Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


like marbles on glass
Republicans failed to win a fair election because they failed to deal a death blow to voting fraud after democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud.

Republicans failed to win a fair election because the voters rejected the most radical of them in battleground states (the red states are a different story of course). And even though they gerrymandered their little black hearts out, they're going to continue to be outnumbered over time.


Well-known member
Republicans failed to win a fair election because the voters rejected the most radical of them in battleground states (the red states are a different story of course). And even though they gerrymandered their little black hearts out, they're going to continue to be outnumbered over time.
Unfortunately, the biggest losses for republicans did not come from red states but from blue democrat wards in otherwise red states where bloated books, corruptible voting machines, lack of transparency, ballot dumps, and unverified ballots by the tens of thousands were counted, sometimes weeks after polls closed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Republicans failed to win a fair election because the voters rejected the most radical of them in battleground states (the red states are a different story of course). And even though they gerrymandered their little black hearts out, they're going to continue to be outnumbered over time.
It's good to see that the radical likes of Kari Lake got kicked into touch and that a good number of people are fed up with all of the conspiracy garbage.


Well-known member
It's good to see that the radical likes of Kari Lake got kicked into touch and that a good number of people are fed up with all of the conspiracy garbage.
Nobody is more fed up with Christian influence in politics than dirty politicians and their heathen savage supporters.


Well-known member
It's indeed good, but so much damage has been done, by people who think wearing a MAGA hat makes them virtuous and patriotic.
Honoring God, the US Flag and Constitution are virtuous and patriotic. Dishonoring God and disrespecting the US Flag and Constitution are trademarks of American traitors.


like marbles on glass

Jan. 6 Rioter Barred From Holding Office For Life Under Insurrection Clause

The New Mexico Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal from “Cowboys for Trump” founder Couy Griffin to overturn a decision that barred him from holding public office for life under the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause.

Griffin was arrested and convicted for entering restricted areas at the Capitol on Jan, 6, 2021. At the time, he was serving as a commissioner of Otero County, New Mexico, where he was elected in 2018. But residents began pushing to have him removed from office in 2021 for a number of reasons, including allegedly using his position to promote Cowboys for Trump.


like marbles on glass

Voters in Great Lake states deliver election deniers a stiff rebuke

Voters rejected election deniers across the country last week. But they did so with particular verve along the Great Lakes.

In Minnesota, the Democratic secretary of state defeated by a 10-point margin a Republican challenger who baselessly called the 2020 election rigged and pushed for restricting early voting. In Wisconsin, voters handed Gov. Tony Evers (D) a second term, declining to reward a candidate backed by former president Donald Trump who left open the possibility of trying to reverse the last presidential election. In Pennsylvania, Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) crushed Republican Doug Mastriano, who had highlighted his willingness to decertify voting machines if he won the governorship.

But perhaps the biggest statement on democracy came in Michigan, where voters by large margins rebuffed a slate of Republican election deniers running for governor, attorney general and secretary of state. They also embraced an amendment to the state constitution that expands voting rights and makes it much more difficult for officials to subvert the will of voters. In the process, they flipped the legislature with the help of new legislative maps drawn by a nonpartisan commission, giving Democrats complete control of state government for the first time in 40 years.


Well-known member

Jan. 6 Rioter Barred From Holding Office For Life Under Insurrection Clause

The New Mexico Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal from “Cowboys for Trump” founder Couy Griffin to overturn a decision that barred him from holding public office for life under the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause.

Griffin was arrested and convicted for entering restricted areas at the Capitol on Jan, 6, 2021. At the time, he was serving as a commissioner of Otero County, New Mexico, where he was elected in 2018. But residents began pushing to have him removed from office in 2021 for a number of reasons, including allegedly using his position to promote Cowboys for Trump.
America has sunk to a new low with crooked democrats getting away with charging American patriots with treason for objecting to voter fraud.


Well-known member

Voters in Great Lake states deliver election deniers a stiff rebuke

Voters rejected election deniers across the country last week. But they did so with particular verve along the Great Lakes.

