ECT Follow Paul!

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just cheerleads the mad nutcases and complains about everyone else.

Yep, the consensus is that Marowbe is nothing more than a MAD Cheerleader.

When he's not cheerleading, he tries to antagonize non-MADists into calling him or other MADists names; then he runs to the woodshed and reports the non-MADists if they do.


so help me on this,,,,

in Matthew 5:18 KJV not one jot nor tittle is removed ect....

then in Luke 24:44 KJV it will not pass away until the law,prophets,ect. were fulfilled ect.

in what exact year do you see them all as being fulfilled?


If the law and prophets weren't fulfilled, then every jot and tittle is still in place.


Here's another one.
I think they all graduated from hooterville bible college.

Could be.

Here's their class president:



in the prophets,,,

Daniel 2:44-45 KJV what year were the final kings mentioned consumed by the stone?

The kingdoms Daniel spoke about were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

These were the four kingdoms that controlled the Promised Land in the Middle East from the time of the Babylonian captivity till when the temple was destroyed in 70AD.

That is the only time period Daniel ever talked about.

Daniel never spoke of things beyond 70AD

Nothing in the OT speaks of things beyond 70AD


Well-known member
The kingdoms Daniel spoke about were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

These were the four kingdoms that controlled the Promised Land in the Middle East from the time of the Babylonian captivity till when the temple was destroyed in 70AD.

That is the only time period Daniel ever talked about.

Daniel never spoke of things beyond 70AD

Nothing in the OT speaks of things beyond 70AD
Rome wasn't destroyed in ad70 it lingered on until ad476,,,the Jews were not taken into captivity and scattered through the earth until after July ad70 why are these not being fulfilled until afterward?


Rome wasn't destroyed in ad70 it lingered on until ad476,,,

Daniel's prophecy was for the Jews, not the Romans.

the Jews were not taken into captivity and scattered through the earth until after July ad70 why are these not being fulfilled until afterward?

The old covenant, the law and prophets, and everything that had to do with Jews/Israelites came to an end in 70AD.

Since 70AD, the new covenant is fully in place, and there is no difference between Jew and Gentile.


Well-known member
Daniel's prophecy was for the Jews, not the Romans.

The old covenant, the law and prophets, and everything that had to do with Jews/Israelites came to an end in 70AD.

Since 70AD, the new covenant is fully in place, and there is no difference between Jew and Gentile.

those kings in Daniel 2:45 KJV don't need to be broken into pieces by ad70 to be fulfilled? how can something take place after ad70 and we say it was fulfilled before ad70?


Well-known member
those kings in Daniel 2:45 KJV don't need to be broken into pieces by ad70 to be fulfilled? how can something take place after ad70 and we say it was fulfilled before ad70?

Because the generation from Christ to the DofJ was the transitional generation. See how many pivotal quotes are made about it, ending with Lk 23:28+.


Well-known member
He taught them that they were fulfilled in Christ. Thus we have Acts 13, or 2 Cor 1 saying whatever God has promised has been fulfilled in Christ and/or in his resurrection. There is no NT indication that they are to be sorted into two boxes, either of time (because the 2nd coming was always thought of as being very soon after the DofJ) or of type--literal vs 'in Christ' or 'spiritual.'


Well-known member
He taught them that they were fulfilled in Christ. Thus we have Acts 13, or 2 Cor 1 saying whatever God has promised has been fulfilled in Christ and/or in his resurrection. There is no NT indication that they are to be sorted into two boxes, either of time (because the 2nd coming was always thought of as being very soon after the DofJ) or of type--literal vs 'in Christ' or 'spiritual.'

then there should be an explanation as to how the things written in Daniel 2:45-45 KJV that appertained to Jesus were fulfilled by ad70 if they were.

In Luke 24:44 KJV the things prophesied to be preformed by Jesus by ad70. This is not the date I chose,but rather the date given by tet when I ask. So it seems that there should be some explanation of it's fulfillment if the ad70 date is correct.


Well-known member
then there should be an explanation as to how the things written in Daniel 2:45-45 KJV that appertained to Jesus were fulfilled by ad70 if they were.

In Luke 24:44 KJV the things prophesied to be preformed by Jesus by ad70. This is not the date I chose,but rather the date given by tet when I ask. So it seems that there should be some explanation of it's fulfillment if the ad70 date is correct.

I don't know of an official interp of Dan 2:44 as specific as Mk 13 is on Dan 9, but we do know that Christ said 'his kingdom was not from here' which ideologically does undercut all the existing kingdoms. It is not going to exist 'by human hands.' At the end of Acts we find Paul appealing to civic leaders to conform to the kingdom of God and righteousness but no disbanding of the existing powers that be, ch 26.


Well-known member
I don't know of an official interp of Dan 2:44 as specific as Mk 13 is on Dan 9, but we do know that Christ said 'his kingdom was not from here' which ideologically does undercut all the existing kingdoms. It is not going to exist 'by human hands.' At the end of Acts we find Paul appealing to civic leaders to conform to the kingdom of God and righteousness but no disbanding of the existing powers that be, ch 26.

well I appreciate you being honest about not knowing. I was wondering if Tet had an explanation of it, so which is why I ask.


Well-known member
Not knowing what?

I'm just not going out on a limb about Dan 2 when there are 2500 quotes or allusions to the OT in the NT, and none bother to use it directly that I know of. I'd rather spend my time being using the 2500 accurately.

patrick jane

The kingdoms Daniel spoke about were Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.

These were the four kingdoms that controlled the Promised Land in the Middle East from the time of the Babylonian captivity till when the temple was destroyed in 70AD.

That is the only time period Daniel ever talked about.

Daniel never spoke of things beyond 70AD

Nothing in the OT speaks of things beyond 70AD

Still singin' the 70AD blues !!


Well-known member
Not knowing what?

I'm just not going out on a limb about Dan 2 when there are 2500 quotes or allusions to the OT in the NT, and none bother to use it directly that I know of. I'd rather spend my time being using the 2500 accurately.

oh,lol I meant no offense. I took it as though you new of no "offical interpretation" of when those kings,ten toes clay,iron ect. were destroyed before ad70. forgive me if I seemed disrespectful,,,


Well-known member
Still singin' the 70AD blues !!

What Tet is saying is right. You can see the same thing in Dan 9. There is only one other thing after the 'end' of Judaism (which is one of the things Dan 9 is saying): the mission of the Gospel to the nations. Not that you will find this in Daniel, but rather that in Isaiah it is what the future shifts into. The visions of the prophets keep pushing beyond Israel and its worship system; the mission to the nations takes over, and this is found on a very deep level in Acts, especially by following what Paul quotes about it.
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