For Sincere Inquisitors ONLY: MAD Explained

Pam Baldwin

New member
Pam. I dont know all the phrophecies in the OT concerning the d.b.r but im sure they were puzzled by Isaiah 53. They did not think it was their messiah. When they read by his stripes we were healed, they figured there was going to be a man that would be wrongly punished for the sins of the nation. They must have seen it as a miscarriage of justice that God allowed. It could not have been the messiah since other passages describe him as a conquering ruler.

Yes, I think that they knew there was to be a sacrifice, a person dying for the nation. But didn't realize that that person was ther Son of God, their Messiah......right?



New member
All nations. The Old Testament repeatedly prophesies of the time when Israel is saved, when they are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, that the nations of the world will come to their King through them.

But, Israel fell in early Acts, and they were later scattered among the nations. They will rise again in the future, and be set apart above the nations.

The Old Testament prophesies of Israel's fall, diminishing, casting away, a time of trouble, and their regathering into a Kingdom.

We are currently living between the time of their casting away and the time of trouble. This period of time was a mystery hidden in God. You cannot find it in the Old Testament prophecies.

Paul is the specific apostle who was given the instructions to give to us for this period of time. Everything Peter and the eleven other apostles taught about was concerning the time of trouble, and their regathering into a Kingdom.

Luke 20:16 KJV – “HE SHALL "COME" and "DESTROY" THESE HUSBANDMEN, and shall "GIVE" THE VINEYARD TO OTHERS”. – There are three things the Lord said in that Parable that he would do concerning the vineyard and the keepers of that vineyard / the Kingdom of God, Israel. - The Kingdom was taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles in AD 70 about.

Jesus, the Prince of the “Principality” called the “Church”; a small group of people confessed being in Christ, that place prepared by the Master Builder; they were separated or “Sanctified” from the rest of the people of the Kingdom of God, Israel.
That is what was done by the Lord. “Let both grow together until the harvest”. At the harvest, the Kingdom was taken from that people, and given to the people of the Principality, ruled by the Prince, the Son of the King if Israel. The Principality became the Kingdom, and the Prince became the King of the entire Nation of Christ, the Kingdom of God and of Heaven.

That is as short as I can make it, but you still cannot find where this Kingdom changes in any way knowing that there are Priests and a “High Priest” in this Kingdom of Christ’s, that I just told you of. It is also called the "Church" which is His Body, the Body of Christ the Heavenly place built upon the Rock.
You still must have another “High Priest” to bring any change in the Kingdom of God.

Paul – 100309
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Luke 20:16 KJV – “HE SHALL "COME" and "DESTROY" THESE HUSBANDMEN, and shall "GIVE" THE VINEYARD TO OTHERS”. – There are three things the Lord said in that Parable that he would do concerning the vineyard and the keepers of that vineyard / the Kingdom of God, Israel. - The Kingdom was taken from the Jews and given to the Gentiles in AD 70 about.

Jesus, the Prince of the “Principality” called the “Church”; a small group of people confessed being in Christ, that place prepared by the Master Builder; they were separated or “Sanctified” from the rest of the people of the Kingdom of God, Israel.
That is what was done by the Lord. “Let both grow together until the harvest”. At the harvest, the Kingdom was taken from that people, and given to the people of the Principality, ruled by the Prince, the Son of the King if Israel. The Principality became the Kingdom, and the Prince became the King of the entire Nation of Christ, the Kingdom of God and of Heaven.

That is as short as I can make it, but you still cannot find where this Kingdom changes in any way knowing that there are Priests and a “High Priest” in this Kingdom of Christ’s, that I just told you of. It is also called the "Church" which is His Body, the Body of Christ the Heavenly place built upon the Rock.
You still must have another “High Priest” to bring any change in the Kingdom of God.

Paul – 100309
In that parable, Jesus makes it clear he will take the kingdom from the wicked rulers. But He is not explicit, in that parable, to whom He would give it to.

But He makes it clear later. Without any shadow of a doubt. No guesswork required. No speculation needed.

Luke 12:32

No Gentiles in view.



New member
In that parable, Jesus makes it clear he will take the kingdom from the wicked rulers. But He is not explicit, in that parable, to whom He would give it to.

But He makes it clear later. Without any shadow of a doubt. No guesswork required. No speculation needed.

Luke 12:32

No Gentiles in view.


The Lord said that He was going to take the Kingdom from someone, it just so happened to belong to the Jews at that time. Therefore, the “wicked rulers” had to be of that nation or Kingdom / Jewish Nation. Those wicked rulers must have been the Priests and the High Priest. It can’t be referring to the King or any of the Government leaders, only the religious leaders. In other words, the Kingdom will be taken from the religious leaders, the Priests, and the High Priest. It just so happens that the Church is nothing but Priests with our High Priest in the Heavenly place. That leaves all others Gentiles regardless of the nation one belongs to.

You said that he was not explicit to whom he would give the Kingdom in that parable. You’re right there, however, it is said in different places of the Word. Matthew 25:34 KJV – “COME, (YE) BLESSED OF MY FATHER, “inherit the kingdom” prepared for you”. The “YE” there is the same ones that He was speaking to in that parable, that will receive the Kingdom at the end. That people is called the “Church” which is His Body, the Body of Christ.
Luke 12:32 KJV – “Fear not, LITTLE FLOCK; for IT IS (YOUR) FATHER'S GOOD PLEASURE TO GIVE (YOU) THE KINGDOM”. – In other words; “Little flock / disciples, it is the Father’s “WILL” to give you the Kingdom”. Remember, “Thy “Kingdom come”, thy “WILL” be done? And that is, again, Matthew 25:34 KJV – “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you”. That is the same Bunch / Disciples / Church that Jesus spoke that parable to with a few people added unto them about 3,000,000 souls or more.

Luke 12:29-30 KJV – “SEEK NOT YE WHAT YE SHALL EAT, OR WHAT YE SHALL DRINK, neither be ye of doubtful mind”. 30- For ALL THESE THINGS DO THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD SEEK after: and YOUR FATHER KNOWETH THAT YE HAVE NEED OF THESE THINGS”. – This has nothing to do with anything you were talking about. This is where the Christians get their food, drink, and clothing if they are among the needy. - Luke 12:31 KJV – “SEEK YE THE KINGDOM OF GOD; AND ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED unto you”. What Christ said is, “If you are among the needy, find the Church and the Brethren there will part unto you the things you need”. It isn’t referring that God is going to give to you in some supernatural way. It’s as simple as it can be. - Go find a Church and you will be provided for by the Lord, by the Brethren there. Because, Acts 4:32 KJV – “AND THE MULTITUDE OF THEM THAT BELIEVED were of one heart and of one soul: NEITHER SAID ANY OF THEM THAT OUGHT OF THE THINGS WHICH HE POSSESSED WAS HIS OWN; but THEY HAD ALL THINGS COMMON”. & "As ye do unto the least of these my brethren ye do it unto me".

Paul – 100309


Yes pam, the jews understood that somebody was going to pay for the sins of the nation. They didnt think he was their messiah.


Randy. When Jesus said in his parable that he would take the kingdom away from the wicked rulers, did it mean there was a kingdom in place at the time? Or did he mean that the religious rulers were the natural owners of the kingdom when it was to be set up and that they now forfeited that right?


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Hall of Fame
Randy. When Jesus said in his parable that he would take the kingdom away from the wicked rulers, did it mean there was a kingdom in place at the time? Or did he mean that the religious rulers were the natural owners of the kingdom when it was to be set up and that they now forfeited that right?

Hi, Voltaire.

That's how I see it (the latter).

God's plan for Israel was that He be the king and that judges preside over the people on earth (I Sam. 8:7). While He certainly established a priesthood to administer the law, He didn't establish the system that had morphed over the centuries, where self-righteous Pharisees and Saducees had become the de facto leaders of the people.

So the plan is to one day restore the judges as at the first (Is. 1:26), where they will be judges in a theocratic kingdom. In that system, there's no place for wicked Pharisees to supposedly lead the people. So Jesus announced that the kingdom would be taken from them (they would be removed from their positions) and given to the little flock (Luke 12:32).

In light of Is. 1:26 and Matt. 19:28, where Jesus says the Twelve will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes in the kingdom, it makes total sense why Jesus said they - the "little flock" - would be given the kingdom. They would be the judges that God would restore..."as at the first".

That Matthew 20 statement to which you alluded (Matt. 20:43) is also interesting in light of Ez. 34. God condemns the wicked "shepherds" of Israel who "do not feed the flocks" (Ez. 34:3), do not "seek what was lost", "strengthen the weak", etc. (34:4). The wicked shepherds are blamed, in that passage, for the fact that the sheep were scattered. God said:

"I will require My flock at their hand; I will cause them to cease feeding the sheep, and the shepherds shall feed themselves no more..." Ez. 34:10
In the kingdom, God will have no place for "shepherds" like the Pharisees, who fit to a T the description of the irresponsible shepherds in Ez. 34. So He'll judge between "the fat and lean sheep" and cast out the fatties and establish a righteous government that actually cares for the people.

My 1 cent...

Randy :chicken:


Yes, great post randy. The 4 gospels make so much sense when you remove all hint of the gentile church or heathen gentiles. The kingdom being taken away from the pharasees and given to the little flock is then understood to be the disciples. This makes sense in light of the old testament like the verses you mentioned in 1 Samuel and isaiah and ezekiel.


Also the idea of a heavenly and non physical kingdom being taken away from the pharasees doesnt make sense. The pharasees did not think they would be judges in a heavenly kingdom.


New member
Yes, great post randy. The 4 gospels make so much sense when you remove all hint of the gentile church or heathen gentiles. The kingdom being taken away from the pharasees and given to the little flock is then understood to be the disciples. This makes sense in light of the old testament like the verses you mentioned in 1 Samuel and isaiah and ezekiel.

The Kingdom was not taken from the Pharisees. All the Apostles, Paul, and I are all Pharisees. If you are not a Pharisee you MUST be a Sadducee; there is no other choice.
The Lord took the Kingdom from the JEWS. The Jews were the only possessors of the Kingdom before it was taken and given to the Gentiles. The Jews! I am not a Gentile either.

Paul – 101009