Online classrooms interact plenty without the risk of infectious diseases or travel. There are already public school online programs. The problem with them is 2 fold; that they still demand vaccines and that they don't require home education for all students who can't get a waiver*, which is hypocrisy in the land of vaccine-Nazis who don't really want to save children but make money.
*a waiver for staying at home, I mean. If they have to get waivers for vaccines, they should be required to show proof they can't be home-students if they are to travel to school and possibly spread diseases that can't be controlled with a needle.
Having taught at the college level, it is my experiance that interaction between student and teacher in a classroom is highly beneficial.
What, an epidemic of preventable death and disability isn't a public health issue we should deal with? Only if you can prevent it with a needle, huh?
Its still a non-sequitur fallacy on your part. The two are not analogous.
You are right. You lost the debate long ago. Over and over. But we can agree that the obvious fact is a strong decider on who lives or dies.
Declare victory an run away. That's okay. The facts of vaccination remain and they indicate that vaccines protect oeople from communicable disease far more than they cause harm. You have not presented one peer reviewed paper that contradicts that.
You mean no matter the risk, kids should get to travel to school if they choose to, since they have the right to travel freely.
Of, heavens no! They shook stay home where it's safe! Of course, they face no less rusk of injury when they go to the grocery store with mom so...
They also have another risk, the risk from vaccinations and the risk of infectious disease, even if vaccinated. They should have the right, and their parents, to make an informed non-coerced decision. They should not be discriminated against.
Since their informed, non-coerced decision has the potential to adversely effect the health of those that they interact with, no. Your rights end where my nose begins.
Considering that you easily criticize the OP and are here to debate, yes.
Intersting. I posted a link to the CDC with this and you ignored it.
You don't force gallbladder removal or vaccines in that law.
Yet another non-sequitur fallacy on your part.
In your world you aren't sacrificing the children who take vaccines and fall ill or die from it for all the other children that supposedly need them to get that shot. Got it.
All your fear mongering aside, no, the current system does not sacrifice children to anything.
You want to give the vaccines instead of waiting for them to get healthy first, even knowing weak people are more easily hurt by vaccines. Besides, if they continue starving now and then, the vaccines will fail during exposure in hard times. Bam - atypical measles.
I don't know that weak people are more easily hurt by vaccines. You have asserted it, attempted to establish a link using coincidental stories. Where is your peer reviewed research? That it is the standard of care you must meet.
Once my kid is reported to be exposed, that is days before they become contagious. The teacher/school official who knows and fails to report exposures to parents and other staff is the one who should be held liable for complications.
You realize that people are contagious while showing no symptoms, right? By the time you are notified, it's already to late.
Yet you have false confidence about the guy sniffling next to you if he's vaccinated. You remember that one?
Frankly, I don't get particularly worked up over people who have the sniffles in public. I am not that fearful of diseases. One of the benefits of being vaccinated.
I addressed it head on. I said if there were at-risk kids in my kids school, bla-bla-bla etc. Go read for the exact words.
Well, you got the bla-bla-bla part right.
My bodybuilder friend was explaining to me how unhealthy the sport was, actually. :think: Their BMI is obese as pro-competitors. Being high BMI with muscle taxes the body greatly.
Wasn't your original point that good nutrition prevents getting diseases? What about the runner or swimmer or tri-athlete who gets sick, what is wrong with their life?
Well blood saves lives and it comes from a needle, so there you go, mandate those blood drives. We don't have enough. Chronically. Public health and all. Forget Nuremburg and informed consent. Toss rule #1 right out the window. :bang:
And one more non-sequitur to round out your post.
Everything in California causes cancer. Nasty place to live.