Francis meets same-sex ‘couple’: hugs ‘gay’ friend, kisses his ‘partner’


Well-known member
Without a doubt you could find fault in any Christian denomination that doesn't (to the letter) confirm to your idea of Christianity.

Every time I read one of your "My church is better than your church!" posts, I can't help but think of Selwyn Duke's article:

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place...

Why is it that the "enemy" in your world is always someone who stands up and fights the LGBTQueer agenda? (me, Kim Davis).

Let all of that HATRED go musterion, I guarantee you that it'll eat you alive.

PM me when you want to address the substance of my last two posts.


like marbles on glass
The problem with being the Pope is that when you finally get to visit the USA, you do not get to look up an old friend from college who is a homosexual living with his partner and greet them warmly as he did without making it an ecclesiastical signal about homosexuality...

He should have seen his friend privately without cameras... Which may not have been possible...

The Papal visit was weak and shows the distance the Papacy has devolved from its primary mission, which is exemplifying a proper relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and is now getting itself involved in social welfare issues, and political issues, and even global warming, which have nothing to do with the Kingdom of Heaven which is not of this world... His job as a pastor is to bless the poor and instruct the rich to provide for them, and not to help political factions decide issues of ecological science and establish vast political welfare dependencies...

He dropped the ball on abortion and gay marriage, and this encounter is fully in line with that agenda...


The problem with being the Pope is that so many think they're more Catholic than the Pope.


Why should this be a problem?

After all, the global trend seems to be dignity, liberty and justice for ALL.

It's like Jesus's Parable of the Good Samaritan. We have deadened the story's original bite. A Samaritan was unclean and basically human trash in the minds of Jews 2,000 years ago.

If we were to translate the parable in more appropriate, understandable terms it would be

"The Parable of the AIDs-infected, sweaty, Buddhist Homosexual."

God's help sometimes comes in distressing disguises.


like marbles on glass
Even if you didn't mean it to be, your personal parable translation is appalling.

Is that how you think of people, or how you think anyone else should think of them?


New member
The world is becoming more progressive and socially accepting of other people. I find it disappointing, but not surprising, that conservative Christianity is spearheading in the opposite direction.


Even if you didn't mean it to be, your personal parable translation is appalling.

Is that how you think of people, or how you think anyone else should think of them?
I am guessing this post is to me. Next time you comment on another post, please use your format to indicate it is a personal reply.

--First of all, it is not a "personal" translation. It comes from the recent gains in the history of Jesus's day.

--Whenever I am confronted with a person who is unfamiliar and offensive to me, I am often able to extend my embrace of them thanks to Jesus.

I try not to "tell" ANYONE what to do or how to believe. I am passing along some things I have learned. Everyone should make their own best choice.

The idea of God being unclean or corrupt is a common theme in some of Jesus's well-known parables of the Kingdom of God.

God is like a Samaritan, God is like leaven, God is like a mustard seed.

The term "leaven" is always equated with corruption and uncleanliness, all through the entire Bible.

A mustard plant is a noxious weed that chokes out the good crops in a farmer's field or garden.

The Prodigal Son gets mired in uncleanliness and corruption, yet is welcomed home by his father.

The diseased, the homeless, the destitute and the marginalized were people Jesus was not afraid to celebrate with and embraced. They are seen by "normal society" as corrupted and unclean.

These examples are actual, historical facts. Jesus preached within a certain reality with a religious, social and political matrix. I choose to do much of my Bible study to find out as much of the contextual social data as I can.


like marbles on glass
I am guessing this post is to me. Next time you comment on another post, please use your format to indicate it is a personal reply.

Of course it was to you.

If we were to translate the parable in more appropriate, understandable terms it would be

"The Parable of the AIDs-infected, sweaty, Buddhist Homosexual.""The Parable of the AIDs-infected, sweaty, Buddhist Homosexual."
And I said it was appalling. Your parable translation is neither appropriate nor understandable.


I see that Frank's openly sodomite friend has gone public with he and his boyfriend's meeting with the new homosexual friendly Pope.

