Darwinism is not a fact.
Evolution is just a theory.
Do we have the same animals today that there were in the distant past?
Darwinism is not a fact.
Evolution is just a theory.
What I said is correct..."Estimates are usually over 100 new slightly deleterious added to our genome each generation, of which at least 3 would actually be considered deleterious. (kondrashov 2002 says 10% might be deleterious). Each of us has a few thousand deleterious mutations."
That is your belief system.
My belief is that the geaneaologies from first Adam to Last Adam was about 4,000 years.
That is what they taught in the 60's. The so called recessive sometimes manifest themselves into lethal diseases and genetic disorders.
Then it would seem the geneticists you know must not have updated their knowledge since the 1960s. Geneticists in modern times do not believe that the rare favorable mutation can overcome the problem of genetic load.
What we observe is species going extinct on a daily basis.
In humans we observe diseases and genetic problems caused by genetic load.
Genetics helps confirm God's Word.
There is no such thing as a non-harmful mutation.
Genetic integrity is more likely with little variation.
Well, I don't think anyone is just stubborn.
Some ppl are simply misinformed and perhaps a bit insecure in their faith.
There's no reason to assume this cannot ever change !!!
No mutations are neutral (paraphrase)
Nope. "Fitness" is a useless description for a genome.
Genetic integrity is more likely with little variation.
Show us a harmful consequence of the Milano mutation.
Show us a harmful consequence of the CCR5-delta32 allele that provides resistance to HIV.
"Harmful" meaning that it does something to hurt the individual having it so as to make it less likely that the individual lives long enough to reproduce.
Let's see what you have, Stipe.
Darwinism is not a fact.
Evolution is just a theory.
Which is a useless concept. How do we measure it? This population survived, that one didn't. Wow, it must have been more able to survive."fitness" refers to survivability.
That might be true in some very local or controlled situations, but it is no counter to what I said.The more variation a population has, the more likely some individuals have suitable traits in order to cope with adverse changes in their environment or ecosystem.
I'd recommend you google "scientific theory"
:mock: Blahbarbarian.
Cheetahs have very little genetic variation.
Luckily, they are not the sum total of their kind's genome.
It's obvious: The population that produced cheetahs and other large cats had far greater integrity to its genome than just the cheetahs do.
Hence, variety = bad.
Sameness = good.
?? We have THOUSANDS of harmful mutations. Geneticist Kondradhov says " a newborn human carries about 100 NEW mutations," https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Crumbli...leterious+Mutations+on+Humans-p-9781118952115Barbarian said:Feel free to show us where anyone was found to have 100 harmful mutations, slightly, or otherwise.
Barbarian said:Since we have in the Bible, two contradictory genealogies for Christ, you're making a huge leap in assuming that they are literal histories.
The recessives do manifest themselves some times without close relative marriage. That is part of the reason VSDM's are called the population bomb by some geneticists.Barbarian said:This is why we can have all those harmful recessives and still rarely see any consequences, unless we marry close relatives.
Even back in the 80's geneticists knew better than that.Barbarian said:but natural selection cleans them out because they so often produce phenotypic change.
Twice I clarified that we were talking about populations with high mutation rate, and low reproductive rates. Do you think multicellular eukaryotes have low 'Birth' rates?Barbarian said:(quoting article)
Many multicellular eukaryotes have reasonably high per-generation mutation rates. ....
We are discussing genetics...not diet. Geneticist Crow says that "It seems clear that for the past few centuries harmful mutations have been accumulating. Why don’t we notice this? If we are like Drosophila, the decrease in viability from mutation accumulation is some 1 or 2% per generation". Crow says for the time being, although genome is deteriorating, we are perhaps keeping up with genetic load by improving environment. (Interesting that even flies have a 2% loss of viability per generation) <PNAS 97>Barbarian said:For decades, things like IQ, average life span, and human physical performance has been going up.
You don't seem to understand either topic.Barbarian said:6days said:Genetics helps confirm God's Word.
But it refutes YE creationism, which is quite a different thing.
Nope. Evolution is not a fact, it's just a theory.Three Pieces of Evidence That Prove Evolution is a Fact
(Stipe claims that "Genetic integrity is more likely with little variation.") Barbarian chuckles: Cheetahs have very little genetic variation, and they have all sorts of genetic problems; they will likely go extinct soon.(Stipe quickly changes his story) They are. Cheetah variation is so reduced that they can serve as tissue donors for each other. But they are in exactly the opposite of what you claimed. As you now see, when there is little variation, then things are very grim for a population (And here comes the switch)Stipe changes the story:So you've now realized that lots of variation is more viable than a small amount of variation. But your pride won't let you admit that you don't know what you're talking about, so you're pretending that more variation is what you meant.You just admitted the opposite, Stipe. You're not clever enough to pull of something like this.Cheetahs have "sameness." And you see where that's going for them.You just make up this stuff as you go, don't you?
Darwinism is not a fact.
Evolution is just a theory.
Nope. Evolution is not a fact, it's just a theory.
Three Pieces of Evidence That Prove Evolution is a Fact:
This is potentially a profound insight into biology and ideas that would be easily tested in the lab.