Well-known member
Do you not know the term?
It is being used here to refer to something the poster experienced, perhaps as a figure of speech. I'm not sure what he is referring to.
Do you not know the term?
It is being used here to refer to something the poster experienced, perhaps as a figure of speech. I'm not sure what he is referring to.
So you've never been to church? Do you not know how to use a dictionary? I assure you, I was not using it as a figure of speech.
Gosh, they're just like liberals. :think:
I understand the frustration but you've missed something essential. The meaning of the NT must go toward Christ, to ward what is now true in him. I will always push a text that way. "The promise was made to the Seed (meaning one person) not seeds (meaning many people). It does this itself all the time. It does not go in the future Israel direction and has no reason to. There is no left over 'business' that God needs to do with Israel. God has settled all accounts in Christ (Rom 11:30) and does not owe anyone anything (the doxology that follows that verse).
I never say an expression that is innovated (non-literal) by the NT means a green banana or a circus clown. It goes Christ-ward. David's fallen tent in Amos in Acts 15 is the Gentiles believing Christ and it is a beautiful word picture. I never say the thing can mean anything I want.
The Gospel to the circ and the uncirc was one Gospel, because the grammar there cannot mean anything YOU want. You want separation, fragmentation; the text calls for one unified Christian body.
So I have the same hatred for literalism that John (the 25 examples there) has, BUT YOU HAVE THE SAME LITERALISM THAT JOHN HAS. That is the huge difference.
Could you please say what exactly you are talking about instead of telling us how to do thinking? What pulpit--when we were not speaking of one?
Could you please say what exactly you are talking about instead of telling us how to do thinking? What pulpit--when we were not speaking of one?
One part of understanding this line is the scene itself; the other part is to notice this is after the vineyard and wedding parables and before ch 23.
We know that Judaism was looking for David's son to appear because of all the MAD/D'ist people here obsessed with that. (D'ism is a way of doing Judaism with a modern twist). So it was logical in Mt 22:42 to do a climactic come-back to Judaism, to all its pesky questions. 'What do you (Judaism) think about the Christ? Whose son is he?'
We know the answer.
But this is not what Ps 110 is saying. The psalm is saying that he is the Lord of the universe, and David's lord. So he can't just be David's son as they knew it.
That is the whole point. Christ is not then nor in the future to be that kind of son. It is not what those passages were about. They were shadows or copies or 'types' of the reality that was coming in Christ. D'ism and MAD, like Judaism, are stuck in the former.
By the way, he won. I'm not sure if D'ism gets that.
Then came ch 23, the blast on Judaism, which ends with the declaration that the 'house' is already desolate (the term from Dan 9, which pops up again in 20 verses), except for those who sing Psalm 118 about him.
But we can't forget that this comes after the general dismissal of Judaism in 21's vineyard parable and 22's wedding parable. The vineyard parable was 'talking about them.' He said another 'ethne' was going to take the place of Judaism. Not just take the place either. There would be destruction. There was going to be a king whose wedding invite was chided. The refused king sends his ARMY and BURNS down the city of the refusers. It was a pretty rough week for Judaism in general.
And now this--this denunciation of their doctrine of the son of David, which is what our friends here think is still going to happen. Apparently they can accuse people of making God a liar, but if God punishes a whole city for the wrong 'son of David' and then blesses that city X000 years later for the wrong son of David, it's OK. Yeah, right.
Could you elaborate on that a bit more?
David is clearly the son of Jesse.
How does Jesus Christ enter into this?
Mt 22:41+ is saying with finality that their conception of David's son is mistaken. With finality, because this is the last question taken up Christ in direct exchange. They think--in their eschatology--that all that is coming is a son of David. They had a passive view of this; it was going to be a supernatural event that could not be stopped. The zealots, on the other hand, had an active view that they were to prepare to fight. This was egged on by texts from the time such as THE WAR SCROLL and THE BATTLE OF THE SONS OF LIGHT AGAINST THE SONS OF DARKNESS, all materials found in Qumran and from the period, showing us what kind of dissent there was from temple Judaism.
