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New member
You are not saved. If you continue in the path you are on then you may well end up like many on here. False brethren. Salvation and the true worship of the Eternal Almighty is not some internet game.

Please don't misinterpret my enjoyment of discussing the Bible with a lack of seriousness in finding the truth. Also, if you care to do so, please tell me how you know without a doubt I'm not saved.

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I apprehend (know the words) of a great deal of the OT and NT. I don't comprehend (understand the correct meaning) of a good deal of the important passages of both.

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The word "love" is mentioned the most.

"God is love" is the whole context of the Bible, friend.

Jesus says to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the epitome of Christian faith.


I have been reading through these posts and can't believe the words that are coming out of Truster

I think Truster, you should change your name to legion because their are many devils i am hearing in you posts, i can here the Christ in other posts but not yours i Hope that one day you might see it for yourself.

Look what happened to Lucifer when he tried to be God because i think that is what you are trying to be, can't you see the humbleness of the people who are trying to talk to you. This might seem weird to you but these people would love to hear God in you but you must become humble yourself first that is the only way to God as he is the only one who can raise you in the spirit.

Sorry to be blunt but you make it so obvious hatred is in your heart and you have built you house with no foundation.

well said, amen.

thank you for your contribution.

You are greatly blessed.


New member

It's not Gods fault. It takes rebirth to correctly understand the word.

So let's say Wesley and Calvin joined the dialogue, here. Both would say they have been reborn (born again or born from above) yet there is a great deal of the Bible they'd disagree about. How then can the rebirth be a guarantee of freedom from misinterpretation of scripture?

Edit: Also I agree God isn't at fault, but I wonder if the lack of clarity of scripture is somehow by design.

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New member
So let's say Wesley and Calvin joined the dialogue, here. Both would say they have been reborn (born again or born from above) yet there is a great deal of the Bible they'd disagree about. How then can the rebirth be a guarantee of freedom from misinterpretation of scripture?

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Rebirth doesn't bring complete understanding of every single scripture. It opens up your understanding to what is necessary for you at this point in your sanctification. Assuming you have been reborn.


New member
The word "love" is mentioned the most.

"God is love" is the whole context of the Bible, friend.

Jesus says to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the epitome of Christian faith.

Would you say, then there is no greater thing than love?

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New member
Please don't misinterpret my enjoyment of discussing the Bible with a lack of seriousness in finding the truth. Also, if you care to do so, please tell me how you know without a doubt I'm not saved.

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If you're ever saved you'll know who is a brother and who is not. There is a family resemblance.

Maybe you should start a thread entitled "will anybody lead me to Jesus". That should get the "REFORMED" into a feeding frenzy. They tried to climb in by way of doctrines and creeds. They'll enjoy leading you even further astray than you are.

I've advised you so I'll just leave you get on with it.


New member

Rebirth doesn't bring complete understanding of every single scripture. It opens up your understanding to what is necessary for you at this point in your sanctification. Assuming you have been reborn.

Since rebirth doesn't bring complete understanding, I'm not sure how, as you said, "It takes rebirth to understand the word". Were you saying those who aren't reborn can understand none of the word? Or did you mean those who are reborn are able to understand more of it, but not all of it? Or did you mean something else? (Just trying to correctly understand you.)

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New member
If you're ever saved you'll know who is a brother and who is not. There is a family resemblance.

Maybe you should start a thread entitled "will anybody lead me to Jesus". That should get the "REFORMED" into a feeding frenzy. They tried to climb in by way of doctrines and creeds. They'll enjoy leading you even further astray than you are.

I've advised you so I'll just leave you get on with it.

Get on with what?

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New member
Since rebirth doesn't bring complete understanding, I'm not sure how, as you said, "It takes rebirth to understand the word". Were you saying those who aren't reborn can understand none of the word? Or did you mean those who are reborn are able to understand more of it, but not all of it? Or did you mean something else? (Just trying to correctly understand you.)

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Yes. If you have not been reborn, all of Scripture has been hidden from you.


New member

Yes. If you have not been reborn, all of Scripture has been hidden from you.

I think, perhaps you're mistaken. I mean, the 10 commandments are understood by a great many people who aren't reborn. Don't you agree? Or am I not getting your meaning?

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Well-known member
I remember the day I was converted and the weeks after. The biggest shock was the fact I now hated the things I used to do and love and now loved the things I once hated.
Conversion is a 180 degree turn with a motion proceeding forward in the opposite direction the previous direction. Repentance being another mentality towards the Eternal Almighty and another mentality in regard to sin.

All by grace and through trust. To the praise of the glory of his grace.

Thanks for reminding me of these gifts. I sometimes just walk through the day without giving them a second thought. No working hard, no striving, no wondering if I'd performed enough or good enough and no laws, just trust, rest and sitting at His feet.

I just had a thought that the two things necessary for life is breathing and the beating of the heart*1. The two things necessary for the maintenance of spiritual life is trust (our breath) and resting in Him (The beating of the heart*2)

heart*1 the blood pump
heart*2 not the blood pump

It's hard to explain to those who don't know what it means to rest in Him. I spend my day just plain thanking the Lord for whatever He brings my way. They scoffed when I said when I fall down, I'm thankful I didn't break my ankle. When I break my ankle, I'm thankful I was not way out in the pasture when it happened. I love this verse...referring to the "fellowship of His suffering". Indeed, we count it all joy...

Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;​

We had a thread on here once that addressed what it means to have entered into His rest. Not surprising, so many brothers and sisters on this site knew exactly what was meant. Clearly, there are a few on this thread that have no concept of what that means. To call such a wonderful reality a "do nothing" gospel is very telling.


