Free Will


So is it unjust to believe that God did NOT give us free will?

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Beyond the shadow of a doubt!

Without free will, we would be without a genuine identity and soul. Only God could allow such a wonderful plan to unfold and design everything to bear unique qualities, while sacrificing Himself in our place for our iniquities.


New member
I know that is what they believe and that is what I said.

That is not the same as saying no one believes in God until He causes them to supernaturally.

God does not cause us to believe in Him supernaturally.

We come to believe in God by hearing the supernatural message.

I can easily refute Calvinism with scripture.
I was confused by this. It sounded like double speak when I read it. I don't mean to offend, but I was lead to believe in GOD via what could be called a supernatural occurrence or happening of sorts, as much as I dislike the word supernatural, what happened doesn't fall under naturally occuring phenomenon.

I'm just confused and was hoping you could clarify what you meant.

Thanks, peace

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New member
You added to God's Word. That scripture is about Gentiles being saved while enemies. I have proven it to you many times that it is about the UNcircumcised Gentiles.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

Did you read that?
The Gentiles were dead in their sins because they did not get circumcised and do the other cleaning works the Jews used to have to do.

The Gentiles did not do those things which means they did not come into the covenant with God. That is what made them enemies.

Ephesians 2:11 Therefore remember that formerly you who are Gentiles in the flesh and called uncircumcised by the so-called circumcision (that done in the body by human hands)— 12 remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

Stop adding to the scriptures for they do not say that God saved the Gentiles while they did not believe in Him and even hated Him.

Jesus saving Gentiles while enemies means Jesus did not make them get circumcised before he would save them.
I thought it pertains also to the circumsision of the spirit, and stood as a testament to the fact that circumsision is of the spirit, and too the fact that GOD does guide even unbelievers and haters of GOD, once they relenquish their pride and sincerely ask for help.


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I thought it pertains also to the circumsision of the spirit, and stood as a testament to the fact that circumsision is of the spirit, and too the fact that GOD does guide even unbelievers and haters of GOD, once they relenquish their pride and sincerely ask for help.


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Circumcision is of the Flesh, not the spirit.

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New member
Because you don't have a scripture for that. It's a myth of man!
I assure you freedom of choice is not a myth.

The actual elect ultimately will not be veered from the narrow path and way, but man is free to choose what he will do to perhaps varied degrees among differing individuals. Would you really like me to continue posting scripture from where I left off focusing on the usage of the word choose in particular verses referring to choices man is to make or was to make? I don't mind. I refuse to believe that you are hopelessly lost. What does your faith do other than cause you to contend here? Personal, I know.


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Common sense says that if you say with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", then you had better be obeying him.

Luke 6:46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?

Matthew 7:21
Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Captain obveous

God's Truth

New member
I was confused by this. It sounded like double speak when I read it. I don't mean to offend, but I was lead to believe in GOD via what could be called a supernatural occurrence or happening of sorts, as much as I dislike the word supernatural, what happened doesn't fall under naturally occuring phenomenon.

I'm just confused and was hoping you could clarify what you meant.

Thanks, peace

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Calvinists say that God regenerates people with the Holy Spirit to cause them to believe. They say God does that without their knowing or wanting.

However, that is not what the Bible says.

Does that explain it?


New member
Calvinists say that God regenerates people with the Holy Spirit to cause them to believe.

However, that is not what the Bible says.

Does that explain it?
You are right; I shouldn't have said that to me, it sounded like double speak. I did not mean to come off that way. I apologise

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If you believe God is JUST you believe he has given us free will. I agree.

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Well, that's your human based evaluation of good and evil. I can't go with that because scriptures are clear. There is no one that does right (exercises their will to accept God) there is none that seeks him (no one exercises their will to find God), without Me you can do nothing (exercise the will), and no one can come (exercise their will) to the Son unless the Father draws him.
Good discussion


New member
Well, that's your human based evaluation of good and evil. I can't go with that because scriptures are clear. There is no one that does right (exercises their will to accept God) there is none that seeks him (no one exercises their will to find God), without Me you can do nothing (exercise the will), and no one can come (exercise their will) to the Son unless the Father draws him.
Good discussion
Yet too, none can come to GOD unless they accept GOD

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God's Truth

New member
Well, that's your human based evaluation of good and evil. I can't go with that because scriptures are clear. There is no one that does right (exercises their will to accept God) there is none that seeks him (no one exercises their will to find God), without Me you can do nothing (exercise the will), and no one can come (exercise their will) to the Son unless the Father draws him.
Good discussion
When Paul says no one seeks God, Paul is quoting King David. Paul is explaining that the Jews were sinful too. What is King David saying where Paul quotes? Listen carefully; at that time in which David speaks, the people are in a bad condition inside Israel. When the day spoken of arrived, no one searched for God.
If no one ever searched for God, ever, then how was it that the Israelites called out to God to help them when they thought God had forgotten them while they were slaves in Egypt?

Exodus 3:9 And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them.

Deuteronomy 26:7
Then we cried out to the LORD, the God of our ancestors, and the LORD heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression.

If no one ever searched for God, then why do the scriptures say people did?
In the New Testament, when Jesus arrived, people shouted: “Son of David, have mercy on me”. They were looking for the Messiah. In the New Testament a blind man was searching for the Son of God, the prophet’s had said would come. I just showed you that people do search for God. Again, Paul was explaining that the Jews were sinners like the Gentiles, even though the Jews were supposed to be God’s Holy people.


Well-known member
You should really go through these four links, since you are in denial that God said it never crossed His mind that His people would do the things they did.

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Just show me a scripture that says man has a freewill!


Well-known member
They were GENTILE enemies of God BEFORE Jesus because they did not get circumcised and come into the covenant of God.

Jesus saved them and didn't require them to get circumcised.

Lying. Those Christ died for were reconciled to God while they are enemies, hating God and opposing Him Rom 5:10


Well-known member
Just obey God and preach obedience to Him. What in the world do you think your creepy Calvinistic beliefs do for anyone?

Those Christ obeyed God for are made righteous without obedience of their own. It was by the Obedience of One many shall be made righteous Rom 5:19