Well-known member
Trying to discuss anything with them is to fall through the looking glass...Bible words can mean anything they want them to mean, or nothing at all. You cite something literal? Pfft, they disregard it. But when THEY want to be literal, you're an idiot for disagreeing. It lets them rule a conversation they'd otherwise choke on.
That's why IP and many others hate literalism.
No, you have missed the Christocentricity of it. The reason the 'raised fallen tent of David' is fulfilled in Acts 15 is because it is true in Christ, just as Israel becoming a light to the nations was to be true in Christ in Acts 13:47, quoting Is. 49.
In order for me to think it meant 'anything' I would have to be saying that the 'raised fallen tent of David' is the Eiffel Tower, or a green banana. I'm not. I'm specifically saying it is the reality in Christ that James said was there, upon which he was agreeing with Paul in things Paul expressed in Rom 16: that the faith of the Gentiles was an inevitable thing that would happen in Christ, according to the prophets.
When Paul calls Christ the temple, he is not saying it is a Walmart or a limousine or any other irrational thing that you imagine. He is saying that what the OT was talking about is now the collective believers in Christ, no matter where they meet or how the dress, etc. That it was true in Christ.
It is very suspicious that you have no concept of the truth 'in Christ.' 2 Cor 3:14.