Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !



Don't blame you one bit; if I thought God caused sin I wouldn't want to go there either. Unless of course I was looking for truth.

I prefer to stick with what a grandmaster in the Kung Fu world told me. Seek, track and orbit. That means I return to wuji meaning the source of my thoughts or simply quieting the mind so I can hear the whispers of God. That means, I return closer to the present on every breath and observe God guiding me in every move I make.

So in other words, to stay in the presence of God at all times means I flush everything I said and start new, fresh.

The calvinist rides on top of God's preordained plans while the arminians get stuck in the past bickering about how much free will they have and not knowing they're always boasting.

The truth is in the present. So far whether I'm a Calvinist or not or whether I want to be one or not, the TULIP still backed up with bible quotes. It doesn't matter if I turn to Calvinist or the bible cause they both say the same thing. They say that God is the Lord. They both use the exact same original hebrew and Greek writings inspired by God. Arminians twists God's words


New member
Calvinism uses the bible and I use the bible so, both of us use the same source and you trick me into saying something I really don't need to say. I'm not into anti calvinism cause they ask stupid questions that makes the bible look dumb.

I apologize if I made the Bible look dumb; I only think translations are dumb. Wasn't trying trick you either; just trying to make you think.

Calvinism translates the Bible to make God look bad; if you try to make my wife or kids look bad I will defend them, because I love them. If you try to make God look bad I will defend Him; Calvinism makes God look bad, so, I defend Him because I love Him. Simple as that.

Calvinism causes people to think that God caused sin. God didn't cause sin, so I tell you.

Calvinism says that God caused sin but the Bible doesn't say that.

Why do you believe it?


Well-known member
Receiving the Gift of Righteousness !

Receiving the Gift of Righteousness !

Rom 5:17

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ )

The Gift of Righteousness here received is given by Grace , those Christ died for receive it passively, as it is given to them by Imputation, that is by the Divine Reckoning of it to their persons, and just because the word receive here lambanō is in the active voice, yet it does not mean that the receiving of it was not passive, for instance Jn 7:23

23 If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day?

The same word receive here is also in the active voice, yet this rite was normally performed on the infant on the Eighth day, when they would have been passive in receiving it from another acting upon them !

Again Jn 7:39

39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified )

The same word for receive lambanō and here its in the active voice, yet the subjects of it will be passive, as the Spirit will come upon them or fall upon them as it is stated here Acts 11:15

And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning.

In Acts 19:2

He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

Again, the receiving here would be passive even though its in the active voice !

Jn 19:30

30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

Jesus received actively the vinegar, but it was given to Him as foretold Ps 69:21

21 They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

You see that, He was acted upon by them that gave Him the vinegar as prophesied !

Jn 20:22

22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

Here receive is active imperative, but they would be passive in receving it when God appointed !

1 Cor 4:7

7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

These words receive lambanō all active voice here means that it has been given them, they were passive, it was something they received that was beyond the ability of their own will to have obtained, so why boast about having it ? You did not differ yourself from another as to why you have it !

And so it is with those who receive the abundance of Grace and the Gift of Righteousness ! They receive it by the distinguishing grace of God giving it to them, while God not giving it to others, so thats why its a Gift of Righteousness . The word gift here in Rom 5:17 dōrea :

denotes "a free gift," stressing its gratuitous character; it is always used in the NT of a spiritual or supernatural gift


Well-known member
I apologize if I made the Bible look dumb; I only think translations are dumb. Wasn't trying trick you either; just trying to make you think.

Calvinism translates the Bible to make God look bad; if you try to make my wife or kids look bad I will defend them, because I love them. If you try to make God look bad I will defend Him; Calvinism makes God look bad, so, I defend Him because I love Him. Simple as that.

Calvinism causes people to think that God caused sin. God didn't cause sin, so I tell you.

Calvinism says that God caused sin but the Bible doesn't say that.

Why do you believe it?

Now deal with the Truths of posts 1069-70, 72-73 Explain what I explained here, see if you understood my logic !


New member
Now deal with the Truths of posts 1069-70, 72-73 Explain what I explained here, see if you understood my logic !

I did not ask you to believe it !

