Gay Orgy at Vatican


New member

Police raid gay orgy at cardinal’s Vatican apartment

Quote: "Vatican police broke up a homosexual orgy last month in an apartment belonging to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the department charged with, among other things, tackling clerical sexual abuse."

Now what do you think of that?[/FONT]


New member
How are the Catholic people able to support the Vatican, with the exceedingly great negative reports on the Vatican?

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Police raid gay orgy at cardinal’s Vatican apartment

Quote: "Vatican police broke up a homosexual orgy last month in an apartment belonging to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the department charged with, among other things, tackling clerical sexual abuse."

Now what do you think of that?[/FONT]

What else is new?


What else is new?

Unfortunately Protestant vicars get caught as well. The ex Arch Bishop of Canterbury UK just had to step down over a gay child abuse cover up.

Calvinists tell us all thing are predestined by God. So it's God faualt! Okay thats not new.


In my youth sex was an unmentionable in church. In the late 1990's it was ok to mention it as long as some sound byte relating to a married couple was also mentioned. Homosexuality was still an abomination back then.

In the UK the homosexual agenda was led by a guy named Peter Tatchil - very successfully. There was often 'outrage' when his group raised a commotion in some church they were visiting. Roll forward to the present day. Homo sexuality is now the norm and Churches are under pressure to maintain their stance. The majority (in the UK) are not doing that but embracing all aspects of homo sexuality - gay marriage, etc.

So, was what I had been brought up to believe from my youth, all wrong? Serious question, for me complicated by the fact that calvinists say God predestined homosexuals to be an abomination so he (God) could reprobate them.

Can anyone help me out on the rights and wrongs of all this? Please.


New member
Quote: "Tales of gays in the Vatican have been told for more than a thousand years. Pope John XII, who reigned from 955 to 964, was accused of having sex with men and boys and turning the papal palace “into a whorehouse.” While trying to persuade a cobbler’s apprentice to have sex with him, Pope Boniface VIII, who reigned from 1294 to 1303, was said to have assured the boy that two men having sex was “no more a sin than rubbing your hands together.” After Paul II, who reigned from 1464 to 1471, died of a heart attack—while in flagrante delicto with a page, according to one rumor—he was succeeded by Sixtus IV, who kept a nephew as his lover and made the nephew a cardinal at age 17."


New member
In my youth sex was an unmentionable in church. In the late 1990's it was ok to mention it as long as some sound byte relating to a married couple was also mentioned. Homosexuality was still an abomination back then.

In the UK the homosexual agenda was led by a guy named Peter Tatchil - very successfully. There was often 'outrage' when his group raised a commotion in some church they were visiting. Roll forward to the present day. Homo sexuality is now the norm and Churches are under pressure to maintain their stance. The majority (in the UK) are not doing that but embracing all aspects of homo sexuality - gay marriage, etc.

So, was what I had been brought up to believe from my youth, all wrong? Serious question, for me complicated by the fact that calvinists say God predestined homosexuals to be an abomination so he (God) could reprobate them.

Can anyone help me out on the rights and wrongs of all this? Please.

What does logic tell you?


New member

Police raid gay orgy at cardinal’s Vatican apartment

Quote: "Vatican police broke up a homosexual orgy last month in an apartment belonging to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the department charged with, among other things, tackling clerical sexual abuse."

Now what do you think of that?[/FONT]

This stuff has been going on for centuries. It just has been well-hidden. The church always has had a great amount of power, and has been partners with governments in many lands, to keep control over people. This truth is just now being revealed, particularly since the 1990s when people got tired of keeping quiet about it. I have read many things about gay parties at the Vatican and the surrounding city.


New member
In my youth sex was an unmentionable in church. In the late 1990's it was ok to mention it as long as some sound byte relating to a married couple was also mentioned. Homosexuality was still an abomination back then.

In the UK the homosexual agenda was led by a guy named Peter Tatchil - very successfully. There was often 'outrage' when his group raised a commotion in some church they were visiting. Roll forward to the present day. Homo sexuality is now the norm and Churches are under pressure to maintain their stance. The majority (in the UK) are not doing that but embracing all aspects of homo sexuality - gay marriage, etc.

So, was what I had been brought up to believe from my youth, all wrong? Serious question, for me complicated by the fact that calvinists say God predestined homosexuals to be an abomination so he (God) could reprobate them.

Can anyone help me out on the rights and wrongs of all this? Please.

It is so sad that anyone would believe that God predestined homosexuals to be an abomination so that He could destroy them. How sick. God would never do such a thing, because He truly is a loving, merciful, just God. That homosexuality is an abomination to God is true, as is clear from the Scriptures (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26,27; I Corinthians 6:9,10; I Timothy 1:10). Why would He purposely make someone to be homosexual if He hated it? I don't believe it for a second. If someone has the tendency to be homosexual, that person must be celibate. If he does not act out his desire in that respect, he will be innocent before God. I know homosexuals who are celibate because they love and respect God. They are truly moral people with admirable character.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians that "that is what some of you WERE." (I Corinth.6:11) These people stopped having sex with others of the same gender and remained "righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God."

(A helpful link:[search_id]=8eeabcab-d9b5-4cc8-833d-68673065b636 )


New member

Police raid gay orgy at cardinal’s Vatican apartment

Quote: "Vatican police broke up a homosexual orgy last month in an apartment belonging to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — the department charged with, among other things, tackling clerical sexual abuse."

Now what do you think of that?[/FONT]
Recreational drug use should be done carefully, or else not at all.



New member
This stuff has been going on for centuries. It just has been well-hidden. The church always has had a great amount of power, and has been partners with governments in many lands, to keep control over people. This truth is just now being revealed, particularly since the 1990s when people got tired of keeping quiet about it. I have read many things about gay parties at the Vatican and the surrounding city.

That is the reason for this question: "Why do the Catholic people support the Vatican?"