The point being that the absence of promotion isn't evidence of proscription.
(uh oh clefty ya got ya one of dem fancy talkin' ones...) lol
In this case proscription is abundantly clear...the gist of it being don't do what others do to worship theirs their way...or use it to worship the True One falsely...
I want to make this clear...if indeed we knew when Yahushua was born than by all means let us celebrate and worship and create new ways of doing it...and even if others make the day about consumerism and crass commercialism so what, I know the real reason for the season...
However we do NOT know when He was born and we have had to take another party over and make it ours...
Ask yourself this: why didn't the church celebrate His birth in November or October? Or in the spring? Because it wanted to take over the solstice celebrations which were an easier fit to assimilate...parties were already happening to celebrate the long winter nights and the return of the conquering Sun...oh and a son born to virgin mother that wasn't was Mithra...
So it is NOT about "it ain't no commandment durn it" nor is it that Christians celebrate His birth at all nor is about the way we do's that we learned another way to worship from another form of worship to a different god not our own...we took the date and so many of the symbols and customs and just ignored all the very proscriptions against doing so...
And to add injury to insult we are now offended that it's all about crass consumerism and commercializations LOL...that is what it ALWAYS drink and be merry...for tomorrow it's cold and dark's a gift
We don't know exactly when He was born He didn't tell us it wasn't important so why not celebrate it away from the heathens and their way and time and do it in July or know the 4th...with bottle rockets...
There's a profound difference between the question of whether we're commanded to (we aren't) or whether we are forbidden (we aren't) which seemed the point of inquiry here.
duh...and must certainly we are forbidden to...specifically at the Jerusalem council it was upheld even clean meat offered to idols was to be rejected...impossible for me to imagine that early church celebrating with CHristmas Ham, a decked out tree and a man in red handing out wordly loot...
The church at Ephesus was specifically commended for its HATRED of ALL things Nike the god of victory...whose works He detested...hmmmm Saint Nikeclaus? Flying through the air...but the other churches in revelations were already struggling with idolatry and false worship...
They were warned to repent to turn back to the first love NOT given an told "it's ok guys, it ain't proscribed in the scriptures, besides compromise and go along to get along is one way of spreading the gospel and true worship." HARDLY.
wut is?...
No, what I want is an honest examination of the question and to offer one earnest response. I don't alter scripture. I'm fairly sure we're commanded not to, even in the service of a snarky point.
well then...don't add or take away-just don't alter scripture...just read it and obey...
some here insist it's fine for one to choose a day and another a different day and by that mean to reference Romans 14 which is about choosing a day to fast to alter it to mean Christmas now...or Sabbath on other occasions...awfully convenient text poor Paul is twisted into...
But it command to celebrate His bday...but certainly plenty to prevent false worship...and anything less than the actual date is false...
Jews would even celebrate Passover twice in a season in diaspora when travelers would advise necessary changes to the calendation...this practice was mocked even by Constantine who preferred efficiency and convenience over accuracy...fixing his own calendar above the Creator''s tradition certainly > God's commandments...
But you know all this I am sure...
You might have an astigmatism. What I'm actually saying is as clear as your pointless hostility in relation to it. There is what we are commanded to do, which nothing I've written suggests is the case here (in fact I've noted we are not) and there is what we are permitted.
I guess what we are permitted is permitted by the Spirit for us to see...
Precedent for what? Christ could have come into the world without notice. He didn't. If the gospel authors feel comfortable speaking to that, I don't know why we should be less bold or read something nefarious into it. And you haven't given me a single reason to think differently, except of you and your methodology.
I am more and more inclined to believe the church actually knows the date He was born and merely prefers to continue its deception...Satan uses those willing to not only counterfeit but continue the deception...
His resurrection was also bold and no less without notice but here again NO command or instruction to celebrate it beyond first fruit festival...certainly not to incorporate again, pagan rituals and customs on yes again, a date different than the actual known date...even the Eastern Orthodox have the common courtesy to wait every year for the Jews to have Rome kill Him again to celebrate His resurrection...
In no particular order, I still haven't suggested he asked us to or commanded it and I refer you to my last point and the scriptural note of the birth. If it didn't trouble those entrusted with the narrative of Christ it doesn't trouble me. If it bothers you, by all means refrain.
by now know what all is included in scripture is not meant to be celebrated...I mean we don't eat pork in celebration of the escaping demons choosing it too do we?
Not even a little true given, for the who knows how many times now, I've been clear its celebration isn't a commandment and there's nothing false in it that can't be set at the feet of the gospels. You might want to bone up on Titus.
Titus the Roman who began the assimilation of these superstious Jews...or Titus of
"To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work."
Funny how the defiled still profess to know God...but they are disobedient...