ECT For MADs: if Scofield was right...

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
A person can decide not to be in Christ; I know several of them.

How do you know that those people were in the Body of Christ in the first place?

Do you not know that the Christian has already been given eternal life (1 Jn.5:11) and the Lord Jesus said that all those to whom He has given eternal life will never perish (Jn.10:28).

So are you saying that someone who has been given eternal life can perish?


New member
Another way to study systematically is by the 8 covenants.

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The best way to study the Scripture?


In its' generic sense.

Only then is Mid-Acts observed as having been the Apostle Paul's Genesis thru Revelation, in light of Romans thru Philemon.

So called "Scholars" and their ever endless, ever parroted books "about"?

They are still confused about what was written, when.

Not to mention - as to who, where, when, why, and how, in light of what.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I don't know who those people are mentioned in the OP. Clete left a link once some years ago pointing out some things like Romans 11:11. Other than that, my conclusions are from Paul's statements.


Well-known member
I don't know who those people are in the op

McLean is a MAD pastor in Ohio, not too far from where I used to live, though I never met him. He has a blog with some rather incendiary things said about just about everyone in MAD...some fair, some not.

If you remember Ruckman, it'd be fair to say McLean is the MAD version of Ruckman.


Well-known member
No man knows Christ before God regenerates the man. That was a response to "A person can decide not to be in Christ"

The perfect work of God is not in a person or in their experience. It is justification, and it is in imputing Christ's perfect righteousness to them. However, God does not justify anyone who does not think he needs to be justified from his sins!

Col 1:23


The best way to study the Scripture?


In its' generic sense.

Only then is Mid-Acts observed as having been the Apostle Paul's Genesis thru Revelation, in light of Romans thru Philemon.

So called "Scholars" and their ever endless, ever parroted books "about"?

They are still confused about what was written, when.

Not to mention - as to who, where, when, why, and how, in light of what.

Keep searching Danny boy, you'll get there lad.

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Well-known member
Keep searching Danny boy, you'll get there lad.

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I don't know really what helps people find harmonies, but 2P2P simply does not. They always want distinctions and differences. Paul and Peter must not be allowed to be saying the same thing in Acts 2-3 and 13.


New member
I don't know really what helps people find harmonies, but 2P2P simply does not. They always want distinctions and differences. Paul and Peter must not be allowed to be saying the same thing in Acts 2-3 and 13.

Absolute rubbish.

Some things differ.

Some only appear to.

Some things are the same.

Some only appear to be.

Recurrent patterns are the key.

That o clueless bookworm, is FOUR "things that differ" - IN one - NOT one.


New member
"Paul and Peter must not be allowed to be saying the same thing in Acts 2-3 and 13."

And scriptures must be kept apart in their own separate compartments, because making connections between Bible texts can led to theologically incorrect meanings.

NT scripture must be interpreted literally, exactly as was OT scripture, except that specific examples of such literal interpretation of OT texts cannot be shown widely because you find too many non-literal texts in the OT, especially if you include the prophets.


New member
Ribs are good

Rib Tips n the right Mambo sauce - even better!

Lol - once, I went into the wrong neighborhood for them.

Man o man was that sauce finger lick'n good.

So good, I soon forgot the gang of thugs who chased me and two friends out of that neighborhood with bats, crow bars, bottles; you name it :crackup:


Well-known member
I have these two on ignore. Anyone else?

Well, I agree as far as salvation goes. I certainly don't think we should ignore the Gospels, at all. But, if they aren't understood correctly, they certainly do cause a lot of confusion. I think it's too easy to get stuck on the wrong side of the cross, and, unfortunately, one must move on in order to mature.


Well-known member
What would be the point?

Okay, we do NOT all hold to the same "MAD."

At the same time, attempt to compare different understandings and or to point out possible misfires in understandings we each might do well to reflect on, only ends up in the exact kinds of daily animosities between some, and or on the part of one side or another, that one sees between "MADS" and non "MADS" on this forum, every single day.

Frankly, that has gotten old...and boring.

Two posts to STP, and that is as far as that exploration goes.

Any to heir, and next thing one knows, one is putting up with her insolence.

Try to explore a subject with Glory Days, and next thing one knows, any difference in understanding is met with her accusation that pride on the other guy's part is the reason.

And so it goes with any dealings with you and yours.

The kid gloves you sacrifice in your dealings with others; you expect towards you and yours...or else.

What then would be the point of winning a GT, a dodge, an Interplanner and so on, over to our perspective?

For what?

More bickering?

You and yours - that's right - you and yours - refuse to correct this about yourselves.

It is no surprise then, that you and yours voted for the very poster boy of this kind of pettines...for President: Trump.

One more instance of you and yours... high fiving someone who holds your same values, where dealing with differences with concerned.


The present so called MAD forum lays in a coma, unless there is something to bicker about.

You and yours are great at that. And at high fiving one abother in that kind of thing.

You do not, however, support any other MADist who either does not hold your extremes, or who so much as mentions a difference in understanding; who is not of your club.

Seriously; you guys actually think the non "MADS" envy our little paradise?

I have the perfect solution.

You stay out of the conversation and see how we manage quite well without your snide remarks. :thumb:


Well-known member
I thought Paul was brilliant in how he would use so many patterns of how GOD dealt with man in the past to express the principle (not fulfillment, but principle) he was making for what GOD was doing now.

And I can see why Peter said Paul's epistles would be hard for some to understand.
Because Jews would have been offended to hear someone tell them that the law given by GOD through Moses was like Hagar the bondmaid.
They would probably want to shut their ears before hearing the rest of it and knowing why Paul said it that way.

Right you are. And can you imagine how they hated to hear his opinion of their beloved law. That it did not justify, give life or make one holy.:noway: