George W. Bush Abortion Legacy

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The Graphite

New member
Culpability is another issue. And I agree with you. In some sense, all who have not made a stand against abortion are culpable.
Every person on earth isn't called by God to battle abortion. Different members of the body are called to different functions and given different gifts. So, just because someone doesn't personally battle abortion doesn't mean they are culpable for the abortions that are performed.

However, if a person advertises himself as pro-life, promises to foster a "culture of life," applies for a position of leadership that has multiple kinds of impact on that issue and then actively works to keep abortion legal and even funds abortion.... that person most certainly is culpable.

Shai Gar

New member
Semantics notwithstanding, the important point here is that Bush is 100% culpable.

If that is the point, then that point is 100% wrong. Never use an absolute or you'll be absolutely wrong.

I'd say that if we're to use your definition of abortion as "Killing a Child", then he is still not culpable merely because he did not allow a Law to take place.

The purpose of laws are to universally create a set of rules which a person cannot break without punishment. America is a Secular (not atheist but secular) Nation in that it does not allow the merging of church and state. GWB swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of The United States of America. If he had allowed his Christian values to influence him there then he'd have been guilty of yet again contravening the constitution. He's broken it so many times that any time he DOESN'T is a cause for smiles.

Christians are allowed to live by their laws and morals, however while they're encouraged to spread the word, they're not encouraged to force others to live by their morals and laws. If a person chooses to break what Christianity sees as "Gods Word", then they're committing a sin (in the eyes of Christianity) and will have to take the consequences of that act. There is a lot of information on how god and Christianity views abortion, the person sins at their own risk and should be allowed to take the consequences.

The only people culpable for the abortion are the Abortionist, the Mother who chooses it, and whoever pays for it, if not the mother.

Remember that the wayward son committed crime after crime after crime and yet the father still loved him. His brother did not love him nor accept him. Eventually the son returned to the father and was welcomed back. His brother did not welcome him back nor attend the party for his return. Who was rebuked? The wayward son, or the always faithful son?

Shai Gar

New member
However, if a person advertises himself as pro-life, promises to foster a "culture of life," applies for a position of leadership that has multiple kinds of impact on that issue and then actively works to keep abortion legal and even funds abortion.... that person most certainly is culpable.

No, they're simply a liar and a hypocrite. The only culpable people are those who do the act.

Shai Gar

New member
No, it's Ironic Humour. I like to employ it, nearly every time I say it I smile to myself in internal chuckles. I'm a simple man of simple humours.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Mmm. So they're not dead because we bombed, blew up, or shot them. Okay, glad you cleared that up. Next time another pro-life Christian orders an invasion I'll be sure to assume you don't hold he or she culpable for the dead children in that country, either.

No, you flaming idiotic moron. No orders were ever given to target civilians by the US. Al-Quead on the other hand, had directives to target innocents.


catty, not trying to argue here but I have a question....

If I gave my daughter $300 to get an abortion... did I literally, or figuratively, help kill my grandchild?

Why did Obama recently sign an executive order relating to abortion?

Shai Gar

New member
No, you flaming idiotic moron. No orders were ever given to target civilians by the US. Al-Quead on the other hand, had directives to target innocents.

No orders were needed to be given. The US does this with regularity. It's why the UN called the US a Rogue Terrorist State.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I guess you are entitled to your opinion, just not your own facts. Thanks Moiny.

I used up all my non cordial correction on doogie, so I consider myself expired for a while, and back on the clock.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I did a little research on Republicans and abortions for somebody. It wasn't pretty.

But what did stand out was the different opinion the feminazi's had of Bush than real pro-lifers. In fact, they show things he did with executive orders, and said he "wages war against women".

I still think he is lousy, and is guilty by association for not doing more. But I won't say he did nothing.
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