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TOL Subscriber
I do not know how many there are or if there are any here at TOL...there does seem to be a bit of everything. I am sure all lesbians advocate feminism though there might be different reasons they chose to adopt it.

I would say that my concern would be for the souls of any who struggle in this way or embrace that lifestyle. I would want to come along side of them, share the love of Christ with them and not worry about their worldview. The heart needs to be changed first, then these things will come afterwards. I think of lovemeorhateme on this forum...He has such an amazing testimony of how God delivered him out of the homosexual lifestyle. I praised God as I read it, have you seen it?

Not arguing with you, dear friend, but just wondering why it is fine to openly discuss all aspects of feminism except the sexual aspect that feeds much of it.

The 5 solas

New member
The Bible doesn't say that at all. The Bible is utterly against feminism, and one is a fool to think otherwise.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.
Men are leaders, and are the head of the wives. That is that, and when you see all these feminists making fun of that or downplaying it, you're just seeing that sad mistake of Eve in the Garden and an Antichrist, pro-secular standing.

Everyone says to those like me 'I have a hip on my shoulder'.
Well, yeah I do, if one wants to play it that way. I have a chip on my shoulder about so many idiots coming out the woodwork having so much pull with morals they ruin with their lazy minds and foolish actions.

My goodness, have you read ANY of the posts I have put here? You must not have because I have been advocating male headship and submission the entire time. Please go back and read what I have said before you falsely accuse me. I have a very conservative stand, so go back and read it please.

You are misunderstanding what equality even is. This statement of yours erroneous....the Galatians verse does speak of equality. It is saying all can be saved, one is of no greater value than the other...

Gal 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

It is saying, our standing in Christ is equal. Our value to Him is equal. Our souls are all on an even playing field, as it were.
Equality with role distinctions....we see it in the very Godhead when Jesus submitted Himself to the Father.

Let me know if you read any of my posts and then tell me again how I am a feminist and reject male headship.

The 5 solas

New member
Not arguing with you, dear friend, but just wondering why it is fine to openly discuss all aspects of feminism except the sexual aspect that feeds much of it.

Oh I knew you weren't arguing with me =) I was just trying to understand the question. I see what you mean now. I do not have an answer for that. Perhaps because it is so personal, perhaps because they see the rampant hatred on this board ( I am blown away by it daily myself ) I can see why they would hesitate.


New member
I am personally opposed to the secular concept of feminism and what is being pushed in our society. It is representative of a lust for power, usurping of authority and emasculation of the men. It has helped destroy the family unit by making women dissatisfied with their roles as wives and mothers, leading to the disintegration of society overall.

For me, it is a matter of equality with role distinctions, as laid out in the Scriptures.


.will have to read entire thread before long.


New member
The Bible doesn't say that at all. The Bible is utterly against feminism, and one is a fool to think otherwise.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.
Men are leaders, and are the head of the wives. That is that, and when you see all these feminists making fun of that or downplaying it, you're just seeing that sad mistake of Eve in the Garden and an Antichrist, pro-secular standing.

Everyone says to those like me 'I have a hip on my shoulder'.
Well, yeah I do, if one wants to play it that way. I have a chip on my shoulder about so many idiots coming out the woodwork having so much pull with morals they ruin with their lazy minds and foolish actions.

I think you misunderstand. The equality God has given us does not dispel God's headship. This equality is laid out in Ephesians 5 side by side with God's headship.


TOL Subscriber
Oh I knew you weren't arguing with me =) I was just trying to understand the question. I see what you mean now. I do not have an answer for that. Perhaps because it is so personal, perhaps because they see the rampant hatred on this board ( I am blown away by it daily myself ) I can see why they would hesitate.

But why do they hesitate?

If they are so sure of their beliefs, to oppose the teaching of God regarding their created role, there has to be some kind of shame still existent within feminists to talk about all things but their sexuality.

I believe it is deep-seated conscience that keeps them quiet, for they know in their hearts of hearts, that their deviant sexuality is an actual mark that gives away their motives for rebelling against God's natural order.

