Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

"We are proud, so proud, to announce January 6th On Ice," said Pelosi while attempting to squeeze into a silver leotard. "We invite parents and children of all ages to come witness this delightful spectacle as my colleagues and I dance to delightful musical numbers and spin our narrative as we spin on the ice!"

The show will take place on a rink of frozen tears supplied by AOC herself, and will feature the talents of Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Adam Schiff, as he comically attempts to stay upright under the weight of his large watermelon-shaped head.

Democrats hope the new show will give more Americans a chilling picture of just how evil Trump and his supporters are.

At publishing time, the show had to be put on hold after every member of the committee slipped and broke their hips within the first 5 minutes of the first performance.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Dershowitz to Newsmax: 'Never Believe Anyone Who Is Not Cross-Examined'​

Retired constitutional law professor Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax on Tuesday that to be credible, witnesses must always be cross-examined, and that none of the Jan. 6 committee hearing witnesses has been.

''As a professor of criminal law for many years, and as one of the most experienced litigators, never believe anyone who is not cross-examined,'' Dershowitz said on ''The Chris Salcedo Show.''

''And none of these [Jan. 6 committee] witnesses are cross-examined.''

"It's as if a basketball team was sent out on the court, and the other team is held back and not allowed to present its defense of the players,'' he continued. ''It's one-sided. Don't believe it.''

Dershowitz said that the House select committee tasked with investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol building breach would have been much more credible had it accepted the Republicans initially selected to serve on the committee.

''They would have asked hard questions, they would have cross-examined, they would have presented contrary evidence and then the American public could make a decision,'' he said.

Instead, the hearings are being conducted in an entirely partisan way, Dershowitz said, much as the House Un-American Activities Committee hearings were.

He said that the goal of the Jan. 6 committee is to ensure that former President Donald Trump cannot run for president again.

''Although I voted against President Trump twice, I want to see a fair process,'' said Dershowitz, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat. ''I want to see a fair election. I want to see no partisan misuse of House committees.''

Earlier in the show, Dershowitz said that when he watched the Jan. 6 committee hearings, the discussion revolved around threats that were made to people during the events of the day.

In light of the threats to conservative Supreme Court justices and their families over the potential overturning of the landmark 1973 abortion case Roe v. Wade, Dershowitz said that ''it’s so hypocritical.''

''Threats only seem to matter to Democrat politicians if they're directed against them, not if they're directed against people that they oppose,'' he said. ''We shouldn’t tolerate a double standard: A threat is a threat, violence is violence, no matter who it is directed against.''



like marbles on glass

Trump and Trumpism similarly embody the 14 common factors of fascism identified by the great writer Umberto Eco in his 1995 essay, Ur Fascism

  • A cult of traditionalism.
  • A rejection of modernism (cultural, rather than technological).
  • A cult of action for its own sake and a distrust of intellectualism.
  • A framing of disagreement or opposition as treasonous.
  • A fear of difference. … Fascism is racist by definition.
  • An appeal to a frustrated middle class—either due to economic or political pressures from both above and below.
  • An obsession with the plots and machinations of the movement's identified enemies.
  • A requirement that said enemies be simultaneously seen as omnipotent and weak, conniving and cowardly.
  • A rejection of pacifism. Life is permanent warfare.
  • Contempt for weakness.
  • A cult of heroism.
  • Hypermasculinity.
  • A selective populism, relying on chauvinist definitions of "the people" that it claims to speak for.
  • A heavy usage of Newspeak—impoverished vocabulary, elementary syntax and a resistance to complex and critical reasoning.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The House select committee will pause its public hearings until next month after receiving significant new evidence related to Donald Trump's effort to overturn his election loss.

The panel will hold another hearing Thursday focused on Trump's pressure campaign against the Department of Justice, but select committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) told reporters on Wednesday the remaining hearings would be rescheduled for July.

