ECT Follow Paul!

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
The punk makes another "homosexual" reference, like he did against me.

That's rich, coming from an effeminate like him, a wimp, who is going through a divorce, one of the reasons being that he is obsessed with men, and "homosexuality," witness his man crush on me, over the last 3 years, and his PM's to be(besides his MAD obsession, which is another reason for his marital problems)

Tell us Craigie-is that one of the reasons you were booted/kicked out of your "man made" "the" church? Or was the the local temple from which you were jettisoned?

Is TeT gay?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If my memory serves, didn't tettles used to be MAD ? what happened to his soul ?

He did. He spams his "I was a dispensationalist for 27 years" vomit, inevitably, on almost every thread, asserting that is a valid "argument" as to the evils/falseness of dispensationalism, and us MAD wackos/bullies/meanies.

I reckon he went off the deep end a spell back, when he sent my a PM, praising me, but then I rebuked him, challenged him on his satanic "doctrine," on a few threads, picking him apart, leaving him spinning in the ring, bloodied, as did others, and he had his feelings hurt, pouted, whined and pined about some alleged death threats made against him by TOL members, giving that as a reason he took down his effeminate avatar "picture"(loosely employed here), and ever since, he has gotten "nuttier," besides sliding into satanism. Here was his picture, right after his feelings were hurt:


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
My hope of staying saved

There you go, TOL audience-confirmed-another wolf exposed/marked/outed.

Thanks for the "good news," Satan Claus, and your redefinition of the word "hope," which, biblically, conveys the concept of "confident expectation."

Have fun rolling those dice, on that trip to your future residence, hell, unless you repent("change your mind") re. the sole solution to the sin/sins issue.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Then get someone to complain.....................spam

And I will do this every time you run your satanic little demon filled mouth...

Your feeding frenzy is over, unless you run to mommie and get me banned...

Every time, johnnie...

You can dish it out, but you can't take it,

CAN YOU!?!?!

Let God Arise!

You hate it, don't you!

Run to mommy, little mouth...

Or MAN UP and stop your hateful little mouth...

Your decision.

I'm all in...


More stock cliches. You are beginning to bore me.

"Johnnie," you squeel, Ms Piggy, again, you disgusting, foul looking old pervert I'm not interested in your "'come on's."

Slower-I dig chicks.

Good one, with your "demon" charge. Your father the devil will be spanking you soon. Being the child of the devil, and pervert that you are, you will dig that, Satan Claus.

"MAN" up, you chirp? Good one, you fat, unkept sodomite.

Get saved, child of the devil. An quit misquoting Scripture, like your father did/does, Christ rejecter.

patrick jane

There you go, TOL audience-confirmed-another wolf exposed/marked/outed.

Thanks for the "good news," Satan Claus, and your redefinition of the word "hope," which, biblically, conveys the concept of "confident expectation."

Have fun rolling those dice, on that trip to your future residence, hell, unless you repent("change your mind") re. the sole solution to the sin/sins issue.

Arsenios is a slick wolf that tries speaking Greek like tettles


Well-known member
I never report others to the mods,
or complain to them

Then why are you reminding me that spam is against TOL rules, little sissie-girl?

But don't be afraid -

Someone ELSE will do it FOR YOU...

And THEN you will be safe from the exposure of spam...


Spam is all your vomit deserves...




TOL Subscriber
Only those not of the cause of Christ will make the attempt. Those who are for the cause of Christ will seek every opportunity to know Him. What do you possess of Him that can make a difference in someone's life if shared with them?

2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

patrick jane

Then why are you reminding me that spam is against TOL rules, little sissie-girl?

But don't be afraid -

Someone ELSE will do it FOR YOU...

And THEN you will be safe from the exposure of spam...


Spam is all you deserve...



You seem bitter and angry, like you hold grudges. You know your orthodoxy has fatal flaws.
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