thank you
that means forgiving is still relevant
forgiveness is not a done deal as it has been suggested in this thread
Forgiveness is not a done deal?
thank you
that means forgiving is still relevant
forgiveness is not a done deal as it has been suggested in this thread
Forgiveness is not a done deal?
thank you
that means forgiving is still relevant
forgiveness is not a done deal as it has been suggested in this thread
I asked you for forgiveness, are you going to forgive me?
Forgiveness comes after evidence is shown of a contrite heart.
Do you have a contrite heart?
have a nice day lady.
By Our Love | |
thank you
that means forgiving is still relevant
forgiveness is not a done deal as it has been suggested in this thread
People needs to understand the seriousness of this debate.
People trying to be saved [or trying to maintain their salvation] by obeying commandments are fallen from grace.
Laws and commandments are the letter that killeth.
Jesus said "follow Me" Paul said "be ye imitators of me " it is not obedience to commands but following a is a LIFE.
Fallen from grace even does not mean damned, it means fallen from the blessings and fruits that come from being in Christ, abiding in Him.
...but to teach this as doctrine is a serious matter.
Forgiveness is not a done deal?
I forgive you for not forging me.
Paul was set in defence of the gospel and it came from love.Actually, the Gospel doesn't need to be defended. It has a power of it's own, but people can do more damage than good by their lack of love and understanding.
Actually, I stated, "His doctrine is in need of correction with scripture". That's one of the things scripture is for (2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV). Why would anyone argue against that?Psalmist's doctrine isn't the only one "in need of correction". Yours and mine could stand some correcting, too.
Who's insisting that? God will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4 KJV). One would hope (more like "beseech") that we walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called endevouring to keep the unity of the Spirit that was already made (Ephesians 4:1-6 KJV). There should be a willingness by those who nameth the name of Christ to correct their doctrine to align with God/to hold fast the form of sound words that we have heard of Paul (2 Timothy 1:13 KJV). When they don't therein lies a problem. The Holy Ghost teach us by comparing spiritual things with spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:13 KJV). That doesn't happen with heels dug in using Mark 11:25-26 KJV as the "final answer".There isn't a one of us who has all the answers, and only spiritual pride would make us insist we do.
This is not about what I say or what you say. This is and always should be about what saith the scripture. Mark 11:25-26 KJV means what it says to whom it was said. It is not said TO us nor is it just the attitude we should have as some suggest. It's emphatic to Israel and is not our pattern. We go to Paul, our pattern (1 Timothy 1:16 KJV) and Paul writes Ephesians 4:32 KJV, Colossians 2:13 KJV.You say it's "resistance of the truth", and I say there is no resistance to the TRUTH, and I've been reading Psalmist's posts long enough to know he does not resist Jesus Christ. Our ignorance on any particular "rule of law" is not what matters.
forgiveness is not a done deal
redemption is a done deal
this is not just semantics
redemption is not forgiveness
Jesus redeemed us
we still have to repent
we still have to ask for forgiveness
that is why we continue to say the Our Father
nice one meshak
I do forgive you
I do wonder if I can continue to ask you questions
you have not responded well to them
do you understand why?
Paul was set in defence of the gospel and it came from love.
Forgiveness is not a done deal?
It's shocking how many people think they are in need of God forgiving their trespasses when Paul writes that we are already forgiven all trespasses. That is the point of me even getting involved in a thread such as this. I don't care about man's opinion. I am only interested in what saith the scripture. Psalmist holds Mark 11:25-26 KJV over people today as the pattern for forgiveness and he's wrong for doing so as it is contrary to the gospel and doctrine of the apostle Paul TO us. It doesn't make me popular for charging him to teach no other doctrine, but so be it.
1 Timothy 1:3 As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,
What about forgiving and forgetting?
Do we not forget and drag past what we have forgiven like dead men's bones or do we let it go and move on?