That scripture does not say stay away from the Gentiles for I will give Paul a different gospel for them.
I knew you would respond exactly as you have. It is your recurrent pattern.
In other words, you chose option one - you read
your idea of what I was talking about into what I was talking about and then
you ran with it.
Why? Because
you did not go with the second option.
For, unless I am losing my eyesight, I doubt I will be able to find having written anywhere in this thread what you have just said I supposedly meant.
I never said any of those passages say "stay away from the Gentiles for I will give Paul a different gospel for them."
That is your fool idea read
by you into what I said you might consider doing - "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23.
I know I wrote that in English. I know you read and write in English.
It has to be
you have read
your ideas into my words
once more.
That is your
recurrent pattern.
Instead of "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
Just do that much - this here "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
Can you do that much?
You can't, can you?
And you will now respond with more of your ideas.
Notice that when you ask for us to explain what we mean, you disagree.
And that when we do not explain what we mean, you then have a problem with that.
And that when advised to "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23" you come up with some idea about what you think we mean.
Do you realize that if you were to raise a child that way it would end up double-minded [unstable] in all its ways?
That is exactly how you come off to others on here. First one way, then the other, then the other way again, and then back to...
Try this - "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
And if that does not work and you find yourself replying "That scripture does not say stay away from the Gentiles for I will give Paul a different gospel for them," well then, try this:
"Simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
Try that, not your ideas about what we mean.
See what doing that much - this here - "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23" - gets you.
Then, share whatever that reveals to you -
NOT what
YOU think we are talking about.
Can you do that?
Can you ""simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
Let me know if you need me to repeat that all you are being asked to consider is to "simply believe Matthew 10:23 and then study Acts 10 in light of Matthew 10:23."
Other passages will come to your remembrance as you study that out.