Fast Food workers protest and demand more money.


Well-known member
First off, my house is made of bricks, and the trim is made of vinyl. It never gets painted.
Well, that was a totally irrelevant waste or electrons.
Secondly, it is a political decision to implement a living wage. If it wasn't a political decision, then it wouldn't be politicians that have to do it.
Actually, it is a functional decision, which effects society as a whole, and therefor falls to the government to implement (that's what governments are for). It is not an politically ideological decision, however, as you were trying to imply by bringing up Marxism, communism, and socialism.


New member
Hall of Fame
How do you not understand that the employee isn't forced to work at a business that pays minimum wage?

But many are, through lack of options, circumstances, and the like. That's the reality of the situation you simply don't understand.

The employee making minimum wage should be looking on Craigslist for a job that pays higher than minimum wage.


Right. Because it's just that easy to go out and find another job whenever you feel like it. What planet are you on?:confused:

The Barbarian

So let me get this straight - the government shoving its nose into everyone's bedroom to make sure that no "unapproved" sexual activities are occuring, or into a woman's uterus to make sure she doesn't make the "wrong" decisions regarding her own body are perfectly okay by people like you, but God (literally) forbid that a supposedly elected by the people tries to raise the living standard of the people that it is supposed to represent.

There is a (thankfully small) group on the right, whose mantra is "less control on businesses, more control on people."


If your business cannot get by while paying its employees a fair wage, then it does not deserve to exist.

No one makes less than $16.00 an hour at my company.

But since you brought it up......I own a commercial construction company. Lately, my company, and lots of other companies like mine have been losing a lot of work to out of town companies that come in with Mexicans. The Mexicans are all illegal, so they don't even have to be paid minimum wage. Nor do the Mexicans get workers comp, health insurance, etc. Nor do the Mexicans pay any taxes because they are ILLEGAL.

But that hasn't stopped your Messiah (Barrack Obama) from bringing more of them in.

If you want Americans to make a decent wage, it would really help if the same Americans weren't competing with Illegal Aliens.

IOW, how do I compete paying a guy $20.00 an hour, paying taxes on his wage, and supplying him with workers comp, etc.; with a company that pays a Mexican $5.00 an hour and no wage burden?


New member
Replace the word "poor" in this post with "rich," then tell me what you think.

I'm serious.

I approve of the right to leave one's money to one's relatives, even if they are undeserving wretches!
The interesting thing is that the stupid rich will soon be the stupid poor.
I have been poor, really poor. My parents had a good deal of money but I would never ask them for anything.
That meant I had to make it on my own. I made foolish choices, made honest mistakes and was able to take advantage of some helping hands along the way. Didn't do drugs or drink liquor.
I had been told that if I wrote a bad check I'd go straight to jail so, guess what? I never wrote a bad check! Sometimes I went without food so that I could pay my bills. I had the good fortune to be healthy enough to carry on. I lived in a neighborhood for a time where everyone was poor. There was no attitude of entitlement in those days but, there was something else "It doesn't matter if you sock it to the man".
We are now experiencing a large segment of our society living by the principle that it doesn't matter if you "sock it to the man". In fact, our government is "socking it to the man" via taxation and the attitude of entitlement grows like a cancer in the land.


New member
Hall of Fame
I approve of the right to leave one's money to one's relatives, even if they are undeserving wretches!

This thought experiment seemed to have sent you into a tizzy...

The interesting thing is that the stupid rich will soon be the stupid poor.


Why is it you guys seem to have plenty of contempt for the poor and yet knock yourselves over defending the rich? Talk about skewed priorities.

This is the great American Scam. Casino USA. Everyone's all starry-eyed and reluctant to criticize the rich because hey! That could be you one day! Forget that the game's rigged--nobody wants to call out the house. Steinbeck was right...temporarily embarrassed soon-to-be millionaires.



Well-known member
No one makes less than $16.00 an hour at my company.

But since you brought it up......I own a commercial construction company. Lately, my company, and lots of other companies like mine have been losing a lot of work to out of town companies that come in with Mexicans. The Mexicans are all illegal, so they don't even have to be paid minimum wage. Nor do the Mexicans get workers comp, health insurance, etc. Nor do the Mexicans pay any taxes because they are ILLEGAL.

But that hasn't stopped your Messiah (Barrack Obama) from bringing more of them in.

If you want Americans to make a decent wage, it would really help if the same Americans weren't competing with Illegal Aliens.
I agree, but George Bush didn't do anything to stop it, either. And in fact, no president, republican or democrat, is going to do anything about it because the oligarchs that own them WANT THE CHEAP LABOR. And whatever they want, they get. Even those companies that don't actually use the illegal laborers reap the benefits of them being here because their low wages help lower the wages of everyone else.

