Red Wave Rising
Jesus and the apostles went first to Israel. This reflects the order and direction of salvation history: to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles (Ac. 1:8; Rom. 1:16). After Jesus' Resurrection, the apostles are sent specifically to the Gentiles, that there might be "one flock with one Shepherd" (Jn. 10:16; 11:52).
In any case, the subject of the OP is the unbiblical Protestant notion of sola fide ("faith alone"), not your faddish and fabricated man-made ecclesiology. Try again.
Gaudium de veritate,
In fact, neither Jesus nor Paul taught anything even approaching sola fide, which is nothing more than a doctrinally novel man-made invention of 16th-century Protestantism.

Justification Sola Fide
God alone causes justification, working through the sacraments of baptism and reconciliation. The basis for justification—the grounds on account of which God justifies—are the merits of Jesus Christ. Let us now explore these elements in greater detail.