If your child is in public school, there is no choice and it makes sense when the general populace is meeting together. It isn't forced protection of 'your' child, but all children when it comes to that. Even Christian schools ask for that vaccination chart. When I am at church, I sure want to know if that guy sneezing next to me is vaccinated :angel:
First of all, it isn't forced "protection" even though that's a comforting way to think of it for some. It's forced infection with a designer virus capable of mutating in a weak host and replicating, even reverting again becoming virulent.
Plus, why would it matter why the guy next to you is sniffling?
Seriously. Just because a few types have been tamed doesn't mean we should be forced to take a vaccine which could have adverse reactions and involves uncleanness shoved right under the skin or otherwise; exposing us to live viruses.
Any sniffles can kill. It just takes the right host.
That's why mandating vaccines would be stupid without mandating that all sick people and their contacts be quarantined for public health and safety.