I'm ~yellow~
I'm ~yellow~
Adam failed in his responsibility to Eve. Had he lived up to his Headship, he would have refused the fruit.
He would have obeyed God and he would have instructed Eve on proper behavior. Remember, God did not tell Eve not to eat of the forbidden fruit, he told Adam.
you all are just women![]()
just so's you know
rusha is a hell-bound perverted God-rejecter
and bybee is, i suspect, suffering from dementia
just so's you know
rusha is a hell-bound perverted God-rejecter
and bybee is, i suspect, suffering from dementia
They certainly spend a whole lot of time on this subject for posters who still can't comprehend anyone else's views accurately :chuckle:
This poster 'sum1sgruj' keeps being brought up, apparently someone who was Muslim and converted to Catholicism.
I don't even know the legitimacy of that, though. They tend to, at best, misrepresent others. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the poster was accused just as I am of being Islamic, and then that accusation became something more.
It would take something like a year or more for that sort of transformation- the Church isn't in the business, at least not anymore, in simply dunking someone in water and naming them among the laity.
It's a long process of learning and committing- they make sure that converts pretty much abandon any religious or moral structure they had before.
This thread is WAY OUT man, way the heck out.
...the Church isn't in the business, at least not anymore, in simply dunking someone in water and naming them among the laity.
they should reconsider - maybe set up a bungie tower
or maybe one of these:
That was a fairly lame post.
Hey, it's better then the same ol' *poor woman, never mind men, let's talk about what we can do to utterly forget problems that men suffer, it's all about women!*
~Hey look, an anti-feminist! Let's throw rocks at it!~
Feminist philosophy and liberalism are synonymous. I thought that may be some serious food for thought, perhaps looming at the Idolatress of Babylon and how it's a woman riding the Beasts back, but nah..
worshiping women is far more gratifying :chuckle:
What people have forgotten is that the entire reason Christianity was so potent before this liberal age is because they went about the whole matter how I do. It's just a fact, and I guess facts hurt Jack!
How does one possibly go about this being the Age of Revelation and yet think it's better then the past? That's sort of the contradiction with you all.
No theological direction, just a bunch of misguided lip service.
:think: How do you feel about shoes?It is my opinion women should never have been given the right to vote.
Is it a head bone?Chew on that bone, why don't you. :crackup:
Nah, only a hypocrite would be against feminism and still reserve the right to vote.
I think I'll pass on the near decade old book review. But I am interested in what you see as feminism today and what you believe its agenda is, how you oppose or support them.Feminists have an Agenda, as we all know.
Check this out: http://www.albertmohler.com/2005/10/17/raising-boys-without-men-the-new-feminist-fantasy/
Or, their obligation to vote is to offset the votes of other females.
That's almost as interesting as it in irrelevant ...
It really does bother you that women are allowed to vote, doesn't it?![]()
I think I'll pass on the near decade old book review. But I am interested in what you see as feminism today and what you believe its agenda is, how you oppose or support them.
In general I get it. I'm trying to get at the particulars. That's where the angels and devils are oft located.Oh, I didn't even notice the date! Just goes to show, he was right.
I have already made my position clear in this thread...even in the OP.
Okay. Sounds more like a particular religious distinction than a political one.I believe in male headship and authority in marriage.
I don't know what you mean by that. Equality in what sense and role distinctions in what respect?I believe in equality with role distinctions.
Again, I'm not sure there is a uniform usage. It seems to have a lot in common with "PC"...a bit like beauty or your favorite sports team's chances.I loathe the word feminism and how it is used today,
Palin called herself a feminist. So it might be a wider tent.I would never want the label placed on me. Although, outside of Sky, no one would ever place that label on me if they know me lol.