In Minnesota, the Democratic secretary of state defeated by a 10-point margin a Republican challenger who baselessly called the 2020 election rigged and pushed for restricting early voting. In Wisconsin, voters handed Gov. Tony Evers (D) a second term, declining to reward a candidate backed by former president Donald Trump who left open the possibility of trying to reverse the last presidential election. In Pennsylvania, Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) crushed Republican Doug Mastriano, who had highlighted his willingness to decertify voting machines if he won the governorship.

But perhaps the biggest statement on democracy came in Michigan, where voters by large margins rebuffed a slate of Republican election deniers running for governor, attorney general and secretary of state. They also embraced an amendment to the state constitution that expands voting rights and makes it much more difficult for officials to subvert the will of voters. In the process, they flipped the legislature with the help of new legislative maps drawn by a nonpartisan commission, giving Democrats complete control of state government for the first time in 40 years.
Soros-backed democrat traitors continue to win elections by fraud while poor Americans pay the heavy price through higher costs of living and less freedom.


Staff member
Super Moderator

Sorry Liz Cheney: After Reinstating President Trump’s Twitter Account Two of His Tweets from Jan 6 Tell the Real Story

It’s kind of hard to lead an “insurrection” when you are telling everyone to “remain peaceful,” and to “support Capitol Police,” and to “stay peaceful.”



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Sorry Liz Cheney: After Reinstating President Trump’s Twitter Account Two of His Tweets from Jan 6 Tell the Real Story

It’s kind of hard to lead an “insurrection” when you are telling everyone to “remain peaceful,” and to “support Capitol Police,” and to “stay peaceful.”

I noticed those tweets right away myself as soon as I noticed his account was reactivated. Probably the most significant case of "thread resurrection" in social media history lol.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It’s kind of hard to lead an “insurrection” when you are telling everyone to “remain peaceful,” and to “support Capitol Police,” and to “stay peaceful.”
Of course you neglected to mention that Trump did not make those tweets until well after the violent mob had already broken into the Capitol.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I noticed those tweets right away myself as soon as I noticed his account was reactivated. Probably the most significant case of "thread resurrection" in social media history lol.
Twitter (and TOL) is in a sense no different than the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. It's their platform, and every classical liberal believes their power to control what's in their newspaper is absolute.

Twitter didn't just ban or deactivate former President Trump. They took away his microphone, his megaphone, his bullhorn, and his publishing platform. And they took down every bit of content. Like a light switch, in the blink of an eye, a snap of the finger.

But where Twitter goes wrong is it also in one fell swoop eliminates the context for all the tweet comments and re-tweets which generated untold maybe billions of replies. TOL bans users, and that is displayed prominently in threads where they contributed, we don't lose the conversations or any comments because a user is banned or deactivated. Mods do edit content which violates the publishing rules, unless it's historically significant like when one of Sozo's socks implied the -ubar and sna-u word to the late AMR (of happy memory) at the end of a formal debate here (back when active debates between users still occurred here). So the content largely always remains intact on TOL. Trump's suspension meant lights out, on all of that content. TOL just doesn't do that.

So while every platform basically has the absolute right to control who can and who cannot write, imagine if either the WSJ or the NYT had Trump as a columnist, and then they just stopped publishing what he was writing, forever. This is like what Twitter did, except they also went and collected all the existing old copies of past issues where Trump's columns /content appears, and took them away, so there is no more record of anything having ever been published by the newspaper written by Trump, anywhere, not even in museums.

Twitter almost is 1984. TOL ... is not. TOL > Twitter


Well-known member
Of course you neglected to mention that Trump did not make those tweets until well after the violent mob had already broken into the Capitol.
Trump continued to encourage peaceful demonstrations the entire time, contrary to what bent and twisted leftist liars claim. Democrats, on the other hand, continued to encourage and inflame leftist riots in 2020 that saw more than a thousand police officers injured, more than a billion dollars in property damage, a handful of murders, dozens of assaults with injuries, tens of thousands of dollars losses to looting, and other atrocities. Any democrat attempting to blame Trump for the Jan 6 violence is a lying leftist moronic hypocrite.