Romans 1:28-32


My goodness, have you read ANY of the posts I have put here? You must not have because I have been advocating male headship and submission the entire time. Please go back and read what I have said before you falsely accuse me. I have a very conservative stand, so go back and read it please.

You are misunderstanding what equality even is. This statement of yours erroneous....the Galatians verse does speak of equality. It is saying all can be saved, one is of no greater value than the other...

Gal 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

It is saying, our standing in Christ is equal. Our value to Him is equal. Our souls are all on an even playing field, as it were.
Equality with role distinctions....we see it in the very Godhead when Jesus submitted Himself to the Father.

Let me know if you read any of my posts and then tell me again how I am a feminist and reject male headship.

I judge one's standing by the result, and the result of those who talk about feminism and yet do not say what needs to be said is nothing more then a paved road for others to come along with falsehoods.

There is no reason to even bring up that we are all equal with Christ if one going to ignore the fact that women have overstepped their bounds.
You may as well be supporting the exact opposite of what you allegedly believe.

Men lose their home, kids, and money everyday due to women. It is done out of the simple fact that ~they are women~, nothing more. Not because they are better, or deserve it.

But instead of stating any of that, let's herald them- let's have them come on threads for example with big ol' smiles on their faces feeling smitten while we worship the idea of equality and throw in some criticism for men for good measure.

It's absolutely deserving of anathema, and people need to wake up. Heralding women threads: 100000000000 Women accountability threads: nil

Does that not strike you as suspicious? If not, make one that criticizes women and you will be universally demonstrated by every single female and liberal on here.
It just goes to show why the Old and New warn us about the world's errant morals and philosophy.

Paul's the ~greatest edifier ever~ up until it's shown he was anti-feminist- then he's just a fallible man. It's absolutely absurd the type of grip feminism has on our culture.
I don't see why women don't just drop Paul's letters and join the anti-Pauline crew since so many obviously don't agree with him. Or really, just drop Abrahamic religion altogether because David was anti-feminist as well.


like marbles on glass
I do not know how many there are or if there are any here at TOL...there does seem to be a bit of everything. I am sure all lesbians advocate feminism though there might be different reasons they chose to adopt it.

I would say that my concern would be for the souls of any who struggle in this way or embrace that lifestyle. I would want to come along side of them, share the love of Christ with them and not worry about their worldview. The heart needs to be changed first, then these things will come afterwards. I think of lovemeorhateme on this forum...He has such an amazing testimony of how God delivered him out of the homosexual lifestyle. I praised God as I read it, have you seen it?

Not arguing with you, dear friend, but just wondering why it is fine to openly discuss all aspects of feminism except the sexual aspect that feeds much of it.

Oh I knew you weren't arguing with me =) I was just trying to understand the question. I see what you mean now. I do not have an answer for that. Perhaps because it is so personal, perhaps because they see the rampant hatred on this board ( I am blown away by it daily myself ) I can see why they would hesitate.

I think you have a kind heart.

I agree with you, anyone who was open about their homosexuality here would be treated with hatred by many supposed Christians, (who openly show hate to each other while they're at it). Not all of them, there are some genuinely good, decent Christians here who share the gospel the way it was meant to be shared. I really appreciate them, they've kept me from despair. Barely.

The 5 solas

New member
I judge one's standing by the result, and the result of those who talk about feminism and yet do not say what needs to be said is nothing more then a paved road for others to come along with falsehoods.

There is no reason to even bring up that we are all equal with Christ if one going to ignore the fact that women have overstepped their bounds.
You may as well be supporting the exact opposite of what you allegedly believe.

Men lose their home, kids, and money everyday due to women. It is done out of the simple fact that ~they are women~, nothing more. Not because they are better, or deserve it.

But instead of any of that, let's herald them- let's have them come on threads for example with big ol' smiles on their faces feeling smitten while we worship the idea of equality and throw in some criticism for men for good measure.

It's absolutely deserving of anathema, and people need to wake up. Heralding women threads: 100000000000 Women accountability threads: nil

Does that not strike you as suspicious? If not, make one that criticizes women and you will be universally demonstrated by every single female and liberal on here.
It just goes to show why the Old and New warn us about the world's errant morals and philosophy.

