You mean how come you don't hear about the fact that they do too?
Then again, I've seen plenty of that first hand.
So perhaps you were posting from within your often self-delusion about one thing or another, once more :chuckle:
But what do I know. I mean, it's not like I never harp on the need to rightly dividing the things that differ not only in Scripture, but within all areas of life.
Here, put this in your "one size fits all" fool's pipe and smoke it some :chuckle:
By the way, the comments at the end of that article are rubbish - white gangs have never been featured much in the white dominated media.
I know some of those people are in various parts of the country - I even led one of them to the Lord just a few years ago.
I saw several others stab some guy for his gym shoes once - both sides were white.
Nevertheless, Romans 5:8 towards you intojoy - there is ever that