Okay, so over the last several months we've been presented basically two ideas about where legs came from...
1. Legs came from fins.
2. Pretty much everything else with legs has an exoskeleton and so had a common ancestor who probably got it's legs from some sort of worm.
I know that's way over simplifying things. I'm not attempting to insult anyone I'm just trying to be brief. If anyone wants more detail, I encourage you to read The Barbarian's posts on this thread.
I'm going to go ahead and say that there probably isn't much else out there on the issue of leg evolution. There maybe something but I suspect that if there is it's quite obscure and won't have any impact on the point of my having asked the question.
I am somewhat surprised, I have to say, by the near total lack of robustness in evolutionary thinking on this issue. I'm no scientist and I'm clearly not an evolutionist but I would have expected way better answers than these. I would have thought that with as widespread as legs are, there would have been more study put into where they came from by evolutionary biologists. It's striking how the relative lack of an explanation is perhaps as strong an argument against evolutionary theory as is what I'm about to present (again).
The following video flatly disproves evolution. It does falsify it. I'm not interested if you disagree, you don't get to disagree without proving yourself either blind or stupid. And I'm not kidding and I'm not over stating it. If the information presented in this video is true, Darwin was wrong - period. And yes, that goes for the scientist who presents the video. He obviously falls into the blind category rather than the stupid one. And that's assuming that he's actually an evolutionist. It wouldn't surprise me if he just gives Darwin some lip service to maintain his professional reputation and keep his funding coming in.
Note, while watching the video, that I chose legs to focus on in this thread but could have just as easily chosen any one of a dozen other details to focus on that the evolutionist would have had no better time at explaining that they did legs. More importantly, note that after months of asking, not one single answer gives any idea whatsoever how the legs discussed in this video could possibly have evolved. Not even the enigmatic "step by step" answer works for these legs because they either work as currently designed or the entire organism dies. There where no molecular fish with fins for these legs to evolve from. There is no evidence of some common ancestor from which the various forms of these molecular machines evolved from. There is no one with any ideas whatsoever that can explain, even on a conceptual level, how such legs could have evolved in small incremental successive steps. The legs, the feet, the fact that they walk, the molecular road they walk down, the leg's length which is sufficient to step over obstacles, the attachment for cargo, etc, etc, etc has to all be present or the whole process fails and the organism dies.
And that's not to mention the mechanisms in place that let it know that it's time to do all these things or that the cell somehow knows that it needs done at all. There are literally dozens of things in this single short video that falsify evolution and it only covers two of hundred and hundreds of functions that go on inside every living cell, all of which are equally wild in their complexity.