All this proves is that aCW will post anything that agrees with him as evidence. He doesn't scrutinize his sources. He doesn't omit them if they are guilty of bias or simply terrible data gathering methods.
If it agrees with his preconceived notions; if it agrees with his conclusions, he will scour the web to find "facts" that agree with him.
In short, :mock: aCW
Scientific Proof that Drug Decriminalization in Portugal Saved Lives and Killed People
As alaCarte as ever
Come down from your dope high and look at that chart again Ralphie (the pusher).
Keith Humphreys was using sarcasm when he was talking about the first chart by the EMCDDA.
As anyone can see, drug deaths were in decline when Portugal decriminalized drug usage. The amount of drug related deaths were cut in half for close to 5 years, but they soon increased to almost the same level as before.
As anyone can see (that isn't high on dope and pushing the pro dope agenda), criminalization isn't a "fix all".
Now that we've gotten past yet another "smokescreen" by Ralphie (the pusher), let's look at the realities of life again: "Domestic violence and drug abuse".
While Ralphie (the pusher) loves to "compartmentalise" sinful behavior (he tries to show that drug and alcohol abuse are separate categories, when often times they're tied in together), he's avoiding the truth, like all Libertarians do.
Empowering sinful behavior is not the answer, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior is.