ECT Forgiving and Forgiveness


TOL Subscriber
Apparently the lawless are not secure in their position. Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." But I recognize the fact that you have stated repeatedly that this doesn't apply to the BoC. I think you've denied the book of John as well, haven't you? What other Scripture do you deny?
Recognizing that something is not written to you is not denying that it means what it says, as it says it and to whom it says it.


TOL Subscriber
That's not what she said. (You're twisting again) A7 was banned for
not "believing" certain portions of Scripture. We, Glorydaz, Heir, others,
and myself believe the entire Bible. Except some is written to Israel
and some to the gentiles. Stop twisting you'll get dizzy!

Amen! I believe it all!


New member
Unfortunately, and to your consistently incessant shame, Heir could run circles around you from anywhere in Scripture all day without so much as a twitch for her salvation.

All of Heir's twitches aside, anyone can use Scripture to defend any doctrine. That doesn't make their action or their doctrine correct.

Why? Because Mid-Acts not only holds to "All Scripture" but also, to what you fail to see even as you purport seeing it...

Acknowledging Scripture's existence is not the same thing as accepting it as applicable to the faith of Yeshua.

Heir's use of "All Scripture" in her dealings with you and others on here - "for doctrine," or teaching in sound doctrine," for reproof," the straightening out of behavior not in line with said doctrine, "for correction" of belief not in line with said doctrine - in short, "for instruction righteousness that the man of God might be perfect" - in other words - throughly furnished unto all good works" in light of said doctrine.

Heir's use of "all Scripture" is hypocritical at best considering her dismissal of so much of it as not applicable to the Body. And, any time a doctrine declares any part of God's Word not applicable to the Body of Yeshua, that doctrine is way off.

Not that Heir and I see eye to eye on all things. We do see that you haven't a clue as to what we are talking about.

I'm shocked! Believe me?

Because you do not care to know.

I absolutely do not care to know anything about a doctrine that dismisses any part of God's Word as applicable to the Body of Yeshua.


New member
Stop telling me what I believe or don't believe, you ninny.

Obviously, the meaning of a question mark eludes you.

All scripture is for us. And we're supposed to have the wisdom to understand what is being said. That's the epignosis you lack. The gnosis you have merely puffs up as each of your posts make only too clear.

Epignosis comes from one place, Glorydaz, the Ruach. What Scripture has taught is that we are to test all words of knowledge against Scripture. Once we test those words of knowledge and Scripture bears them out, we can have confidence in them. But we'd better make sure that ALL of Scripture bears them out because if there is one verse that doesn't bear them out, the words are not from the Ruach. There are no contradictions in all of Scripture. If you're finding any contradictions, you're not reading it right. If you're reading it without the Ruach, you're not reading it right. If you're having to assign portions of it to different groups of people, you're not reading it right because ALL of God's Word is applicable to ALL of His people.

Those words Jesus spoke in John 15 were written TO the eleven after Judas left to betray the Lord. Do you ever even read the entire chapter or the chapter before and after? You really should try that for once. Israel was the Vine and Jesus said, "I AM the true vine." Why don't you study up on what that means? Why don't you wonder what Jesus might be saying besides.....IF YOU DON'T you'll be cut off and thrown into the fire. NO salvation. That's what I get from all your posts.

You are employing replacement theology in the understanding of Scripture. Worse, you're implying that Yeshua employed replacement theology when He was actually stating that He is the only source of life for us and without Him we have and can do nothing.

As you rip open that beautiful text to taut your false claim about LOSS of salvation, you should keep something important in mind. Jesus had not yet risen from the dead. The Holy Spirit had not yet come to dwell in anyone and no one had yet been created IN HIM.

Yeshua doesn't make false claims. Do you think Yeshua didn't know where He was going? He was giving His Disciples instructions for the time after His death and resurrection. And you berate me for not reading the chapters before and after John 15? What a joke!

The equivalent for members of the body of Christ will be found elsewhere.

Yup, that dismissal of God's Word pure and simple.

I can read John 15 and know the pruning is the "chastening" we see here. There is no "loss of salvation" for those who have the sealing of the indwelling Spirit....that Comforter who had not yet come.

There's pruning and then there's withering, being picked up and thrown into the fire and burned. Who in their right mind prunes branches that have fallen off a plant. And who in their right mind would cast a growing, thriving plant with its roots deep in the soil into a fire for burning? Your interpretation of "sealed" is wrong and Yeshua's Words plainly bear that out.

NO, are you accusing me of doing so?

No, I'm just asking as I did before when you ignored the presence of a question mark.

Would you like me to explain what those words mean? Since you refuse to be instructed, I'm not sure you should be quoting the verse.

2 Timothy 3:16KJV
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:​

Actually, no, and the reason for that is simple. Your witness is beyond lacking. You take enjoyment from the belittling and demeaning of anyone you deem is not a member of the Body. You claim the right to do that by your belief in Yeshua when He never gave us that right or that power and Scripture does not defend your action or paint that picture of one who loves the Lord. I am more than willing to learn from one who loves the Lord and is not afraid to show it.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
This is a part of the message for Sunday at the retirement and healthcare center where I'm the chaplain.

This is serious instruction about forgiving and forgiveness, how serious is it. I take it very serious, since Jesus said it, I believe it is an absolute truth.

What do you say?

Mark 11:25-26
"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."

Luke 6:36
Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.
I wanted to update this thread and post.

The Sunday we had this message was really surprise. After reading what Jesus said, and few other N/T Scriptures. We had communion and that is always a blessed time.

Then we prayed for one another, about one thing forgiving and forgiveness, there were some fences mended between some of the residents, disagreements were resolved, and in a way those attending seemed to have pledge the lives preferring one another in the bond of Christian love. As one dear person said, "I may not have much, but I do have some dear sweet friends."


New member
Too proud to be taught. That's sad.

Yep....IMJ doesn't have full knowledge. Only the knowledge that puffeth up. (She'll need a KJV to find that one.) ;)

You are stating that the full knowledge of God can be found in the King James translation? Which revision? Or are you stating that you and Danoh have the full knowledge of God? Do you think Heir has the full knowledge of God?


New member
No doubt some who had heard Paul's preaching had left him and returned to their roots, so to speak (Galatians 2:13 KJV, 2 Timothy 4:10 KJV) to the hearing of Peter (2 Peter 3:15 KJV). We know this is true because Paul did NOT preach where Christ was named lest he build on another man's foundation (Romans 15:20 KJV), but way to play tetty bear's card. pfft. :p

You wouldn't, by any chance, be implying that Paul wasn't a Jew? You wouldn't, by any chance, be implying that Peter wasn't a follower of Yeshua? You wouldn't, by any chance, be implying that Peter and Paul didn't have the same foundation or that only one of them taught the Gospel of Yeshua?