Sounds like you have been hurt, Skybringr. I am sorry for that. Just like a woman should not hate all men because one hurt her, so should you not hate all women because one hurt you. Which is what it sounds like happened. You should really bring this before the throne of Grace, I will pray for you too.

Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”

1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”


TOL Subscriber
I think you have a kind heart.

I agree with you, anyone who was open about their homosexuality here would be treated with hatred by many supposed Christians, (who openly show hate to each other while they're at it). Not all of them, there are some genuinely good, decent Christians here who share the gospel the way it was meant to be shared. I really appreciate them, they've kept me from despair. Barely.

It is less than honest to discuss feminism without discussing the deviant sexuality that is the core problem.

Since the moral basis of feminism is Lesbianism deviancy, then feminists should be open about admitting so. Even if one who defends feminism is not sexually deviant, they should be honest enough to discuss that Lesbianism is feminism's root cause.


New member
I judge one's standing by the result, and the result of those who talk about feminism and yet do not say what needs to be said is nothing more then a paved road for others to come along with falsehoods.

There is no reason to even bring up that we are all equal with Christ if one going to ignore the fact that women have overstepped their bounds.
You may as well be supporting the exact opposite of what you allegedly believe.

Men lose their home, kids, and money everyday due to women. It is done out of the simple fact that ~they are women~, nothing more. Not because they are better, or deserve it.

But instead of stating any of that, let's herald them- let's have them come on threads for example with big ol' smiles on their faces feeling smitten while we worship the idea of equality and throw in some criticism for men for good measure.

It's absolutely deserving of anathema, and people need to wake up. Heralding women threads: 100000000000 Women accountability threads: nil

Does that not strike you as suspicious? If not, make one that criticizes women and you will be universally demonstrated by every single female and liberal on here.
It just goes to show why the Old and New warn us about the world's errant morals and philosophy.

Paul's the ~greatest edifier ever~ up until it's shown he was anti-feminist- then he's just a fallible man. It's absolutely absurd the type of grip feminism has on our culture.
I don't see why women don't just drop Paul's letters and join the anti-Pauline crew since so many obviously don't agree with him. Or really, just drop Abrahamic religion altogether because David was anti-feminist as well.

Galatians 3:28 does not speak to the issue of equality of men and women except in the matter of salvation. Ephesians 5 gets to the core of the matter.

"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— for we are members of his body. 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

This is the headship: "...the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." 1 Corinthians 11:3
And the profound mystery of man and woman becoming one flesh through marriage is so significant in terms of the relationship between God and Yeshua. Yeshua is ever submissive to God and yet they are One. This is why, I believe, God hates divorce so much because it runs so violently against His plan.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Women have equal rights under the law. I don't want to hear anything else of that until the issue of men in domestic courts is resolved- the horrible inequality that rests there which goes basically ignored.. because everyone's worried about the imaginary injustices of women!

They do now, they didn't have for years previous and equality means just that. Yes, I'm aware of there being discrepancies where it comes to men at times in regards to domestic matters, but you can't blame an acceptance of equal rights for women for that but rather ineptitude on behalf of the system. There's nothing 'imaginary' about how women have been transgressed as well as men so point the finger of blame in the proper direction instead of apparently singling out those who think all people should be treat fairly and equitably under law.

I have been debating like an adult. I give my two cents on the matter, and the kids come screaming like the ice cream truck just turned around the corner with the siren blazing.

The "kids" were already debating the matter before you even showed up to give your...worth to proceedings...

I don't put you all in the same boat, you all ARE in the same boat. You taking side with what I just argued against does not help your case in the slightest, in fact it sort of makes the point.

Heck, you can't even address the fact that women in times past were treat like crap and had no recourse but to deal with it for how many human rights they actually had in effect...

"Equal rights with different gender roles" is an oxymoron by the way. Just figured you should know that the only equation to that is 'equal results', which makes it definitively unequal. One may as well say being female is a handicap.
The whole idea of this thread is a fallacy.

