So you cannot know that the Bible is true; right?
If so, how do you define truth?
I've gone beyond that to the point that only 66 books of the Bible is more than true and the rest of the books are NOT inspired by God. Some say there are 73 books. No man has been able to meet the challenges to write at least one sentence like God did in the Bible. Men failed on that. So If we can't do that then we have math. We do know one apple plus one more apple make two apples. We do know the single sentences in the original bible are perfectly divisible by seven. We know single paragraphs or group of words are perfectly divisible by seven. Perfectly mean perfectly. If we retest to see if one apple plus another apple equals two apples each time, we get the same results. The results are the same no matter how many times you retest it. Same with the bible.
So, the bible is more than true to the point that not a single man of all times since Adam has been able to duplicate God's word.
If God said, "you didn't choose me, I chose you", then you really, really should get over it and stop questioning God like He is an idiot and has no power to save anyone according to His Own private personal pleasure. HE DOES HAVE THE POWER TO SEND ALL MEN TO HE'LL WHICH WE ALL DESERVE. Stop boasting and basking in your own imagined devil inspired free will. You have captive will. You have slaved will. That has nothing to do with free will which don't exist.