For The Sake Of Truth


New member
Yes, you are.

I introduced entropy as something mathematically very similar to information that was also conceptually transferable that none would say was immaterial. That was when you butchered the idea of entropy, prompting corrections from me.

Happy to help the confused and bewildered.
That first sentence didn't really make sense to me.
What does any of that have to do with truth? Degradation of the state of existence seems true to me. As do forms of chaos.


New member
That first sentence didn't really make sense to me.
What does any of that have to do with truth? Degradation of the state of existence seems true to me. As do forms of chaos.

You joined in on a discussion I was having with other posts, so if you don't understand that is your lookout. I've tried explaining more about what you found difficult, but unless you say specifically what you consider wrong in what I have said then we will get nowhere.


New member
What does giving an unknown event a name do when you have no understanding of its nature? How does that give you any more understanding than we have?
We have understanding of the parts of its nature that we can fathom. Science actually helps with this, by the will of God.


New member
If the universe started with one on Linde's chaotic inflation bubbles, as it seems it did, then being so compact it is likely to have had very low entropy.

Should I call the inflation bubble God? Not very personal, I know, but if it makes you happy...
Just because there is a theory about a multiverse that encompasses our universe in some way doesn't mean there isn't a God. And yes, existence is of God regardless of the breadth of our perception of the extent of it.


New member
Could you supply an example of non-material information, please, so that we have something to discuss? I assume you have something specific in mind.
Knowledge. Though it can be recorded is not of the physical. It has been proven that emotion and thought are not solely effects of chemical balances in the brain, but are to causes of these changes leading to further thought and emotion reciprocally.


New member
I'll take a punt, and hazard a guess that if you took away all the material atoms and interatomic bonds, there wouldn't be much in the way of information left immaterially.

Antimatter isn't physical. Actually it has been hypothesized that the majority of all existence is in fact not matter and as such not material.


New member
Nature is of God
Pure assertion. Why do you consider your assertion to be of higher status than my assertion?

Nature is of God as is all else. God is immutable, and infinite and has no start that we can comprehend. Nature and existence are not the same as they are the effect, not the cause.
If you accept that something can be infinite with no start, then you can conceive that nature is that infinite thing without start. Unnless you wish to blindly assert you are right, again.

Again; nature and the observable universe indeed shows significant signs of a cause. And nothing can be both the cause and effect of itself within perceivable physical observable existence.

Your observations about the contents of the universe do not by necessity apply to the geometry and fabric of the universe, yet you assert that your everyday observations apply to the universe but not God? Sounds like arbitrary pseudo-logic chosen to bolster the argument, but it has little merit.

Knowledge. Though it can be recorded is not of the physical. It has been proven that emotion and thought are not solely effects of chemical balances in the brain, but are to causes of these changes leading to further thought and emotion reciprocally.
No-one claims that emotions are a result of chemical balances - they are the result of the interaction of lots of brain cells and their actions on the body.

Antimatter isn't physical. Actually it has been hypothesized that the majority of all existence is in fact not matter and as such not material.
Antimatter IS physical - it is being used in PET scanners every day in many hospitals, and I use it in class for science demonstrations.

You seem to be making up 'facts' as you go along and simply asserting your correctness using them as a shaky foundation.


New member

Not assertion. Everything but man goes about its course; the course set for it by God, without falter or waiver, but man. Everything that we observe came from a creative force. The big bang can easily be seen in the book of Genesis as "Let there be light"

Assertion? Observation.


New member
Pure assertion. Why do you consider your assertion to be of higher status than my assertion?

If you accept that something can be infinite with no start, then you can conceive that nature is that infinite thing without start. Unnless you wish to blindly assert you are right, again.

Your observations about the contents of the universe do not by necessity apply to the geometry and fabric of the universe, yet you assert that your everyday observations apply to the universe but not God? Sounds like arbitrary pseudo-logic chosen to bolster the argument, but it has little merit.

No-one claims that emotions are a result of chemical balances - they are the result of the interaction of lots of brain cells and their actions on the body.

Antimatter IS physical - it is being used in PET scanners every day in many hospitals, and I use it in class for science demonstrations.

You seem to be making up 'facts' as you go along and simply asserting your correctness using them as a shaky foundation.
I meant dark matter.


New member

Not assertion. Everything but man goes about its course; the course set for it by God, without falter or waiver, but man. Everything that we observe came from a creative force. The big bang can easily be seen in the book of Genesis as "Let there be light"

Assertion? Observation.
Assertion. 'Let there be light' could mean so many things it probably means very little.

How can nature be infinite if we can hypothesize coherently of its start and dilation?
THIS region had a Big Bang, but that was not the start. What do you think exploded? Nothing?

I meant dark matter.
Matter is material - it is in the name. Perhaps you meant dark energy?

How can you say that the laws that bind the observable universe don't too bind the imidiatly observable?
I can't understand what you are asking here.


New member

Read the begining of Genesis. It has many parts that relate to the big bang and the hypothesis of quantinization or quantum mechanics.

Who said nothing exploded? No one said there was nothing be for the theory of the big bang.

Dark matter is a hypothetical kind of matter that cannot be seen with telescopes but accounts for most of the matter in the universe. The existence and properties of dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, on radiation, and on the large-scale structure of the universe. Dark matter has not been detected directly, making it one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics.

Dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light or any other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level. According to the Planck mission team, and based on the standard model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the known universe contains 4.9% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.[2][3] Thus, dark matter is estimated to constitute 84.54%[note 1] of the total matter in the universe, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95.1% of the total mass–energy content of the universe.[4][5][6]


New member

Read the begining of Genesis. It has many parts that relate to the big bang and the hypothesis of quantinization or quantum mechanics.
Only if you shut one eye and squint with the other, holding it upside down and with the lights down low. In bright light, it is just what you'd expect from an unenlightened, bronze age goat herding society.

Who said nothing exploded? No one said there was nothing be for the theory of the big bang.

Dark matter is a hypothetical kind of matter that cannot be seen with telescopes but accounts for most of the matter in the universe. The existence and properties of dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, on radiation, and on the large-scale structure of the universe. Dark matter has not been detected directly, making it one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics.

Dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light or any other electromagnetic radiation at any significant level. According to the Planck mission team, and based on the standard model of cosmology, the total mass–energy of the known universe contains 4.9% ordinary (baryonic) matter, 26.8% dark matter and 68.3% dark energy.[2][3] Thus, dark matter is estimated to constitute 84.54%[note 1] of the total matter in the universe, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95.1% of the total mass–energy content of the universe.[4][5][6]

I'd recommend that when using Wikipedia for your source, that you either paraphrase it or delete the biblio links that expose your cut'n'paste without attribution habits. Bad form.
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New member
Only if you shut one eye and squint with the other, holding it upside down and with the lights down low. In bright light, it is just what you'd expect from an unenlightened, bronze age goat herding society.

I'd recommend that when using Wikipedia for your source, that you either paraphrase it or delete the biblio links that expose your cut'n'paste without attribution habits. Bad form.
Who cares if I use Wikipedia or not. Way to avoid every point I made.


New member
I don't care - it is useful as a short-cut to explaining something to someone who needs educating. Just be honest about it. And use it to make a point.

You posted a quote from Wikipedia and neglected to make a point. What was your point?
I wasn't dishonest in any way. And the points I make are still there. I'm not here to play silly games. When you decide to take me seriously as opposed to continually insulting my intelligence and skipping around what I say, let me know.