New member
I think, perhaps you're mistaken. I mean, the 10 commandments are understood by a great many people who aren't reborn. Don't you agree? Or am I not getting your meaning?

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The 10 commandments are misunderstood by many people. But the core of the 10 are instilled in the heart of every man. Everyone is born with a conscience. That conscience is pricked by the 10.


New member
The 10 commandments are misunderstood by many people. But the core of the 10 are instilled in the heart of every man. Everyone is born with a conscience. That conscience is pricked by the 10.

It appears we agree the 10 commandments aren't hidden. So is it more accurate to say much, but not all of the true meaning of scripture is hidden from those who aren't reborn?

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New member
It appears we agree the 10 commandments aren't hidden. So is it more accurate to say much, but not all of the true meaning of scripture is hidden from those who aren't reborn?

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A partial understanding of some verses is possible I venture but I'm not certain.

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Let's consider this verse. We have a faint understanding of Godly love. An unregenerate mind can do many things with that. They conclude Love is the totality of God and nothing else matters in comparison.

That verse even supports the idea of the unregenerate being unable to understand spiritual things. If you don't truly understand Godly love, how can you show Godly love? John says such a person doesn't know God.


Well-known member
Did i say you do? I'm just saying that it's wrong to do so, whether you do or don't well that's between you and God.

The fact that you think it's possible is what I'm talking about. A person can claim to be "willing to die the death", but that means nothing. A person can claim to "obey everything", but that means nothing. It's nothing but a person's efforts to do what only God can do in them.

Paul tells us such people are not saved.

Romans 10:2-3 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.​

But you don't seem to believe the we are to obey God by what you say in your posts? And for God to conform us into the image of his son, then we have to be willing to die the death. Our lives have to be going and our flesh dying for Christ to live through us.

What you see as an ongoing "dying", I know to be a one time event when we are crucified with Christ. I know what it means to be a "new creature".

Others can't see the life of Christ in us, if we love our own own lives and put ourselves before God and Christ.

So, it's how you appear to others that matters. That certainly seems to be what you're saying.


New member

A partial understanding of some verses is possible I venture but I'm not certain.

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Let's consider this verse. We have a faint understanding of Godly love. An unregenerate mind can do many things with that. They conclude Love is the totality of God and nothing else matters in comparison.

That verse even supports the idea of the unregenerate being unable to understand spiritual things. If you don't truly understand Godly love, how can you show Godly love? John says such a person doesn't know God.

Yeah, yeah! Let's talk about that verse. But before we do, please pause a moment and consider what we can learn from what just happened:

1. You said, "It takes rebirth to correctly understand the word."
2. I asked how this can be true when reborn Christians disagree.
3. You clarified: "Rebirth doesn't bring complete understanding of every scripture."

4. You then said, "If you haven't been reborn, all of scripture has been hidden to you."
5. I asked how this can be true when those who aren't reborn understand the 10 commandments.
6. You clarified: "Understanding some verses is possible... ."

So I can't help but think that written words have one great flaw in common with works of art, like paintings or photographs. I mean, we are having a one-on-one conversation. You are doing your best to clearly explain what you believe. But I'm still quite susceptible to misunderstanding you! Were it not for you clarifying what you mean, I just wouldn't be able to figure it out on my own.

It's much the same as looking at paintings or photographs. They seem intelligent enough as though they could speak for themselves. But if you don't understand something they're saying and ask them to explain, they just stare blankly at you, repeating the same unclear words over again.

Should anyone misunderstand them, or slander them, only the author of them can come to their defense. For the written word cannot explain or defend itself!

Don't you agree?

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Well-known member
You say in one post, "How do you know that those of us who don't boast about our own obedience are living like sin and following the lusts of our flesh?"

Then you say here, "I have no desire to do all those things you have to fight so hard to avoid." After i say that we are to avoid living by the lusts of our flesh and after i asked you if you still do things that you know are wrong before God?

Surely if we are born of God, then isn't it a reasonable thing for God to ask us to turn from sinning and live by his will?

God doesn't have to ask us to do what He has already done. Our heart is purified by faith, we are new creatures...all things are new. We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and have been created IN CHRIST. Crucified with Christ....a done deal. No "dying" but dead, and raised in newness of life.

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.​

We all sin, but there is a difference with wilfully sinning than sinning unintentionally, to purposely sin when we know God, is to go against him.

Christ died for the sins of the world. Why don't you believe that?

Do you not know that we are tried by Satan and tested, then that's when we have to deny him? everyone born of God will be tried!

He has no power over the believer...resist and he flees.

When we can clearly see that something set before is wrong to do before God, do we then still do it regardless? My heart won't let me, i fear God, i have a godly fear and with that i also have a zeal for God. And i want to please him and live right before him.

True believers always desire to please God, but we don't do it out of fear, but because He is worthy of all praise.

That's why i don't understand people who go against those who say that we are to live by his will, i thought that all those who love God would want to do this, not do it because they have to, or not even live by his will at all, but because they want to and love pleasing our father.

What do you think it means to go through the fiery trials? Thanks

If you can't understand it, why do you keep suggesting it's true of others? Just because you can't understand what we're saying when we speak of resting in Him, you assume things that don't even make sense to you....yet you say it.

Fiery trials are all those things that come upon us from living in this corrupt world of sin. In this world we will have tribulation. The difference for us it that the Lord never leaves us or forsakes us as we walk through this valley of the shadow of death.

Paul explains that here, and notice how we, who have the firstfruits of the SPIRIT, are only waiting for the redemption of our body...when we receive a new spiritual body.

Romans 8:22-23
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.​
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