Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Meanwhile, Trump says his 2020 loss should be overturned, and how?

Via "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."
What's your point though? My post stands. No news contradicts what I said.

“The American Constitution is a sacrosanct document that for over 200 years has guaranteed that freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it. It’s the ultimate monument to all of the Americans who have given their lives to defeat self-serving despots that abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights.”
That sound like anybody on TOL to you?


like marbles on glass
What's your point though?

The Constitution brings the American people together – regardless of party – and elected leaders swear to uphold it.

Until they don't. That's my point. I wouldn't trust Trump or his cohorts in congress to uphold it. When they say who they are - believe them.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Until they don't.
The only practical option for the former president is to attempt another lawsuit, in the light of the recent twitter internal email expose. He's attempted at least 64 so far. What's another? He's certainly not going to "stage a coup" when he's not even recognized as the commander-in-chief.
That's my point.
He's not currently recognized as holding any public office. There are lots of TOL users who don't uphold our Constitution. Are they all reason for us to worry that our republic is in peril too?
I wouldn't trust Trump or his cohorts in congress to uphold it.
Then they should be impeached.
When they say who they are - believe them.
I always do. I still see no evidence consistent with the former president being crooked. Terrible judge of character, but he's no crook.


like marbles on glass
He's not currently recognized as holding any public office.

He was on Jan. 6. Don't you see? What he says now is what he wanted then. He didn't get it, so yes, the line held. Will it always hold? We can't know but we need to plan for that contingency.

There are lots of TOL users who don't uphold our Constitution. Are they all reason for us to worry that our republic is in peril too?

If they're gunning for civil war, as many voices on the far right are, then yes, we should worry about the next nutcase to act on it.

I still see no evidence consistent with the former president being crooked. Terrible judge of character, but he's no crook.

You don't know that. You can declare it, but you can't know it. It's quite possible the state of New York knows.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
He was on Jan. 6. Don't you see?
So what he now says today in the light of evidence he did not have all the way back then equals what he was thinking all the way back then? You're out of your mind.
What he says now is what he wanted then.
He didn't get it, so yes, the line held. Will it always hold? We can't know but we need to plan for that contingency.
His only practical option is another lawsuit, like I said. idk the statute of limitations on stolen elections.
If they're gunning for civil war, as many voices on the far right
I don't recognize that term. It's too ambiguous.
are, then yes, we should worry about the next nutcase to act on it.
To each his own. There's no actual reason to worry though.
You don't know that. You can declare it, but you can't know it. It's quite possible the state of New York knows.
I can declare it confidently because if there's anybody, in the whole history of the whole world, who was actually a crook, and who was subjected to what he's been subjected to, then that person would have absolutely been arrested by now, and so far, and it's now approaching two whole years, he hasn't been. There's nobody who's ever been under as much scrutiny as former president Trump has since Jan 6----nobody. And still no arrests. None. Zero.

The silence is deafening. "It's quite possible the state of New York knows." Come on. Grasping at straws, and patently at this point.


like marbles on glass
So what he now says today in the light of evidence he did not have all the way back then equals what he was thinking all the way back then?

He is who he was. Sorry you can't see it.

You're out of your mind.

Oooh, I remember you love the armchair psychologist game! 😂

I don't recognize that term. It's too ambiguous.

Please educate yourself.

I can declare it confidently

Declaratory. 😂

The silence is deafening. "It's quite possible the state of New York knows." Come on. Grasping at straws, and patently at this point.

You must be a card-carrying member of your crook's official He is NOT a Crook! Fan Club. Enjoy!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Have you clowns proven that there was massive voter fraud in 2020 yet? If not, then you are calling for the overthrow of the Constitution when you claim that the results of the 2020 election should be overturned.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Have you clowns proven that there was massive voter fraud in 2020 yet? If not, then you are calling for the overthrow of the Constitution when you claim that the results of the 2020 election should be overturned.
It's even more telling that some now distance themselves away from the former clown of a president and claim he's effectively a "socialist" et al.
Would almost be comical.