You seem to have rehearsed other things I stated about God ordaining sin, so why not rehearse the points of the posts 1069-70,72-73 ?

You say that truth was written by the author deceit, yet you profess to believe it as truth; if you believe anyone authors lies, why would you believe him? I refuse to discuss truth that was written by the author deceit; I can't believe it. Can you?

Do you really believe the Bible was authored by the author of lies?

If so, sorry, we can't discuss it as truth.


Well-known member
Receiving the Gift of Righteousness ! 2

Receiving the Gift of Righteousness ! 2

This Righteousness as a Gift in Rom 5:17

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ )

Received by Imputation upon all and by all for whom Christ died and is their Saviour, it is [The Gift of Righteousness] the meritorious cause of them obtaining saving Faith, a Grace of the Spirit, that brings them into a actual and sensible enjoyment of Christ's Saving and Healing Benefits, so we read in 2 Pet 1:1

Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:

Its obtained supernaturally because of the Righteousness of God and Our Saviour Jesus Christ !


Well-known member
You say that truth was written by the author deceit, yet you profess to believe it as truth; if you believe anyone authors lies, why would you believe him? I refuse to discuss truth that was written by the author deceit; I can't believe it. Can you?

Do you really believe the Bible was authored by the author of lies?

If so, sorry, we can't discuss it as truth.

You seem to have rehearsed other things I stated about God ordaining sin, so why not rehearse the points of the posts 1069-70,72-73 ?


New member
You seem to have rehearsed other things I stated about God ordaining sin,

Because you stated those things without evidence.

so why not rehearse the points of the posts 1069-70,72-73 ?

Because you interpret the Bible, according to what agrees with your idea of God. Your idea of God is wrong; or Jesus was a liar.

Based on your idea of God, you don't know if you're elect; therefore, you are not elect.


Well-known member
Because you stated those things without evidence.

Because you interpret the Bible, according to what agrees with your idea of God. Your idea of God is wrong; or Jesus was a liar.

Based on your idea of God, you don't know if you're elect; therefore, you are not elect.

You seem to have rehearsed other things I stated about God ordaining sin, so why not rehearse the points of the posts 1069-70,72-73 ?



Calvinism causes people to think that God caused sin. God didn't cause sin, so I tell you.

Calvinism says that God caused sin but the Bible doesn't say that.

Why do you believe it?

Recently there's some sort of temporary fad going on with new anti calvinism books. After reading some it and reading TOL'S post, I've noticed that the traditional calvinism doesn't say stuff like that. I've quoted stuff from John Calvin and proved that Calvin never said stuff that the newbies claim. They even denied that too. It a fad. It has to die away cause the sources never said things like that in that way. If you wore bell bottoms for a while, you soon get tired of it.

You'll get tired of the antiCalvinism fads once you have actually read the traditional reformed writings and the bible quotes they use to support it.

This is what makes men look dumb. The calvinist can't look dumb cause they use quotes to back themselves up.

I think your a skeptic. By nature, all men are skeptics anyway so you're not alone but I would suggest you read quote that backs up anyone's theories


New member
Recently there's some sort of temporary fad going on with new anti calvinism books. After reading some it and reading TOL'S post, I've noticed that the traditional calvinism doesn't say stuff like that. I've quoted stuff from John Calvin and proved that Calvin never said stuff that the newbies claim. They even denied that too. It a fad. It has to die away cause the sources never said things like that in that way. If you wore bell bottoms for a while, you soon get tired of it.

You'll get tired of the antiCalvinism fads once you have actually read the traditional reformed writings and the bible quotes they use to support it.

This is what makes men look dumb. The calvinist can't look dumb cause they use quotes to back themselves up.
I think your a skeptic. By nature, all men are skeptics anyway so you're not alone but I would suggest you read quote that backs up anyone's theories

Please read this:

So what doesn't Calvinism say, exactly? Please enlighten me. (concerning the cause/authoring of sin)

That God doesn't cause sin?


New member
You seem to have rehearsed other things I stated about God ordaining sin, so why not rehearse the points of the posts 1069-70,72-73 ?
The other posts are irrelevant since God ordained sin; you are indeed a Calvinist, not a Christian. Christians teach that God is good, always.