You've sunk to a new low, Tam. :chuckle:
You of all people, well know that when I first got here; you and your pals were not only at war with Jerry, and vice-versa, but viciously.
You were...biting and devouring one another.
The threads are all tyere, in your so called "MAD" Forum.
You also well know, that I nevertheless repeatedly defended each and every one of you.
And that most of you often sang high praises to many of my doctrinal posts on other issues.
Until I began to call each of you out on your persistent double-standard of grace only towards those you each perceive are of your number.
A phony grace which was prior to my speaking out, extended to me.
Until I said enough of this; time to speak out.
I knew what that meant - that your club's obvious duplicity might now be turned on me for calling it out - exactly what has happened :chuckle:
I found what hypocrites you each actually are.
It is no mistake most of you support someone like Donald Trump - you are each his same bigot.
Your battle with the likes of Interplanner, or Lazy, or whomever?
It is a farce - truth is, you hypocrites live for conflict.
I could post on other doctrinal issues for months on end, and not a peep from any of you.
As you continue on your merry way, spitting on anyone who opposes your views.
Until once more I reach a point of "someone has to speak to their hypocrisy with other posters" - sure enough, out of the woodwork you and your pals come - not to examine whether or not what I have pointed out about you and yours is just, but to show once more you and yours only live for conflict.
As with that fool in the White House and his NFL tweets; in the midst of the real and gravely serious issues that life-long corrupt fool should be focused on
You are each like that for one reason.
Each your deeply entrenched hypocrisy no longer allows you to look at anyone other than those you consider are of your number, or who don't pierce your Trump thin skin - it no longer allows any of you to look at others through the longsuffering grace that was extended each of you while you were yet sinners - the truth of Romans 5:8.
I post this well aware how each your hypocrisy cannot but turn it into the service of your obviously long entrenched double-standard, once more.
"Ye have not so learned Christ."
But hypocrites through and through, you each obviously are to all on TOL, but to yourselves.