We also see that Christ won. They could not answer. He had shown that this Ps 110 is actually about the Lord of the universe. So both temple Judaism and the Galilean and desert zealots had gaps in their understanding.
He was setting up early Christian preaching. The disciples could now see that he was to be preached as Lord of the universe once he was enthroned in his resurrection. And that his enemies would one day be subdued. Whether enemies on earth or otherwise. That is the end of time when the Godhead makes the NHNE.
So you've never been to church? Do you not know how to use a dictionary? I assure you, I was not using it as a figure of speech.
I didn't know you knew IP was biblically retarded... At this point... I'm a lighthouse fan.
- EE
He thinks I can read his mind. I can not. He cannot communicate directly or clearly.
I've known for a long time.Lighthouse,
I didn't know you knew IP was biblically retarded... At this point... I'm a lighthouse fan.
- EE
We weren't talking about any pulpits and all of a sudden he says something he heard from a pulpit, instead of dealing the text. And he keeps doing so. He thinks I can read his mind. I can not. He cannot communicate directly or clearly.
I've known for a long time.
You're just dumb. The fact you can't figure out from the context why I used the word "pulpit" is all the evidence we need of that.
I'm not going to read your mind and don't want to. Part of being in a forum is that you want to know what other people think. You are killing that interest.
Will you waste more time or just say what mattered?
I don't know that any D'ists ever got this. It has everything to do with which throne is there in Acts 2:30, and the same Lord said to my Lord quote...
Verse 29 speaks of King David.
Act 2:29* Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.*
Verse 30 says that King David's descendant, Messiah, would be raised up by GOD to sit on his(King David's) throne.
Act 2:30* Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;*
Verse 31 says that King David, as a prophet, spoke of the resurrection of Messiah, when David said(verse 30) that his descendant would be raised up to sit on David's throne.
Act 2:31* He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.
Verse 32 says that GOD has raised up this Jesus of Nazareth and that Peter and the rest are all witnesses of the fact.
Act 2:32* This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.*
Verse 33 says that Messiah has been exalted to the right hand of GOD.
Act 2:33* Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear.*
Verse 34 refers back to verses 29 and 31 that King David was not referring to himself but to his future descendant.
Peter then quotes Ps 110 concerning Messiah prophesied to be seated at the right hand of GOD.
And verse 35.
Act 2:34* For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,*
Act 2:35* Until I make thy foes thy footstool.
Verse 36 Peter says to the historically represented house of Israel, that GOD has made Jesus of Nazareth, whom they had crucified, both Lord and Messiah.
Act 2:36* Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.*
Peter says nothing about Jesus Messiah being presently seated on David's throne.
One would have to forcibly glom that on from one's own imagination thru dialectical synthesis.
Yeah, that's right, it's you and Northwye who are guilty of dialectic thought.
Those who read the Scriptures for what they literally say in context are not involved in the triadic thought process.
Again, Peter says nothing about Messiah being presently seated on David's throne.
What he says is that Messiah was raised up 'to sit' on David's throne.
He doesn't say that Messiah is now sitting there.
In Biblical context, David's throne is a reign from Jerusalem over the twelve tribes of Israel in the land called Israel.
Messiah can't reign from David's throne until there is a sufficient believing remnant to constitute the twelve tribes in the land promised.
Messiah is now seated in the Father's throne, at the right hand of GOD, expecting until His enemies become subservient. As Psalm 110 says, "My people(Israel) will be willing in the day of His power".
Jesus Messiah said in Mt 25:31 that He will sit on that throne at His second coming.
Jesus Messiah says in Mt 23:39 that He will not be recognizably seen by Israel until they say unto Him, "Baruch haba b'shem Adonai".
Peter says in Acts 3:19-20 that GOD will not send Jesus Messiah back until Israel(a sufficient remnant) repents.
Gabriel said, to Mary:
Luk 1:31* And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.*
Luk 1:32* He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:*
Luk 1:33* And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.*
I believe all of these Scriptures. You don't.
You're caught in the dialectical tangled up barbed-wire and you make no sense to simple ordinary people who take GOD at His Word.