Free Will


Eclectic Theosophist
Understanding Free Will........

Understanding Free Will........


Here is an interesting talk on 'free will' by Rabbi Akiva Tatz, presenting a deeper Orthodox Jewish understanding of the subject, with some key insights of the liberty of free will existing within any given limited context of space or time. The idea is that for us to be engaged with life's purpose and potential, we must in some measure actually be free and response-able beings. The Rabbi also has a somewhat recent book 'Will, Freedom and Destiny', of good review. Have enjoyed some other talks by the Rabbi on Youtube as well :) - some good material for contemplation, especially if you want to explore your Hebrew roots ;)

Some points to note here are aspects of choice that are original to our own souls (having no antecedent causation, the soul being the very source of a given choice), and then choices that may be influenced or affected by environment, genes, desires, proclivities, habit, outside forces, etc. If we have any genuine freedom of choice, which is by the way one way we are made/created in the image of God, being like God, is this very creativity of will, this power of self-determination. 'Free will' is the very creative gauge or compass in which the whole continuum of human progress, salvation and destiny is played out. The whole engagement of life and consciousness rides on the variables of creative choice, opportunity and freedom.



Eclectic Theosophist
Popping dogma bubbles.......

Popping dogma bubbles.......

That's just human reasoning.

The day of evil in Prov. 16:4, is the Day of Judgment for the vessels of wrath God fitted for destruction Rom. 9:22, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction 2 Thes. 1:9.

God created all men according to the counsel of His own Will/Purpose Eph. 1:11.
And He predetermined an amount and group of people that are the wicked.

He made them for Himself, to demonstrate His Power in His forming of them as His Vessels of Wrath Rom. 9:22.

Jude 1:4
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Job 23:13-14
13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

'God' requires souls to use their faculties of reason and logic towards any subject of knowledge, so we apply such. A 'day of evil' or any given 'dispensation', even a more heavenly one, is but a cycle of karmic overture,...a concert of some effect which is but the harvest of a given planting, whose results are reaped during a special season (eon). A harvest of evil seed and/or good, are appropriated their own time, hence their particular 'day' (a given dispensation or compensation). There is nothing 'pre-ordained' or 'pre-determined' in these necessarily except that every seed by inherent nature and law produces after its own kind, some seeds towards life, others towards death....and so goes individual and cosmic cycles. These basic laws of Theosophy are fundamental, since they're universal.

It is in this light of genuine free will, that man can choose his own conditional state and ultimate destiny (even within certain limitations or restrictions)...which is plainly decreed, the whole creation bearing testimony,...that man has been given a choice between life & death, blessings & cursing. We've shared this passage in the OT already,...its basic Torah knowledge. Remember, I was redirecting my sharings back towards a Jewish understanding of 'free will', before taking it back to its more universal prospects in metaphysics and philosophy. This is a much deeper more complex subject than any one given school or dogma can articulate, and we've not even really begun to explore the particulars of 'free will' as classically and academically treated.

My earlier post here with linked posts within still holds :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Crock pots!

Crock pots!

Pride and boasting!

Are you serious? Oh, maybe this is a comedy break :crackup:

Any half-baked bible scholar or religious layman knows that 'humility' is essential in one's surrender and love-centered relationship with Deity. Pride goeth before a fall,....a self-exalted or inflated 'ego' is a recipe for heart-ache, failure and de-struction. One may have pride in pressing one particular dogma or doctrinal emphasis (say 'ouch' :) ), that 'pride' disguising itself as religious zeal or doctrinal rightness.

'Free will' is a hot potato,....I guess a lot rides on it. It so happens that if it is indeed central to our very lives and destinies, its right use would be fundamental to us. Any belief-system that denies it, would in some way be compromising their own life and its potential destiny.


Well-known member
'God' requires souls to use their faculties of reason and logic towards any subject of knowledge, so we apply such. A 'day of evil' or any given 'dispensation', even a more heavenly one, is but a cycle of karmic overture,...a concert of some effect which is but the harvest of a given planting, whose results are reaped during a special season (eon). A harvest of evil seed and/or good, are appropriated their own time, hence their particular 'day' (a given dispensation or compensation). There is nothing 'pre-ordained' or 'pre-determined' in these necessarily except that every seed by inherent nature and law produces after its own kind, some seeds towards life, others towards death....and so goes individual and cosmic cycles. These basic laws of Theosophy are fundamental, since they're universal.

It is in this light of genuine free will, that man can choose his own conditional state and ultimate destiny (even within certain limitations or restrictions)...which is plainly decreed, the whole creation bearing testimony,...that man has been given a choice between life & death, blessings & cursing. We've shared this passage in the OT already,...its basic Torah knowledge. Remember, I was redirecting my sharings back towards a Jewish understanding of 'free will', before taking it back to its more universal prospects in metaphysics and philosophy. This is a much deeper more complex subject than any one given school or dogma can articulate, and we've not even really begun to explore the particulars of 'free will' as classically and academically treated.

My earlier post here with linked posts within still holds :)
Show me a scripture that says man has a freewill!

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Well-known member
Are you serious? Oh, maybe this is a comedy break :crackup:

Any half-baked bible scholar or religious layman knows that 'humility' is essential in one's surrender and love-centered relationship with Deity. Pride goeth before a fall,....a self-exalted or inflated 'ego' is a recipe for heart-ache, failure and de-struction. One may have pride in pressing one particular dogma or doctrinal emphasis (say 'ouch' :) ), that 'pride' disguising itself as religious zeal or doctrinal rightness.

'Free will' is a hot potato,....I guess a lot rides on it. It so happens that if it is indeed central to our very lives and destinies, its right use would be fundamental to us. Any belief-system that denies it, would in some way be compromising their own life and its potential destiny.
Yes serious!

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Well-known member
'God' requires

You can only speak of the god of your own understanding.
But that's not God.

Eph. 4:18
Having the understanding darkened,
being alienated from the life of God
through the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their heart


Well-known member
You can only speak of the god of your own understanding.
But that's not God.

Eph. 4:18
Having the understanding darkened,
being alienated from the life of God
through the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their heart

Rothschild you're gods dogma via Pavlov's canine conditioning for the masses to rationalize murder and theft of those deemed from a lessor god, pure persona gibberish with a baby-lon ID to prove who owns you. Might want to escape and ponder the more excellent way before you have to reboot.


Well-known member
John 18:36, Luke 17:20-21, free will is a relative term depending on who owns you're persona/person/ID carrier vs live being child of God who has no numbers or labels.


Well-known member
Rothschild you're gods dogma via Pavlov's canine conditioning for the masses to rationalize murder and theft of those deemed from a lessor god, pure persona gibberish with a baby-lon ID to prove who owns you. Might want to escape and ponder the more excellent way before you have to reboot.

Really? But what scripture says man has a freewill?


New member
Really? But what scripture says man has a freewill?
All the ones cited here in this thread that have to do with man and the choices he makes.

I alone posted over 20 verses probably, and that would be only a miniscule portion of the actual whole in this thread which would be still further only part of the whole of scripture that lend credence to the truth of our freedom to choose.

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Well-known member
All the ones cited here in this thread that have to do with man and the choices he makes.

I alone posted over 20 verses probably, and that would be only a miniscule portion of the actual whole in this thread which would be still further only part of the whole of scripture that lend credence to the truth of our freedom to choose.

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Not one of those scriptures says man has a freewill!

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