So, the dilemma comes down to this:
Do MAD churches partake of the Lord's supper as delivered by Paul to the Churches, and thus embrace the New Covenant, or do the disobey what Paul gave to be observed?
Paul's instruction in regard the Lord's supper was the subject of a special revelation given to him by the Lord:
"For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you...For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes" (1 Cor.11:23; NIV).
In the upper room the blood of a New
Diatheke was set in the context of the kingdom, and that is clearly in reference to Israel's New
"...for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father's kingdom" (Mt.26:28-29).
Paul specifically ties communion to the Lord's return at the rapture and not to the kingdom
--"you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." This is clear evidence that Paul's words in regard to the Lord's supper are not in regard to Israel's New
Diatheke but instead is in regard to the New
Diatheke which is in operation today. Further proof that Paul received a special revelation from the Lord in regard to this sacrament is found in his words here:
"When we bless the cup at the Lord's Table, aren't we sharing in the benefits of the blood of Christ? And when we break the loaf of bread, aren't we sharing in the benefits of the body of Christ? Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf" (1 Cor.10:16-17; NIV).
David K. Lowery writes that
"the one loaf of bread, of which all partake, pictured their unity as members of the one body of Christ" (Walvoord & Zuck,
The Bible Knowledge Commentary; New Testament [Colorado Springs: ChariotVictor Publishing, 1983], p.527).
The truths concerning the Body of Christ were not known until Paul was converted.
By the way, instead of using the phrase "New Covenant" I use "New
Diatheke" instead. That is because a
diatheke is not the same thing as a "covenant."