Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
This attitude is obvious in your all of your posts which just makes it all the more surprising to me that you come down on this side of this issue. Be that as it may, I respect your position even though I believe it to unfounded both Biblically and otherwise.
You have not missed anything as far as proof texts or any other Biblical argument from me as I have made almost none. My argument rests solely on the lack of physical evidence for physical miracles happening today. If your Biblical position is correct then such evidence will be available. I believe this to be axiomatic. Therefore since we know that the Bible is not flawed in any way then if such physical evidence does not exist then your Biblical position is wrong.
Resting in His sufficient Grace,
This sounds like an argument I would expect from a skeptic who does not know God and His Word. Philosophically, it could have value, but see my other post a minute ago. I contend that the evidence is out there. Miracles do wax and wane in church history as do revivals in the church and spiritual awakenings in society. God is sovereign, but man can and does limit the outpouring of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives, churches, and society. This fits with an Open Theist world view. cf. Chronicles condition...IF my people humble themselves and pray....THEN... Church history and the modern Pentecostal movement attest to the workings of God...
i) Do miracles happen today in my limited sphere of knowledge?
ii) the Bible must be interpreted to mean that miracles have ceased for this generation.
(I hope this is not your reasoning, because you have the cart before the horse).
Would a better approach be:
i) What does the Bible explicitly teach about miracles, healing, etc. for the church and world (life and ministry of Christ, OT, Book of Acts, epistles, Church History)? I expect a Scriptural argument (like the closing of the canon/apostolic validation), not an experiential one...doctrine before practice.
ii) Is there evidence to support the ongoing ministry of Christ through the Church by the Spirit? (I believe there is). If we are not seeing evidence of this, is it because we have not searched out all sources of this evidence or have not personally experienced it or know someone who has (I know people that were healed when medicine could not give them hope)? Is it because we are not believing God and His Word and quenching and grieving the Spirit because we have bought into the Western scientific mindset of touch, taste, feel, hear, see (materialism...only matter is real...no room for spiritual or Divine)?
This I know...Jesus is God with a face....His life and ministry reflect the heart and ways of the Father. His power, compassion, love, healing, miracles have not ceased to be replaced by the arm of the flesh. Man still has tremendous needs, demons are still active in the warfare, and God still is glorified when He supernaturally intervenes in our world (He is not a passive Deist God). We may not be intellectual atheists, but it is possible to be a functional atheist, living as if God does not exist or care. I would be reticent to limit God based on a desire to hold to a pre-conceived theology (extreme dispensationalism that puts God in our limited box...again, we need a Scriptural argument since Jesus reveals that He came to destroy the works of sin and Satan...they are still ongoing, hence, His ministry through the Church should still be ongoing).
You know Jesus as Lord, Savior, Provider, King. Pentecostals want all men to also know Him as Healer and Deliver from the power of sin and Satan. I mentioned Gospel for Asia before. They are a non-Pentecostal missions organization that reports of the Gospel being preached with villages in India coming to Christ because the Word is confirmed with signs following. When the village Hindu priest is healed or delivered from the power of Satan, just like in the Gospels and Acts, many come to Christ. Perhaps your problem is that you live in the North American academic and affluent comfort zone and need to be exposed to the spiritual warfare that is waged in 3rd world countries and our streets. All the teaching and $ in the world will not free a man from demon possession or heal an incurable disease. This is the domain of Jehovah- Rophi ( Exodus 15), the Lord who Heals (He is still in the biz, bud).
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