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I was an addict for 30 years. From the age of 13 to 43. I have been set at liberty from sin, judgment and therefore addiction.

To the praise of the glory of His grace.

I shall admit that I thought you were the age your sons must be, if not younger. My humble apologies for treating you as such.

No apologies are necessary, thanks.

Would you mind my asking what you think I should do with my son? I mean, he has one thing in common with the Prodigal Son of Jesus' parable: After leaving home at 17, he now returns in his mid 20s, admitting he can't make it on his own.

Unlike the prodigal son, there's little sign of repentance. I mean, he's trying to quit using, but he's doing it because that's what we want, not what he wants nor what he thinks is the right thing to do.

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One can feel no love whatsoever without emotion, nor can they hear the conscience.

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Unlike you I am fully aware of the seat of the emotions and where they lay. Conscience on the other hand is not an emotion it has its place in the will. I also know where the seat of the will is and how the will affects the emotions.

Your attempts at using spiritual terms is appalling. Like a child pretending to do "joined up writing". Looks OK in the eyes(understanding) of the child, but when an adult looks upon it...


What I am refuting is your using a fake Roman Catholic doctrine and applying it to the Saviour. Yes His conception was immaculate, but that is not the subject of the immaculate conception. You will do nothing, but confuse people by making it up as you go along.
Gosh Truster if I gave you that impression then I worded it poorly. Is it safe to assume that you agree with Jesus that Abraham rejoiced when he saw his day John 8:48-59?


New member
No apologies are necessary, thanks.

Would you mind my asking what you think I should do with my son? I mean, he has one thing in common with the Prodigal Son of Jesus' parable: After leaving home at 17, he now returns in his mid 20s, admitting he can't make it on his own.

Unlike the prodigal son, there's little sign of repentance. I mean, he's trying to quit using, but he's doing it because that's what we want, not what he wants nor what he thinks is the right thing to do.

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You seem desperate in seeking answers on here. Are the answers you seek for you or your son?


New member
Jesus loves sinners, that's who he came to save, he was out amongst them all, and he was among all who had diseases too, all those who many wouldn't look at, and those who belong to God should have the same heart.

What God hates is those who know him to carry on wilfully sinning.
God hates sin, willful or not.


New member
Your understanding in regard to both atheist and agnostic are wrong.

The clue is in the use of the preposition "A". Does amoral mean you don't believe in morals or you don't have any?

The other clue is in the Greek word theist from Theos and the meaning of gnostic.

Atheist. a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.

Agnostic. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

* * *

These are the definitions I had in mind, as provided at If you have other definitions in mind, then neither of us are wrong, we're just thinking different fruit.


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New member
Jesus loves sinners, that's who he came to save, he was out amongst them all, and he was among all who had diseases too, all those who many wouldn't look at, and those who belong to God should have the same heart.

What God hates is those who know him to carry on wilfully sinning.

But He didn't save them all. Does that mean He doesn't love them all? Or that this love, you speak of, is not powerful enough to save.


New member
The works you speak of are of man. Are empowered by the will of man and therefore by default Satan. You are both blind to and ignorant of rest, trust and the law of liberty. It is apparent in what you say. I'm not the only one who recognises this.

I was speaking to a yachtswoman a few years ago on the same subject. She, like you, had been denying everything I said as she was assured that all she had been taught was right. She even asked why was I pestering her?

She'd told me she was off to participate in a race so I asked if she would be wearing a life jacket and she replied in the affirmative.

I mentioned the fact that if the yacht went down or she was thrown overboard she would immediately pull the handle on the life jacket? She agreed. I then suggested that if I had discovered that the particular inflation device on that jacket had a manufacturing default, so that when she pulled the handle on which her life depended, nothing would happen. Would she want me to inform her...nothing further needed to be said.
It's true that you are not the only one to recognize those who are blind to rest, trust and the law of liberty.


Sounds like you're Hindu, but am I wrong? Doesn't matter. What you say is interesting and worthy of exploration!

So let me quote just part of the text you mentioned:

John 8:54-59 Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and obey his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

So are you saying Jesus was created in his mother's womb, but God is eternal (forever existing and always able to say he, she or it is), therefore Jesus could in no way be God?
I am a Christian. Jesus can incarnate as many times as he wants to.


New member
Not either, or. Both, and.

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The problem with any form of addiction is that they can only treat the symptoms. Addiction needs to have the root cause found and cut out.

After my conversion I wanted to know what had happened to my addictions so I spent a number of years seeking answers. As is usual I found the truth in the root meaning* of the word addiction and then I discovered why they had been taken away.

Addiction has a purpose in the will of Elohim and He uses addiction for His glory. The root meaning of addiction is ajudged. I realised that my addiction was a judgement upon me, because of my sin. The self same moment I was converted and forgiveness was applied to me in justification, my addiction was lifted. Gone and never to return. For my addiction to return it would mean my forgiveness has been taken away and that could never, ever happen.

Your son will bring nothing but heart ache to you and your wife. Addicts lie, steal, cheat and despise, but you probably know this already.

As a judgement addiction can be unto life or unto destruction. Either way Elohim is just and His judgements upright.

*(people are always complaining at my looking at true meanings, but that is where the answers lay, just waiting to be uncovered)


New member
I don't agree with you on any of that.

I just don't play games.

You are playing games and should be seeking to find answers from God.

God reveals Himself to those who obey him.

John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."
Why do you say he is playing games? You love to accuse people and then whine about insults that don't exist.


New member
I don't agree with you on any of that.

I just don't play games.

You are playing games and should be seeking to find answers from God.

God reveals Himself to those who obey him.

John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."
What makes you think he doesn't obey?
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