Acknowledging that men and women have differences (in general as regards roles although that's hardly anything as clear cut as society in times past would have it) has squat to do with their having equality in terms of rights under law.


like marbles on glass
It is less than honest to discuss feminism without discussing the deviant sexuality that is the core problem.

Since the moral basis of feminism is Lesbianism deviancy, then feminists should be open about admitting so. Even if one who defends feminism is not sexually deviant, they should be honest enough to discuss that Lesbianism is feminism's root cause.

I'm going to be honest and say I don't agree with you one iota about the root cause of feminism.

And I don't care what a woman's sexuality is, if she's being abused or discriminated against or exploited because she's a woman, it's unjust. Plain and simple. And if she's being discriminated against because she's a lesbian, that's unjust. Our constitutional rights extend to each and every citizen regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This is what TOL has taught me, that there are people in this country who need protection from some Christians. What a sad commentary.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is less than honest to discuss feminism without discussing the deviant sexuality that is the core problem.

Since the moral basis of feminism is Lesbianism deviancy, then feminists should be open about admitting so. Even if one who defends feminism is not sexually deviant, they should be honest enough to discuss that Lesbianism is feminism's root cause.

Eh? Do you think the suffragette movement comprised of lesbians?



I don't suppose anybody heard about the Roman cathedral out in Argentina where feminists attacked the priests preventing them from destroying the building.

Of course not, because there was no police report filed or anything. Let some men go to a feminist camp, however, and every man would have been anathema and gone to jail.

There's multiple ironies in that whole matter- I'm sure one can figure it out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Bible doesn't say that at all. The Bible is utterly against feminism, and one is a fool to think otherwise.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.
Men are leaders, and are the head of the wives. That is that, and when you see all these feminists making fun of that or downplaying it, you're just seeing that sad mistake of Eve in the Garden and an Antichrist, pro-secular standing.

Everyone says to those like me 'I have a hip on my shoulder'.
Well, yeah I do, if one wants to play it that way. I have a chip on my shoulder about so many idiots coming out the woodwork having so much pull with morals they ruin with their lazy minds and foolish actions.

Hmm, if I had a hip on my shoulder I'd be pretty concerned about it to be honest, especially if it were mine...:eek:


New member
I'm going to be honest and say I don't agree with you one iota about the root cause of feminism.

And I don't care what a woman's sexuality is, if she's being abused or discriminated against or exploited because she's a woman, it's unjust. Plain and simple. And if she's being discriminated against because she's a lesbian, that's unjust. Our constitutional rights extend to each and every citizen regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. This is what TOL has taught me, that there are people in this country who need protection from some Christians. What a sad commentary.

Anna, God cares what a woman's sexuality is so we also must care. But you are correct in that abuse, discrimination and exploitation of women is wrong and goes against God's instruction. As far as homosexuality is concerned, there is no excuse for our lack of love to homosexuals. Love, however, does not include the condoning of sinful behavior.


TOL Subscriber
I'm going to be honest and say I don't agree with you one iota about the root cause of feminism.

Of course you wouldn't . . . openly.

And I don't care what a woman's sexuality is,

Anything goes, right?

if she's being abused or discriminated against or exploited because she's a woman, it's unjust. Plain and simple. And if she's being discriminated against because she's a lesbian, that's unjust.

This is the Lesbian straw man argument, repeated ad nauseum . . . they claim to be feminists because of masculine abuse . . . but in reality they just want to practice their deviant sexual behavior without society's disapproval.

Our constitutional rights extend to each and every citizen regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.

Yes. This is their mantra. Of course, constitutional rights never mention sexual deviants. Only the Holy Scriptures deals with such, and quite plainly.

Feminists have replaced the word of God with the word of government, that until recently has stayed away from weighing in on such matters.

This is what TOL has taught me, that there are people in this country who need protection from some Christians. What a sad commentary.

Yes, a very sad but true commentary about TOL.

Sinful deviants supposed need to be protected from the faithful sons of God?

Bah . . .
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