Now the oligarchs want the government to supplement their absurdly low wages because their laborers can't live on them, and they can't exploit a dead laborer. And to pay for this, they want everyone but themselves, of course, to pay higher taxes. Welcome to the new oligarchy, dude, and a nation governed by greed.
IOW, how do I compete paying a guy $20.00 an hour, paying taxes on his wage, and supplying him with workers comp, etc.; with a company that pays a Mexican $5.00 an hour and no wage burden?
Well, you could turn the other guy in to the authorities. Because what he's doing is technically illegal. But you are correct in assessing the real damage of illegal labor. Unfortunately, you are wrong (if you are) assuming that even more lawlessness in business will solve the problem.
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New member
This thought experiment seemed to have sent you into a tizzy...


Why is it you guys seem to have plenty of contempt for the poor and yet knock yourselves over defending the rich? Talk about skewed priorities.

This is the great American Scam. Casino USA. Everyone's all starry-eyed and reluctant to criticize the rich because hey! That could be you one day! Forget that the game's rigged--nobody wants to call out the house. Steinbeck was right...temporarily embarrassed soon-to-be millionaires.

Take the crap covered glasses off your eyes Granite.
You revile the rich across the board.
How are you any different from the rest of us classless wannabes?


New member
Hall of Fame
Take the crap covered glasses off your eyes Granite.
You revile the rich across the board.
How are you any different from the rest of us classless wannabes?

So did Jesus. If was good enough for him it should be good enough for you. And since when was anyone on TOL characterized as "classless"?

P.S. Economically, anyway...:noid:


New member
So did Jesus. If was good enough for him it should be good enough for you. And since when was anyone on TOL characterized as "classless"?

P.S. Economically, anyway...:noid:

You are such an opinionated gasbag whilst all the while reviling other opinionated gasbags.
Non sequitur!


New member
Hall of Fame
You are such an opinionated gasbag whilst all the while reviling other opinionated gasbags.
Non sequitur!

Knocking me for "reviling the rich," as though that's some sort of insult, is ridiculous coming from a Christian. Do you have any kind of point to make? I'm serious.

The Barbarian

No one makes less than $16.00 an hour at my company.

But since you brought it up......I own a commercial construction company. Lately, my company, and lots of other companies like mine have been losing a lot of work to out of town companies that come in with Mexicans. The Mexicans are all illegal, so they don't even have to be paid minimum wage. Nor do the Mexicans get workers comp, health insurance, etc. Nor do the Mexicans pay any taxes because they are ILLEGAL.

You're wrong about that. They have to get some kind of SSAN, to which they pay taxes from which they'll never see any benefits. They have income withheld for taxes. They pay sales taxes and property taxes, either by owning a house or renting one. (if you rent, some of you rent goes for property taxes)

But that hasn't stopped your Messiah (Barrack Obama) from bringing more of them in.

Someone's really played you on that one. Not only has the number not risen, the number stopped at the border, and the number deported has risen markedly above the number during the Bush administration.

If you want Americans to make a decent wage, it would really help if the same Americans weren't competing with Illegal Aliens.

Doubtful. Alabama put in a draconian anit-immigrant law, and instead of Americans replacing them, crops rotted in the field, because growers couldn't get people to do it.

Would you like me to show you that?


New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, the myth that we're "competing" with illegals for jobs is just that. Wanna hop into a vat of chicken carcasses? Didn't think so. The Alabama experiment was an epic failure.


New member
Someone's really played you on that one. Not only has the number not risen, the number stopped at the border, and the number deported has risen markedly above the number during the Bush administration.

Maybe wholesale extermination is the only thing that would satisfy? I don't understand how people are still making that "Obama's inviting them in" claim.


New member
Yeah, the myth that we're "competing" with illegals for jobs is just that. Wanna hop into a vat of chicken carcasses? Didn't think so. The Alabama experiment was an epic failure.

I can barely handle a package of raw chicken from Market Basket. :shocked:


wait a tic

granite believes chicken is processed by having workers hop into vats of carcasses? :freak:

man, would i love to unscrew his skullcap and poke around :chuckle:


Well-known member
Alabama put in a draconian anit-immigrant law, and instead of Americans replacing them, crops rotted in the field, because growers couldn't get people to do it.

Would you like me to show you that?
It's not as simple as eliminating illegal workers. You have to actually PAY people what people think it's worth for their back-breaking labor.

We have a very upside-down idea in this country about what constitutes valuable labor. And we maintain these absurd illusions through the ongoing denigration and exploitation of the poor.

Both my parents worked in the fields in the summers as high-school kids. They were young, and strong, and could handle it. And they made enough money to make it worth their effort. But to make that kind of work worth a high-school kid's effort, now, will take more than a few bucks an hour. They aren't used to hard work, anymore, and they aren't as naive as they once were. Nevertheless, they are our kids, and they need to learn how to work hard when necessary. And we should pay them well to show them that we appreciate their efforts. And in doing so, we will increase demand for the kinds of things they spend money on, creating jobs for others.