Well-known member
There are no wars or tears in the kingdom of God where Christ Jesus is sitting on the throne of David with the Saints reigning with Him.
It's an unshakable kingdom that does not need to be defended. In the kingdom swords can be beaten into plowshares.
The Apostle Paul said he was an ambassador of this kingdom, and that his citizenship was of this kingdom.
I believe the Apostle Paul. I'm an ambassador for Christ Jesus here on planet earth, my citizenship is in heaven.
When I die, I will be instantly in the presence of the Lord in the kingdom of God where there are no wars or tears.
here is your post from page #81,,,
you say that the "kingdom" exist in heaven . now in your responses(post after this) you explain that as long as theres man born of Adam on earth then there will be wars and tears.
On the other hand Jesus said Matthew 6:10 KJV "thy KINGDOM come thy will be done on EARTH as it is in heaven...",,,
now you say it's exclusive to "heaven after you die",,why did Jesus say both "both heaven and earth"?
Now this kingdom that comes to the earth where the same will that is done in heaven is also preformed where is it,when did it come?