Executing homosexuals


like marbles on glass
One more time, this is the thread topic:

What about that don't you understand?

It's not about gay marriage. It's not about Christian photographers. It's not about the details of men having sex together. It's not about how persecuted you are. It's about executing homosexuals. So if you went to to about tother things about homosexuals, go talk about them in one of the other threads about homosexuals. aCW has a long-winded one where you're probably welcome to talk about men having sex with each other, or post pictures or whatever. This thread is about executing homosexuals.

They don't want to talk about executing homosexuals because they know it makes them look like crazed Christian Taliban.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
100-plus posts of not important. Well at least that's been established.
You read all 100 posts? Or are you just being a jerk.

When I said "not important" I meant in relationship to my job search. I have some excellent posts in other threads. In this thread I was just fending off the jackals, whose number has now increased by one (hint hint).

Well, its now 5:15 PM here in Cali, offices are closed, job search is done for the day. Time to eat some pizza. Go watch a comedy show and lighten up. I have Reba on in the other room.


They don't want to talk about executing homosexuals because they know it makes them look like crazed Christian Taliban.
There might be another reason. Many Christians profess that you can "pray away the gay". If you execute a gay person that would be illogical because they might not always be gay.


like marbles on glass
I don't have to count them. I click on your name, click "find all posts," it holds 100. It's that easy. Don't be flattered, because I'm not impressed.
You've been banned for your language, or have you forgotten? What a fine example of Catholicism you are, as you hold up your hand to "send a message."

You're not doing anything important here. At all.

Not here, that's true. My job search is important. That's why I have been online all day. But here? This is just for fun. Sorry if you don't like it. Feel free to put me on your ignore list.

100-plus posts of not important. Well at least that's been established.

You read all 100 posts? Or are you just being a jerk.

When I said "not important"

Just quoting you.


New member
Care to show us the passage in the Bible that states alcohol consumption should be a crime, or is even a sin?


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Isaiah 5:11
Woe unto those who rise early in the morning, that they may pursue strong drink, who tarry late into the night till wine inflames them!


like marbles on glass
Either they haven't thought it through yet, or they don't have the stomach to imagine it, or they're too squeamish to spell it out, or they realize how asinine this whole fantasy of theirs really is.

Back to the thread topic: they're crazed.

They're the reason this country has a separation of church and state, and if there were a lot of them they'd be scary. I'm going on the hopeful assumption they're a very tiny and impotent minority.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There might be another reason. Many Christians profess that you can "pray away the gay"............
Only an imbecile would say that you can "pray away the gay".

Look, there are treatments for gays. Now before you slam me for that and go off half cocked, I am talking about support groups, like there are for Alcoholics.

An Alcoholic will tell you "Once an alcoholic always an alcoholic." An Alcoholic who has been clean & sober for 10 years will tell you he is still an alcoholic. And we know there is no cure for it, and you can't pray it away.

Well, there are similar programs for homosexuals, support groups for those who know that its a disorder and who want to abstain. We know there is no cure for it, no treatment, but there are support groups.

The big problem is that you will never, EVER hear about the legitimate support groups in the mainstream media, nor will the media ever have on homosexuals who actually abstain and do not engage in the lifestyle. The media is 100% one sided on this issue, and that is a shame. They are 100% about saying the gay lifestyle is okay, its normal, and if you utter a peep against that then you are a homophobe who uses hate speech. The media has virtually supressed any other side, and that is a real shame.


Well-known member
Why, did I neg rep you? Ooops.
Yes, I meant to neg rep zoo. Zoo always uses the neg rep to leave snotty little jabs on my page. My bad.

As blowhards like you always do, you conveniently leave out the positive reps I leave you. I go back and forth between using the neg and the pos rep to leave you snotty jabs. Yesterday I left you a neg rep with a nasty jab, today I left you a pos rep with a snotty jab. And I'm certain I've left you more pos reps than neg. So why do you only mention the neg reps? And of course, you've never left me a positive rep, but you always return a neg rep cursing me, calling me an ***-****. And you're telling people here about their language.

Anyway, what's your plan for executing homosexuals?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As blowhards like you always do, you conveniently leave out the positive reps I leave you. I go back and forth between using the neg and the pos rep to leave you snotty jabs. Yesterday I left you a neg rep with a nasty jab, today I left you a pos rep with a snotty jab. And I'm certain I've left you more pos reps than neg. So why do you only mention the neg reps? And of course, you've never left me a positive rep, but you always return a neg rep cursing me, calling me an ***-****. And you're telling people here about their language.

Anyway, what's your plan for executing homosexuals?

He doesn't have one, along with anyone else who would even support the idea. They all know there's no chance of it happening so they just 'shout' about it and bore people with their hangups.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now my plan for executing homosexuals would run thus:

Prolonged exposure to IKEA adverts/ABBA songs/Rogers & Hammerstein musicals/Fred Phelps' haircut/The New York Times...and last but not least - the entire catalogue of aCW's "legal enforcement" career!

Now granted, these in themselves wouldn't kill, but the ensuing madness derived would lead to the desired result...


New member
Now my plan for executing homosexuals would run thus:

Prolonged exposure to IKEA adverts/ABBA songs/Rogers & Hammerstein musicals/Fred Phelps' haircut/The New York Times...and last but not least - the entire catalogue of aCW's "legal enforcement" career!

Now granted, these in themselves wouldn't kill, but the ensuing madness derived would lead to the desired result...

I love ABBA. I loved Agnetha when I was 14.