If anyone wonders why I don't regularly debate evolution, the above post is an excellent example of why.
It really is as if evolutionists just do not understand the point. What point, you ask? ANY point! It doesn't seem to matter what argument is presented, they just do not get it!
I used to think it was an act, that they did get the point of whatever argument had been presented and that responses like the one above was some sort of tactic designed to obfuscate and confuse the audience and/or their opponent. I don't think that any more. I think that, if The Barbarian is reading this, that up until I explain it, he won't have a clue what the hell I'm talking about. As he reads this sentence, he'll be confused and almost dumbfounded at what I've said up to this point and unless I spell it out, he won't have any idea what I'm getting at.
But don't think I'm intending to pick on him specifically. It's something wrong with the way evolutionists think, because they all seem to do it. Seemingly every debate I've ever seen about evolution has some point in it where the evolutionists does this sort of thing where they respond to something as if the debate is about some specific detail when its really about something much bigger and more general and where they think that if they move the discussion to even the slightest different detail, that they've avoided being damaged by the argument against them. And I mean that precisely. They think that they can avoid being crushed to powder if all they do is take the focus off of one detail and move it to another. It's gotta be some sort of mental disorder (not really - it just feels that way).
Barbarian, the argument isn't about any specific motor protein nor is it really about motor proteins at all.
watch the video! I know you already have, but watch it again and then go find similar ones on YouTube and watch those. I know that its not really possible for you to do this but try to watch them from the perspective of someone who doesn't believe in evolution and try to keep track of how many things someone from that perspective could use in an argument identical to the one made by me in this thread. I didn't have to pick legs. I didn't have to focus on motor proteins. I could have picked any of a dozen or more different molecular machines and organizational structures in just that short 9 minute video.
I picked legs to focus on for two reasons. First of all, because legs are an easy to understand idea. I don't have to explain to anyone what legs are or what they're for. Secondly, it was an item near the end of the video and I wanted to make sure that people saw most if not all of the video. It wasn't because legs are super complex and require precision, clock work like intricacies to work. Quite the contrary, in fact. And yet here you show up with the equivalent of "legs evolved from simpler legs"! Can you not see how that doesn't address the issue at all? Do you think that the gears and springs in a watch evolved from simpler gears and springs?
I mean, first of all, even the most complex kinesin molecule isn't that complex to begin with but even if it were, it doesn't matter! Take the simplest form of motor protien (Kinesin or otherwise) that you want to look at and it does exactly the same amount of damage to the theory of evolution as the ones depicted in the video I presented. Your worldview is still blown to bits. All you're doing is rejecting dynamite in favor of TNT with which to do the demolition. And if you don't like TNT then pick C4, which in this context might be the microtubuals inside the cell or the little proteins that the DNA molecule is wrapped around to make a chromosome or the chromosome itself or maybe that little machine that takes apart and then copies DNA or any number of a thousand different things in every single cell that must not only exist but function properly and contribute to the replication of itself or else the whole organism dies.