trusted?
Trusted to do what?
I can't even believe that its a Christian writing this question?! Do you know how Hiltereque you sound?
If someone is wrong on one issue, it doesn't mean that they are wrong on every issue and it doesn't mean that they are Satan incarnate or even a near equivalent. Glen Beck is a radio talk show host. He has no power to make laws or to influence your life in any meaningfull way and so what are you talking about with this "Can he be trusted?" nonsense anyway? Trusted with what? If you don't like the man, turn off his radio show. Most everyone else already has. You know why? It's because he comes off sounding like a crazy person, just the same way you do when you turn every conversation, no matter the topic, into something to do with homosexuality.
Who have you ever convinced? Anyone? Ever?