I'll comment on some of the the article with brackets [ ] in italics

Gay former student of Pope Francis' speaks out

An openly gay former student of Pope Francis' who visited with the pope during his recent trip to Washington said he was surprised Francis had met with the Kentucky county clerk who gained attention for refusing to issue same-sex couples marriage licenses.

[Since the LGBTQueer movement went "Pope shopping" to find a Pope that would defend their interests, no doubt the surprise]

The pope's meeting with Washington resident Yayo Grassi, his boyfriend and a few others came to light Friday as the Vatican was distancing itself from claims the pope's meeting with the clerk, Kim Davis, was an endorsement of her stance on same-sex marriage.

Grassi, 67,

[67? That's really really old in fag years. Paraphrasing Rusha aka Sandy : "He must not be a real homosexual if he's lived that long"]

met Francis more than 50 years ago when the future pope taught at his all boys school in Argentina.

[Red alert! red alert! Frank taught at an all boys school and one of his students and close friends is an unrepentant homosexual? I won't talk about the pederast movement inside the Catholic Church as it might appear that I'm implying that Frank was a child molester]

They reconnected in 2008, and since becoming pope Francis has since met him and his boyfriend of 17 years twice, once in Rome and most recently in Washington, Grassi said.

[17 years together? Yayo must have recruited this young'in when he was around 5]


Grassi, who came to the United States in 1978 and runs a catering business, spoke with The Associated Press at his home Saturday.

On what he thought of the pope's meeting with Davis:

"I thought, 'This is really strange. This is not like him,'" he said.

[Yes, it's so unlike Frank to side with a Christian who stands for God's Word isn't it Yayo?]

Read more:


Even if you didn't mean it to be, your personal parable translation is appalling.

Is that how you think of people, or how you think anyone else should think of them?
Again, I have to guess as to whether or not you are in fact responding to my specific post. If you will click on the "REPLY" button it would be more helpful to the respondent.

I was always frustrated as an adolescent because I always felt I was having to leave my brain and common sense behind at the church door! So I resolved to discover what the original intent was behind every passage and verse in the Bible I was having trouble with--much like the Supreme Court justices concerning the U.S. Constitution.

The best scholars of the Bible are true historians who take the text at face value using accepted historical methods and keep any faith-based subjectivity out of the equation.

The Samaritan was mentioned by Jesus to make a point: sometimes God reveals himself in the unclean and the corrupt.
Jesus's listeners could no more imagine a Samaritan as "good" any more than they could envision "loving one's enemies."

If anything, the parables of Jesus totally dislocate and overturn the conventional wisdom of his day--and ours. And his parables provide great examples of challenging the default world.

Likewise, leaven and the mustard plant were seen as unclean qualities.

To me history is tremendously important when I study the Bible. It does, like it or not, inform our faith.


Of course it was to you.

And I said it was appalling. Your parable translation is neither appropriate nor understandable.
You probably mean to say that you recognize my posts come from my personal thinking and beliefs. And you would be absolutely correct.

And you also should have said my post was unbelievable instead of judging it "appalling." The more honest thing to do is to take some responsibility for yourself and say "I found it appalling."

Just ask me directly that you find my biblical exegesis not in the context of the discussion and that you don't understand where I am coming from.

Then we can go over it together.


I meant to say exactly what I said.
You made use of the word "You" which is used in an accusatory fashion. By owning up to your own thoughts and feelings, you might have used the word "I."

Again, it would be helpful if you would answer a specific post by clicking on the REPLY button on your end. I still have to guess whether or not you post is for me specifically.


like marbles on glass
If you're finished giving me instructions about how to think and how to post, maybe you can get back to that appalling "Parable of the AIDs-infected, sweaty, Buddhist Homosexual" where I asked you if that was how you think of people, or how anyone else should think of them?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Francis meets same-sex ‘couple’: hugs ‘gay’ friend, kisses his ‘partner’

and yet, he excommunicated the mafia

who is he to judge?

Pope excommunicates Italian Mafia members

Using his strongest language to date, Pope Francis told Italian Mafia members on Saturday that they are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

"Those who in their life have gone along the evil ways, as in the case of the mafia, they are not with God, they are excommunicated," Francis said in an outdoor Mass in Piana di Sibari, Calabria.

it's a shame the befuddled old fool doesn't recognize homosexuality as evil