ECT Follow Paul!

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Well-known member
Where does it say what Paul wrote to them?

He posted the same stupid arguments months ago when JohnW was still here. They were exploded then but he just ignores it and waits for somebody to come along and give him attention again, then reposts them like they're profound newness.


New member
Galatians 2:7-8 KJV -

You can't deny the two different gospels and intended audiences. Peter needed to learn from Paul:

2 different audiences, but it does not say 2 different gospels. It doesn't say that.

2 Peter 3:16 KJV

Where do you get out of that verse that Peter need to learn from Paul? I think there is some serious lack of reading comprehension going on here.

As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Do you really think Peter is referring to himself as being unlearned and unstable?


He posted the same stupid arguments months ago when JohnW was still here. They were exploded then but he just ignores it and waits for somebody to come along and give him attention again, then reposts them like they're profound newness.

(2 Peter 3:16) He writes the same way in all his letters....

So far, not one MADist can explain why Peter wasn't accursed for preaching an alleged different gospel to the Galatians than Paul did.


2 different audiences, but it does not say 2 different gospels. It doesn't say that.


MADists think that back in the first century, if someone didn't preach the exact same thing to a Jew born under the law, raised under the law, and living under the law to a pagan Gentile who had no idea what the law was, they were preaching a different gospel.

MAD is a mess.

patrick jane


MADists think that back in the first century, if someone didn't preach the exact same thing to a Jew born under the law, raised under the law, and living under the law to a pagan Gentile who had no idea what the law was, they were preaching a different gospel.

MAD is a mess.

I always go back to Preterism making no sense. Perhaps you could explain your cult.


I always go back to Preterism making no sense. Perhaps you could explain your cult.

That doesn't answer the question.

Peter said that Paul said the same thing in all his letters.

Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians and told them that if anyone preached a different gospel to them, they were to be accursed.

Years later, Peter preached to the same Galatians.

If Peter allegedly preached a different gospel to the Galatians Paul preached to, then why wasn't Peter accursed?

patrick jane

You do know that is prior to the crucifixion, resurrection, and Pentecost. I know you do. So why do you keep pretending otherwise?

Galatians 1:11-12 KJV - Galatians 1:15-16 KJV - Galatians 1:17-18 KJV -

Galatians 2:2 KJV -

Try to comprehend what Paul says - focus !!

patrick jane

That doesn't answer the question.

Peter said that Paul said the same thing in all his letters.

Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians and told them that if anyone preached a different gospel to them, they were to be accursed.

Years later, Peter preached to the same Galatians.

If Peter allegedly preached a different gospel to the Galatians Paul preached to, then why wasn't Peter accursed?

That's a non-question, it's ridiculous. Peter finally conferred and barely began to understand Paul's teachings, when he finally started catching on he wrote 1 and 2 Peter.

Now see, my assertion is as good as yours, terrible.

patrick jane

The verse completely refutes MAD.

Why would Paul go to Jerusalem and meet privately with the leaders of the church to see if what he was preaching to the Gentiles was in vain or not?

Duh, because he was being hunted for a death sentence by the Jews and false brethren and spies. It also shows a huge time gap between talking to Peter, so Peter didn't know until 14 years later.


That's a non-question, it's ridiculous.

No it's not.

You think it is because you have no answer.

Paul told the Galatians that if anyone preached a different gospel to them, that person was to be accursed.

Years later, Peter preached to those same Galatians.

MAD claims Peter preached a different gospel.

If that was the case, then why wasn't Peter accursed?


New member
Hall of Fame
That doesn't mean the gospel Paul preached was different than the gospel Peter preached.

Somehow you guys think that just because Jesus taught Paul the gospel by direct revelation, it means that it was a different gospel.

1 Corinthians 4:16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

No man, I have never said once or ever even had the thought that because Jesus taught Paul directly then His message to Paul was different. That would be weak.

I point out the fact that Paul was taught directly by Jesus when people try to diminish Paul.

You posted:
Follow Christ Jesus not Paul.
Do you think Paul was wrong to tell us to follow him, do you reject Paul outright? Or... If you claim to accept what Paul wrote, including the fact that he was taught by Jesus, then you are round-aboutly (sorry, weak term :) ) rejecting what Jesus told Paul.

patrick jane

No it's not.

You think it is because you have no answer.

Paul told the Galatians that if anyone preached a different gospel to them, that person was to be accursed.

Years later, Peter preached to those same Galatians.

MAD claims Peter preached a different gospel.

If that was the case, then why wasn't Peter accursed?

I did answer, Peter didn't fully know until Paul told him. But getting back to your cult: Preterism

Introducing Preterism

Preterism is actually a very old, religious cult; one which is not as well known as several other, more popular ones, such as: Roman Catholicism; LDS or (Mormonism); J.W.'s; Seventh-Day Adventism; Christian Science; The Way; etc., I do not know when the sect adopted its current name, 'Preterism,' but obviously, it had no name at the time of Paul's warning (2Ti 2:15-19), or he would have used it.

The terms ' Preterism' and 'Preterist' are derivatives of the word preterit; and preterit is defined thus:

Main Entry:
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English preterit, from Middle French, from Latin praeteritus, from past participle of praeterire to go by, pass, from praeter beyond, past, by (from comparative of prae before) + ire to go -- more at FOR, ISSUE
Date: 14th century
Variant(s): or /'pre-t&-r&t/
archaic : BYGONE, FORMER

Basically, Preterism states that the resurrection of the saints; the rapture; the second advent of Christ; and the millennial reign of Christ; are all historic rather than all future events; therefore, it is the archaic meaning of the term that is meant when we speak of Preterism.

Another significant item the Preterist erroneously believes in, and teaches, is that the New Heaven, and New Earth, have already commenced!


1 Corinthians 4:16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.

Read the entire passage

(1 Cor 4:14-17) I am writing this not to shame you but to warn you as my dear children. 15 Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 16 Therefore I urge you to imitate me. 17 For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.

As we see above, Paul didn't want people to be followers of him.

1 Corinthians 11:1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

(1 Cor 11:1) Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Again, Paul didn't want people to be followers of him.

No man, I have never said once or ever even had the thought that because Jesus taught Paul directly then His message to Paul was different. That would be weak.

Ok, that's good.

So you agree that Peter and Paul preached the same gospel?
I point out the fact that Paul was taught directly by Jesus when people try to diminish Paul.

I don't see anyone claiming Paul wasn't taught directly by Jesus.

I see people disagreeing that Paul preached a different gospel than Peter.

Do you think Paul was wrong to tell us to follow him, do you reject Paul outright?

Paul didn't want us to follow him. Paul wanted us to imitate how he followed Christ Jesus.

Or... If you claim to accept what Paul wrote, including the fact that he was taught by Jesus, then you are round-aboutly (sorry, weak term :) ) rejecting what Jesus told Paul.



I did answer, Peter didn't fully know until Paul told him.

That doesn't answer the question.

Peter wrote his epistle to the Galatians many years after Paul wrote to the Galatians.

You claim Peter preached a different gospel.

Paul told the Galatians that if anyone preached a different gospel to them, they were to be accursed.

So, why wasn't Peter accursed for preaching a different gospel?
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