Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


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People either know they are lying or else they lie because they are deceived and believe the lies they are unwittingly telling. Let's get Ray Epps back before republican House investigators and let's force the FBI to release records they are still hiding that can shed light on the matter instead of allowing the left to obstruct justice and the investigation.
Probably Ray will be Epps-teined before that happens.


Well-known member
Wrong. Some Capitol police, realizing that they were greatly outnumbered and could be easily overpowered, decided to "de-escalate" the situation by "escorting" the insurrectionists around the Capitol. Even Chansley now admits that what he did that day was not just wrong, it was illegal.
8 cops walking around the interior of the Capitol building with one harmless guy in Hollywood attire? How is that an example of 8 cops "de-escalating" violence?

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Greatest poster ever
8 cops walking around the interior of the Capitol building with one harmless guy in Hollywood attire? How is that an example of 8 cops "de-escalating" violence?
I doubt that they wanted to take on the violent mob. There are always a few cowards in every group.


Well-known member
“Anybody that trespassed into the United States Capitol, you know, whether they did peacefully … did it illegally,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said.

Also, you're omitting the fact that Chansley was convicted of felony charges of obstructing an official proceeding.
Chansley was convicted by the mob that was deluded into believing all Jan 6 participants were evil monsters out to kill congressmen. The deluded mob helped send an innocent guy to prison without due process and in violation of his civil rights. Sort of like a lynching democrats were so famous for in American history.

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Greatest poster ever
Chansley was convicted by the mob that was deluded into believing all Jan 6 participants were evil monsters out to kill congressmen. The mob helped send an innocent guy to prison.
"Hang Mike Pence!" -- The evil monsters who were out to kill congressmen.


Well-known member
What is the lie? The lie, as Dan Crenshaw pointed out, is "if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.” You look silly because you are silly.
There was no sedition but there is evidence 'company' players like Ray Epps conspired with selected government officials to incite violence for unknown reasons.

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Greatest poster ever
There was no sedition but there is evidence 'company' players like Ray Epps conspired with selected government officials to incite violence for unknown reasons.
Did Stewart Rhodes also conspire with selected government officials to incite violence for unknown reasons?


Well-known member
What is the lie? The lie, as Dan Crenshaw pointed out, is "if your message is then to try and convince people that nothing bad happened, then it’s just gonna make us look silly.” You look silly because you are silly.
The lie is that Trump incited an insurrection. How wicked a lie is that? That's like saying Obama incited the violence that resulted in multiple cops being murdered in cold blood by black men who were dishonestly told cops were racists and regularly killed black men for no reason.


Well-known member
I doubt that they wanted to take on the violent mob. There are always a few cowards in every group.
The black cop who shot an unarmed white woman without warning while hiding behind other cops on the other side of a locked door was apparently "not afraid to take on white protesters. Another black cop was not afraid to beat a white woman to death while she lay unconscious on the ground. This is the type of police misconduct and brutality that is real, not the unjust violence crap leftists claim cops commit regularly against blacks.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... while Carlson has flipped the J6 narrative, Democrats are now looking for an alternative.

As the conservative website noted, that means backpedaling.

Twitchy reported on Thursday that as Carlson now destroys “many of the lame, hateful narratives from the Left,” Mississippi Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, chairman of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked J6 special committee, claimed the lawmakers on the panel did not have access to the footage Carlson is using ...

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Greatest poster ever
Christian conservatives show about as much good judgement in picking their politicians as they do in picking their televangelists--which is to say, none at all!


Well-known member
"Hang Mike Pence!" -- The evil monsters who were out to kill congressmen.
Someone shouted Hang Mike Pence and you brand all supporters of Trump killers? What is wrong with you? Are you aware that even though sinners advocate violence that does not mean every family member, political party member, or fellow news reporter is a killer?

"Hang Mike Pence!" -- The evil monsters who were out to kill congressmen.
Democrats don't just talk about killing their opponents, they mean business. Tucker Carlson showed one moron in his segment concerning the lies democrats told about Jan 6. One deranged madman is shown on the video spewing his murderous hate speech, inciting the murder of Jacob Chansley. The leftist moron shouted,"Shoot him. Shoot him" in front of an audience of adoring leftist fans. Maybe the guy was a professional hitman and maybe that was the same advice he gave concerning Seth Rich for leaking damaging DNC emails to Assange.



Well-known member
Did Stewart Rhodes also conspire with selected government officials to incite violence for unknown reasons?
We have seen extreme perversions of justice for several years and are not surprised leftist lawyers and judges were able to obtain convictions of innocent men while twisting facts, hiding evidence, violating defendants' rights, obstructing due processes, and so forth. Rhodes' defense team was right. Rhodes was railroaded by rogues in the Justice Department. This level of extreme corruption of Justice officials has rarely been seen since J. Edgar Hoover and the mob framed 4 innocent men for a murder the FBI knew they did not commit and secured death sentences for 3 of them and a life sentence for the fourth.

Defense attorneys accused prosecutors of twisting their clients’ words and insisted the Oath Keepers came to Washington only to provide security for figures such as Roger Stone, a longtime Trump ally. The defense focused heavily on seeking to show that Rhodes’ rhetoric was just bluster and that the Oath Keepers had no plan before Jan. 6 to attack the Capitol.