"The panel is reassessing its schedule after significant new tranches of evidence have arrived — including documentary footage, NARA productions and new tips," reported Politico's Kyle Cheney.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump and Trumpism similarly embody the 14 common factors of fascism identified by the great writer Umberto Eco in his 1995 essay, Ur Fascism

  • A cult of traditionalism.
  • A rejection of modernism (cultural, rather than technological).
  • A cult of action for its own sake and a distrust of intellectualism.
  • A framing of disagreement or opposition as treasonous.
  • A fear of difference. … Fascism is racist by definition.
  • An appeal to a frustrated middle class—either due to economic or political pressures from both above and below.
  • An obsession with the plots and machinations of the movement's identified enemies.
  • A requirement that said enemies be simultaneously seen as omnipotent and weak, conniving and cowardly.
  • A rejection of pacifism. Life is permanent warfare.
  • Contempt for weakness.
  • A cult of heroism.
  • Hypermasculinity.
  • A selective populism, relying on chauvinist definitions of "the people" that it claims to speak for.
  • A heavy usage of Newspeak—impoverished vocabulary, elementary syntax and a resistance to complex and critical reasoning.
Aptly and eloquently summed up.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's the court cases. Former President Trump had his [checks] 64 days in court, everyone else is entitled to their day, singular. So he had 64 shots.

Apparently the attorney Mr. Eastman's plan was to pull a stunt and then have the courts undo it later. Instead of just pursuing the election irregularities in court after the fact, which is what former Trump ended up doing anyway.

To believe that every one of these outcomes in court was incorrect is to say something far worse about the state of our country than that a loose cannon of a president working with some loose cannon attorneys tried to pull an election stunt. It would mean there is no justice here. It would mean our courts are corrupt. It would mean we are lawless right now.

No other option.

I don't think people comprehend this.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
The House select committee will pause its public hearings until next month after receiving significant new evidence related to Donald Trump's effort to overturn his election loss.
And how many members of the select committee will be under Oath?


like marbles on glass
Well, was a cringe worthy trawl but listened to the whole thing months ago and there's no denying that Trump was feebly trying to coerce Raffensperger into "finding" him over 11,000 votes. That's fraud, plain and simple, much like the MAGA crowd.

I did too. No one who listened to that call can honestly say Trump wasn't clearly and overtly pressuring Raffensperger to fix the ballots in Georgia.


like marbles on glass
And how many members of the select committee will be under Oath?

Are they testifying? No?

Then you'll have to rely on them to place greater importance on the congressional oath they've already taken than the rest of the feckless GOP and the ex-president did.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."


Staff member
Super Moderator
Are they testifying? No?
Then I don't believe a word they say. Just look at the dems statements about Ray Epps. We heard all kinds of responses. But while under Oath, we only heard one reply over and over again: "I can't respond to that." "I can't respond to that." "I can't respond to that."

But that doesn't make you suspicious.


Well-known member

Georgia elections officials set to testify during Tuesday’s Jan. 6 committee hearing

Live testimony from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, target ofTrump’s infamous request to “find” him enough votes:

"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have... Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break."
Misinterpreting someone is a mistake and democrats should be ashamed of themselves. There were potentially hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes in Georgia in 2020 and some bozo thinks there could not possibly be at least 12,000 of them proven invalid?

However, Favorito believes that the hundreds, if not thousands, of allegedly duplicate absentee ballots for Biden could be linked to spikes in Biden votes he saw late on election night in Fulton County after election officials cleared monitors from State Farm Arena and began pulling cases full of ballots out from under tables and scanning them.

“There’s always the possibility it was an inside job,” said Favorito, a lifelong IT worker who has spent the last two decades advocating for Georgia election integrity.

On Nov. 3, Fulton County elections officials notified monitors that the State Farm tabulation center would be shut down before midnight, only to continue counting late into the night when no one was looking.

“Election workers don’t bring ballots in after the supervisor has postponed processing until the morning, hide them under a table, and then bring them out for scanning and tabulation after the supervisor tells [monitors] they are done scanning for the evening and they go home,” Favorito explained.

“After scanning was completed, an election line feed revealed an unprecedented vote spike that helped Biden win the election,” he continued. In fact, “an election line feed showed a 100,000-plus vote spike for Biden just over a half hour after workers scanned the potentially fraudulent ballots.”

“How did they get those ballots, and why did they treat them so suspiciously?” Favorito had inquired.